Brooke Shields' ex-Gassi broke all of his trophies after licking Joey on "Friends"

Shields appeared on a star episode in the series in 1996.

In 1996, Brooke Shields guest with on Friends In what has become the most watched episode in the series thanks to its post-USUPER Bol time slot. In addition to that, his performance as an obsessive fan of Joey's led Shields to get his own sitcom, Sudden Susan . But, while the episode was a success with fans and which changed life for Shields, it led to a dramatic moment involving the then shields tennis player, then Andre Agassi . The pair, which met for the first time in 1993, married in 1997 before divorcing in 1999.

In a new interview with The New Yorker ,, Shields said that Agassi was rabid And "storm" the set after watching his film a particular scene with Matt Leblanch . She also said that he had destroyed his own tennis trophies because he was so upset. Read the rest to know why.

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Shields played a tracked leaflet fan Joey.

On Friends , Shields played Erika, a fan of Joey's soap opera, Dr. Drake Ramoray. In fact, Erika believes that Joey is actually Drake Ramoray and is starting to track him down.

During a scene, Erika and Joey go to an appointment . She thinks she is a surgeon, so she begins to talk about her "miracle, magical and invigorating hands", then spectacularly licks one of them.

"In the scene, I am supposed to licked Joey's fingers, because they are the hands of a genius, and I want to devour them, and I am crazy," said Shields in the new interview with The New Yorker . "[Leblanc] was cute - he was, like," I was washed my hands and they are all clean. "I was, like" I had a mint! ""

Shields said that Agassi was upset by the scene.

Brooke Shields on
Television from Warner Bros.

Shields said that Agassi "was in the audience supporting her [she], and he stormed" after filming the hand film scene. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"He said," Everyone makes fun of me. You made a fool of me by this behavior "" said Shields The New Yorker . "I am, like" it's comedy! What is the problem with you? "" She said that Agassi returned home and "broke all his trophies. Who wins for that? It's just - not!"

Shields noted in the interview that the use by Agassi of crystal methamphetamine probably played a role in what it called its "petulating behavior". Agassi opened its doors to drugs in its 2009 memories, Open .

"I learned later that he was addicted to crystal methamphetamine at that time, so that the irrational behavior, I am sure, had something to do with that," said Shields.

The best life contacted a representative for Agassi to comment.

Agassi only revealed her drug consumption after their marriage.

Brooke Shields and Andre Agassi at the 1997 Golden Globe Awards
Featureflash photo agency / shutterstock

In his 2014 autobiography, There was a little girl , Shields wrote that Agassi left the Friends Define and return home to Las Vegas.

"Upon his arrival, he systematically broke and destroyed each trophy he had won, notably Wimbledon and the US Open, regardless of all the others," wrote Shields ( via the Los Angeles Times ).

Shields also said in the book that his ex-husband opened up to his drug consumption by phone once they got married. "He explained to me that for the first part of our relationship, he had been addicted to crystal methamphetamine," wrote the actor.

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Agassi shared his own story.

Brooke Shields and Andre Agassi at the American Comedy Awards in 1997
Featureflash photo agency / shutterstock

In his own memories, Agassi wrote that he had been presented to Crystal Meth in 1997 - a year after the Friends Episode - and that he lied when he was found in his system during a drug screening test.

"There is a moment of regret, followed by vast sadness," said the player using crystal methamphetamine for the first time ( Via CBS News ). "So comes a raz of euphoria tidalie that sweeps away all the negative thoughts in my head. I have never felt so alive, so full of hope - and I have never felt such energy."

He said People At the time of the release of the book, "I cannot speak to dependence, but many people would say that if you use something like an escape, you have a problem."

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