Find out the parenting style 'out of the box' nikita willy here!

Celebrity Nikita Willy was in the spotlight because of her out of the box parenting style. What is it like? Find out in this article!

The presence of a baby will certainly give a big change in the life of a married couple. In caring for children, many styles parenting which can be applied, in different ways according to the wishes and comfort of parents. One of the celebrities of the country, Nikita Willy, was in the spotlight because of the style parenting to his only son, Baby Izz, who is considered different or 'Out of the Box' with style parenting which has been known by Indonesian netizens. What kind of style like parenting Nikita Willy who triggered the spotlight? Read more in the article below!

1. No problem with babies playing dirty

Nikita looks at all never forbidding her son to play games that can pollute her body or clothes. Nikita Willy let Baby Izz crawl and play on the floor even though this can make her clothes dirty. Of course, before letting Baby Izz playing on the floor, Nikita already pays attention and cleaning the area to be passed and used as a play area by her child.

Nikita also seemed to let Baby Izz play on the beach with naked legs, which looked very enjoyed by Baby Izz. This is considered not a problem, because Nikita assumes that it is more important for her to always pay attention to the cleanliness of her child's body after playing dirty than forbidding her child to get pleasure in playing freely.

2. Bring Baby Izz out of the house even though it is not more than 40 days old

Maybe you still remember when Nikita Willy was the target of criticism because it brought her baby to the desert in the Joshua Tree National Park, California, United States, when Baby Izz was 40 days old. This was done by Nikita Willy because she did not believe in the myth that the baby should not be taken outside the house when it was still very small.

Nikita Willy gave birth to her first child whose full name was Issa Xander Djokosoetono in Los Angeles, California, United States. He gave birth to his only child with the help of doctor Thais Aliabadi who was indeed a subscription from Hollywood artists.

Doctor Thais Alibadi himself is a gynecologist who practices at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles since 2002. He received his medical degree with the title of Summa Cum Laude at Georgetown University School of Medicine.

It is known that doctor Thais is a gynecologist who is a subscription from a series of Hollywood top artists. Big names like Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, to Kylie Jenner have become her patients. Nikita also chose Doctor Thais because she and her husband wanted to get the best treatment in labor in her first pregnancy.

"There are some things that are considered, the first because we want to get good health facilities for children and Niki during childbirth. Second because we also know the condition of Covid is now out of control. So we want it when Nikita gives birth and the baby is born, they can get the best treatment, "said Nikita's husband, Indra Priawan, at that time.

3. Familiarize the baby to sleep d with methods Sleep Train

Sleep Train is a method that makes the child to sleep separately from parents from childhood. This was also applied by Nikita Willy to make it easier for Baby Izz to sleep soundly. He and Indra even rent services Sleep Trainer To help this process.

At first Nikita was also the same as other mothers, who let the child sleep or wake up at any time. But it turns out it makes Nikita Willy feel more tired, until finally he and her husband decide to try to use the method sleep training which will be applied for two weeks first.

"After two weeks after sleeping training, he is, the issa, already rich in her memory, oh after this I sleep, after this I read a book, after reading my book, so it's really easy Nikita. "It makes me more free, so if he is taking a nap, I can get gym, if the Issa is already sleeping, I can also walk with my friends," he continued again

4. Get used to reading story books on The child

In addition, Nikita Willy and her husband, Indra Priawan, also used to reading the story book to Baby Izz since she was a baby. Aside from being a means of communication, reading books also helps the child's development.

Reading books to babies can provide some benefits that are known to be useful for the child in the future. These benefits include teaching children about communication, this is also useful to introduce concepts such as numbers, letters, colors, and shapes in a fun way. Besides reading books are also useful for building listening skills, remembering, and adding vocabulary to the baby.

5. Applying the BLW method criticized by Indonesian netizens

When giving ASI (MPASI) food (MPASI), Nikita Willy applied the Baby LED Weaning (BLW) method. This received criticism from netizens because Baby Izz was given a chicken's thighs at the age of six months. They worry that Baby Izz will choke. It turned out that Nikita Willy had studied this method well beforehand, she admitted that she had participated in several classes related to the BLW method before applying the method to her child, so Nikita was sure to provide safe and nutritious food to her child. This BLW method is used to improve the development of the oral motor in infants.

6. Not getting used to giving gadgets

When Baby Izz ate, Nikita also did not get used to giving gadgets to her child. He wants his child to focus on food and establish communication with his family when eating together. However, occasionally Baby Izz is allowed to watch television and Nikita Willy always invites her child to play or do activities together, such as swimming, rather than giving gadgets. In addition, Nikita also teaches toilet training To Baby Izz from an early age. He taught to brush his teeth with a special brush and only bathe Baby Izz at night to prevent the child from experiencing problems with skin dryness.

Overall, style parenting Nikita Willy showed that she seemed very concerned about the baby and always tried to give his best. Nikita applies parenting that is not too tight, but still provides supervision and attention to Baby Izz. What do you think? Tell your opinion in the comments column!

Categories: Entertainment
Tags: / / / / / / / / Hollywood / Indra Priawan / / Kylie Jenner / / Nikita Willy / / / / /
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