What happens to your body if you sit all day, according to the doctors

You may need to do it for work, but there will be consequences.

Between working in an office, eating meals and Netflix of the frenzy At the end of the day, we spend a lot of time sitting. Actually, recent research has shown that Americans are sedentary for an average of 9.5 hours a day. But what happens to your body if you sit all day? According to doctors, this apparently harmless habit can be rather detrimental to your health.

"Our bodies were made to move and sit all day, we can ridicule ourselves, which can increase our risk of injury when we do daily activities or hobbies," said Laura Kummerle , Pt, DPT, a Doctor of Physiotherapy certified by the Board of Directors with specialized orthopedic certification. "In addition to increasing the risk of injury, it may have a negative impact on your blood circulation, heart health , And metabolism .

Danielle Kelvas , MD, medical advisor at Speedia , recommends getting up and walking every 30 minutes at an hour to avoid these potential health risks. Read the rest to discover what could happen to your body if you don't.

Read this then: If you sleep in this position, you could hurt the spine, the experts warn .

You can undergo a stiffness.

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"Sits for long periods can cause increased pressure on certain areas of your body, such as your spine, your hips and your buttocks, which can cause discomfort, pain and stiffness," said Lalitha McSorley , owner and physiotherapist manager at Brentwood Physiotherapy Calgary .

According Dave Candy , Pt, DPT, a doctor in certified and owner physiotherapy Plus 4 life , rigidity is particularly common in hip flexors and hamstrings after sitting for long periods.

"Sits on a computer can also cause stiffness of your chest, neck and shoulders," he adds. "Muscle knots or trigger points can start developing as little as a office work."

Your heart health could take a hit.

A middle aged man having chest pains or potentially a heart attack

The heart is like any other muscle - if you do not continue to train it, it does not work as well. While standing up and walking makes your heart work harder, sitting is the opposite. So make a favor to your ticker and get up from time to time. After all, a 2022 study found that sitting for eight hours or more per day is linked to a risk of 20% higher of heart disease Or die of any cause and a risk of 49% higher of heart failure.

"When you move, it increases your body's oxygen demand," said Candy. "This means that your heart must work harder and that you circulate blood through your arteries and your tissues. As such, the displacement regularly decreases your risk of heart attack or stroke . ""

Your muscles can start to atrophy.

bored white man holding remote and watching tv
Dean Drobot / Shutterstock

When you sit down, you don't have to use your lower body muscles to hold back. As a result, these muscles can weaken over time, explains Kelvas. This is known as muscular atrophy.

McSorley notes that sitting for prolonged periods can weaken the muscles of your back, your nucleus, your hips and your legs. "This can cause muscle imbalances, where some muscles become too tight while others become weak, which can disturb natural alignment and function of your body, leading to poor posture and to potential musculoskeletal problems "She explains. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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You will burn fewer calories.

Female bare feet with weight scale in the bathroom
Rostislav_Sedlacek / Shutterstock

Thermogenesis of the activity not exercise - or net - is the energy that your body spends during daily activities. According to Kummerle, sit all the day reduced, which is neat and more precisely, the number of calories your body burns. If you do not adjust your calorie intake accordingly, this can cause weight gain over time.

In fact, a study in December 2012 revealed that Sitting for more than four hours a day Increase your risk of being overweight or obese.

Read this then: Doing this for 10 minutes twice a week increases your metabolism, say doctors .

Your back may suffer.

A senior woman sitting at a table holding her back in pain

According to Candy, sustained static positions - like sitting on a chair - are bad for your spine. "The discs of your spine do not obtain a good blood supply alone," he explains. "They get their nutrition from the vertebrae above and below them, and this happens when you move."

Sitting prolonged - in particular with a too affiliated posture - can express more pressure on the discs in the lower back, he says. Meanwhile, prolonged sitting in a too vertical posture without back support puts more pressure on the facets joints in the lower back while increasing the rigidity in your hip flexors and the muscles of the back extensors. "Neither the seated position allocated prolonged nor the prolonged right position is good," says Candy Better life.

Less traffic can cause a series of physical problems.

Older Woman with Swollen Ankles {Heart Disease Symptoms}

Sits for long periods can alter the blood flow and traffic in the lower body, explains McSorley. Indeed, your muscles are not actively engaged in the return of blood to your heart.

"This can cause blood to pool in your legs - leading to swollen ankles , increased risk of blood clots , and compromised cardiovascular health, ”she explains.

Your bone density could decrease.

young woman in jeans and a white t-shirt falling on the floor of her home
Shutterstock / 9nong

A prolonged seat can also negatively affect your bone health. This is an important consideration for those who are 65 years and over - As this is when your body begins to naturally lose the bone mass.

"Bringing activities, such as standing position and walking, help stimulate bone growth and density, but the session reduces the mechanical load on your bones," said McSorley. "Over time, this can lead to a decrease in bone density - which can increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures."

Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. If you have specific questions or concerns, always consult your health care provider directly.

Categories: Health
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