Scientists claim: hips do not lie. Discover what they say about you.

Are you wide hips?

Are you wide hips? Although throughout recent history there were times in which extreme thinness was the beauty to follow (as in the 60s and 90s), the truth is that the most voluptuous figures have been more time in the fore. And according to a study by the international scientific journal PLOS U, men are more attracted to larger hips women for an evolutionary reason: these are related to abundance, well -being and fertility. But accepting your wider hips does not depend only on what they like. What if we told you that, more importantly, your width can be indicative of greater health according to several reports? Not only the width plays a fundamental role, but also your health status will also depend on fat. If this seems incredible, keep reading to see what all this is going to in detail.

Hormones and fatty acids

A study published by scientists from the University of Oxford (England) points out that the important thing is body composition, that is, silhouette. Dr. Konstantinos Manolopoulos, a researcher at the Oxford Center for diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism and one of the study authors explains that fat around the waist and stomach is harmful, but that around the hips is good. “Having an excess of abdominal fat releases harmful fatty acids for the body, along with molecules called cytokines that cause inflammation. But fat around the hips can catch these bad fatty acids and prevent them from being housed in the liver or muscles, something that occurs causes serious problems such as insulin resistance, ”says Manolopoulos. In addition, he points out that having the largest hips makes the body release beneficial hormones that protect the arteries and also helps control blood sugar.

Smarter babies and moms

Women with larger hips tend to develop smarter babies, according to a study published by scientists from Pittsburgh University, United States. The study discovered that the development of the baby's brain depends on the supply of fats stored on the thighs and lower part of the mother, especially during breastfeeding. The scientists determined that these sources of fat directly affect the intelligence of babies, which could explain why, evolutionarily, men have preferred curvilinear women. Will Lassek, Professor and Author of the Book Why Women Need Fat (Why women need fat), he says that the fat of the thighs, hips and buttocks are high in DHA and omega-3 fatty acids, indispensable for the development of babies' brain. On the other hand, the study also indicates that large women have, themselves, higher intellectual coefficients and greater life expectancy.

The proportion matters

To complement the previous point, another study of the University of California analyzed the anthropometric characteristics and score in intelligence tests of 16,000 women, and concluded that those women with larger hips compared to their waists obtained better results. And this is the key: the proportion. Dr. Manolopoulos explained that, according to these investigations, it is more beneficial to have a body with the so -called "pear shape" than to have an "apple shape." In the latter, fat accumulates mainly in the stomach and waist, generating a non -healthy overweight and serious problems such as diabetes or heart disease. Ideally, it indicates, there is fat in the hips but not in the stomach, although this is something quite difficult to achieve, admits. California scientists point out that the ideal is that the waist is less voluminous than hips in a proportion of between 0.6 and 0.7 times. To know if you are in a good range, you must place yourself on foot; Measure your hips at its widest point and your waist at the narrowest point. Divide your waist measure between the hip measurement. The ideal result is a proportion equal to 0.9 or less.

The "artificial" changes do not serve

After seeing all this information, it is necessary to clarify an important point, especially in today. Aesthetic surgeries are the order of the day, but there is nothing wrong with you born with other types of silhouette that is not small waist and wide hips. This "pear form" has its benefits, but they are not so pronounced as to feel that it is mandatory to be part of the current beauty canon. The important thing in general is to stay active and healthy. It is of no use to change the shape of your body with operations, implants or liposuctions, because all these changes are superficial and "visual", they do not modify your genetics at all. Yes, according to several studies, women with "apple" or "inverted triangle" have a greater probability of obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease and other pathologies. But the good news is that all these pathologies are controllable and can be prevented with physical activity and good diet.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: / science / / Health
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