6 reasons why you need a second opinion, say doctors

This can be worth the pain for peace of mind, more specialized care and alternative treatment options.

When you make major decisions concerning your health, experts say that this cannot hurt Get a second opinion . In fact, a study by the Mayo 2021 clinic revealed that this Half the risk of erroneous diagnosis . And an earlier study of the Mayo clinic revealed that one in five patients receive a different diagnosis From their second doctor - lightning to what extent diagnoses can be variable and subjective. Doctors are human beings, after all, which means that they can make mistakes from time to time , and their opinions can be influenced by unconscious prejudices.

Karla Robinson , Md, Editor To Goodrx , recount Better life that she often recommends looking for a second opinion, even if it is just for peace of mind. However, Joshua Caroters , Md, Chief doctor To VIP Starnetwork , said you should ignore a second opinion when it will delay your treatment and aggravate your condition. Ben Paxton , MD, a Certified radiologist To Vascular and interventional specialists in Prescott , also notes that obtaining a second opinion can sometimes be expensive, especially if you need to see several specialists or undergo additional radiographs and laboratory tests.

With all this in mind, read the rest for six scenarios in which doctors strongly advise to see another doctor on your diagnosis.

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Your condition does not improve.

Doctor Checking Patient's Abdomen
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Let's say that your doctor has tried several drugs, but your condition does not improve (or does not worsen!) But they have not ordered more tests or planned to explore alternative treatments. According Christopher Hollingsworth , MD, a General surgeon certified by the Board of Directors To New York Integrative Health , it may be a sign that it is time to see a different doctor.

You may have another underlying condition that exacerbates the problem, or that your doctor simply did not adequately explore the potential causes of your current problem, he explains, nothing is also worth it To obtain a second opinion if you continue to have the same problem after surgery - for example, if your doctor recommends surgery to eliminate the gallbladder to mitigate Your abdominal pain , but you continue to feel this pain after the procedure. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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You are diagnosed with a rare condition.

Doctors Researching in a Lab
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There are about 7,000 rare diseases affecting roughly 25-30 million people In the United States, and studies show that these diseases are often poorly diagnosed. A 2014 survey have found that people with rare conditions must visit an average of 7.3 doctors and wait for an average of 4.8 years after the symptoms start to obtain a precise diagnosis.

According to Robinson, obtaining a second opinion is extremely useful if you have a rare disease because these are not as well documented as more common conditions. Because your doctor rarely sees patients with these rare diseases, they may find it difficult to recognize revealing symptoms and may not be paid in which treatments are effective.

You face high -risk surgery.

Open Heart Surgery
Mad. Vertise / Shutterstock

If your doctor recommends an organ transplant, brain surgery, cardiac surgery or colorectal surgery, it is wise to obtain a second opinion, explains Paxton.

"These procedures may have serious and potentially deadly complications, and the search for several expert opinions can help you make an informed decision and choose the best possible action plan," he said Better life .

You have trouble with chronic pain.

Woman with Chronic Pain in Her Wrists
Africa Studio / Shutterstock

Diagnosis and treatment Chronic pain Can be extremely nuanced and complex, explains Paxton. For example, fibromyalgia - a chronic condition characterized by painful pain throughout the body - can be difficult to manage because it is not clear what causes them and there is No standardized treatment .

Chronic pain can have a serious impact on your quality of life. So if that hasn't improved, it's a good idea to look for a second opinion.

"It is important to explore all treatment options before engaging in long -term therapies," adds Paxton.

Your diagnosis calls a specialist.

Doctor Taking Notes
Irenaphoto / Shutterstock

All doctors can be well trained in general human health and common diseases, but certain complex and chronic or potentially fatal conditions require specialized care, explains Hollingsworth. Specialists such as cardiologists, endocrinologists, doctors of infectious diseases and gastroenterologists all have advanced education and training in a specific field of medicine. This means that they can have a stronger understanding of your condition and how to treat it as best as possible.

"For example, an emergency doctor could recommend surgery as a solution for your dislocated shoulder according to his expertise, but an orthopedist specializing in shoulder injuries could have a different perspective," added Robinson.

Note, however, that some health insurance companies will not cover your visit to a specialist unless you have a reference from your primary care doctor (PCP). If in doubt, it's a good idea to Ask your PCP For a reference.

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You don't feel comfortable with the treatment plan.

Doctor and Patient going over Treatment Plan
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Do you feel uncomfortable about your treatment plan? It is a good sign that it is time to get a second opinion, says carothers Better life .

As Robinson points out, there may also be different treatments available that your current supplier does not offer or does not know. For example, let's say that you have chronic pain but that you want to avoid taking opioids because of their very addictive nature. If your doctor offers no other Alternative options - like acupuncture, physiotherapy or electricity nerve stimulation - So you may want to see someone else.

Do not forget: your concerns are valid. Unless you need emergency treatment for a deadly condition, it may be worth waiting for a second opinion to make sure you are comfortable with the processing plan offered.

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