Listeria's epidemic struck 10 states - these are the signs of listeriosis warning

People over 65 and those who have chronic conditions must be very cautious, according to doctors.

The United States lives A listeriosis epidemic , with 10 states currently affected , According to centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Although no one has died and only 10 have been hospitalized for publication, the CDC notes that "the epidemic may not be limited to states with known diseases, and the real number of sick people in this epidemic is probably more high that the number reported. "It is because some people are not tested for listeriosis and do not improve alone, write. However, in the light of this epidemic, which has people affected across the country , from California to New York, it is important to know Listeria's symptoms to watch.

If you have already been pregnant, you've probably heard of listeriosis before. A food of food caused by bacteria Listeria monocytogenes , this is the reason why people are invited to avoid eating soft cheeses and other non -pasturized dairy products during pregnancy, but anyone can contract listeriosis. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that listeriosis is "a relatively rare disease", but the "high death rate associated with this infection An important public health problem . ""

Public health officials question those who fell ill in the context of their current investigation into the problem, but "a specific food has not yet been identified as the source of this epidemic," reports the CDC.

"The most at risk of contracting listeriosis include pregnant women, newborns, adults aged 65 and over, people with a weakened immune system due to medical treatments such as chemotherapy or HIV / treatment AIDS and people with chronic diseases such as diabetes " Peter Michael , Md, Chief of view . He shared his advice on the avoidance of listeriosis, as well as signs of current and less common infection. Read the rest to find out how you could feel if you have listeriosis and how to get around the current epidemic.

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Certain foods are more likely to result in listeria intoxication.

Charcuterie board

Which can withstand a good designed deli Overflowing with Brie, Prosciutto and Melon? Unfortunately, some of these very foods are often the culprits behind an epidemic of Listeria.

"People are most likely to contract listeriosis to eat contaminated foods," said Michael Better life . "This is particularly true with foods such as non-pasteurized milk or soft cheeses, transformed meats such as hot dogs and cold meats, seafood, germs, Cantaloup and other non-pasteurized juices."

According to the CDC, the symptoms of listeriosis usually start within two weeks after eating contaminated foods, "but can start from the same day or up to 10 weeks later."

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Listeriosis can cause a fever, muscle pain, headache and a steep neck.

Older man sick on the couch with a fever

You might expect that a case of food poisoning leads to vomiting and diarrhea, but these are not the main symptoms that Michael says to monitor. If you have eaten food contaminated by Listeria monocytogenes , He says that fever, muscle ailments, headache and a steep neck are the first signs you can notice.

The CDC follows the cases of the current epidemic and advises that if you fall sick with listeriosis, "local health or state officials can contact you to find out what you ate during the previous month. They can also request copies of copies of receipts, your buyer card number, or leftover food to test."

People can also undergo confusion, loss of balance, nausea and diarrhea.


Of course, listeriosis East A disease of food origin, it is therefore logical that "in some cases, it can cause nausea and diarrhea," says Michael. However, he lists "confusion and loss of balance" before digestive distress when questioned about the most common symptoms of Listeria poisoning. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

If you have a combination of fever, painful, dizziness, cerebral fog or stomach for ailments and to think that it can be linked to the consumption of food charged with lists, contact Your health care provider right away. "Listeriosis can be treated if diagnosed early," writes WHO. "Antibiotics are used to treat serious symptoms such as meningitis. When infection occurs during pregnancy, rapid administration of antibiotics prevents infection."

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Sure food handling practices help protect against Listeria contamination.

A family washing vegetables while preparing a meal

When you are at a party or a restaurant, there is not much to do to make sure that the food you are served is without listeria. But if you eat at home, practicing Safe food management techniques is the best way to stay healthy, says Michael. "This includes washing raw fruits and vegetables before eating them, cook all meats thoroughly, separating cooked food from unsuccessful foods, avoiding non-pasturized dairy products, avoiding, and avoiding pre-prepare for sandwiches to cold meats. "

Meanwhile, if you want to play safely, it may be better to avoid soft cheeses and other foods that are more likely to transport Listeria - at least while this epidemic is active in the United States

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