What happens if you do not film for a month, according to dentists

In addition, how to put your oral health on the right track.

You would never dream of going a full month without brush your teeth - But what about dental silk? According to a 2016 CDC survey , more than a third of Americans say they are never dental silk, while 37% report that dental silk, but not every day. And yet, experts say that dental silk is just as important as brushing.

"Dental silk is an essential part of a good oral hygiene routine," Jarri amini , Bds, a British dentist With more than 15 years of experience, says Better life . He says that dental silk helps to remove food debris and plate - from which they prevent dental problems - and recommends dental silk daily in addition to brushing your teeth twice a day with an electric toothbrush. Not doing it can cause dental caries and a range of other symptoms of serious oral health, he warns.

The good news? Assuming that your teeth were healthy in advance and you come back to dental silk after your hygiene break, a wireless month does not cause irreversible damage, said Jason Hui , DDS, Magd, a dentist with PARAGON dentistry in Texas. The key, he says, is to put things back on the right track before permanent changes occur due to constant plaque retention.

Read the continuation to find out what four things can happen if you do not film for a month, and why these are major red flags that it is time to return to a better routine of oral health - before it is too late.

Read this then: Never do this after brushing your teeth, warns dentists .

You can develop a bad breath.

woman holding her hands up to her mouth
Medvid.com / Shutterstock

According to Amini, one of the first problems you could encounter if you jump dental silk for a month is bad breath . "When we eat, small particles of food can be stuck to reach the areas between the teeth," he said. "After a while, it can start to stagnate. The decomposition of foods releases sulfur compounds which have an unpleasant odor. Dental silk helps dislodge food debris and prevents this from happening."

If you brush, rub, rinse regularly and rinse and always Have a bad breath, discuss your concerns with your dentist to determine if there is an underlying medical cause.

Read this then: What happens if you don't shower for a month, according to the doctors .

You may feel inflammation of the gums.

Photo of Depressed ill man having toothache and touching cheek. Mature man suffering from tooth pain, caries. Handsome gray hair male suffering from toothache, closeup. Portrait of casual 46s mature man toothache with painful expression, sitting on sofa at home,

No, dental silk can cause inflammation of the gums, also known as gingivitis. "The accumulation of plaque around your gums will ignite them," said Amini Better life . "This means that your gums become red, swollen and painful. You can also see that your gums are starting to bleed during brushing," he explains. "Fortunately, gingivitis is reversible and when you restart dental silk, your gums can become healthy again in a few weeks." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

This can cause gum disease.

A horizontal photo of a young worried woman looking at her mouth
Estradaanton / Istock

Gingivitis is considered the early stage of a more serious oral health: periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. It is known for destroying soft tissues and bones around the teeth, which can possibly cause bulk teeth or loss of teeth.

AInini says that redness, sensitivity and bleeding in the gums are all common signs of gum disease. The more you ignore these symptoms and that you launch without effective cleaning, the more you risk this inflammation damaging the underlying bone that supports your teeth.

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You can become more vulnerable to cavities.

Distressed woman sitting in a dentist's chair, holding her cheek and enduring a terrible toothache

By not having dental silk for a month, you can also become more subject to dental caries, Amini explains. "If you have sweet or tight foods, they can adhere to your teeth. Bacteria in dental plaque will decompose these substances and release acid. This acid can dissolve your dental tissues and cause decomposition. Over time, Your tooth can become a cavity and "will need a trip to the dentist to solve this problem. Although dental silk helps keep all the surfaces of your teeth clean and prevent dental caries," he explains.

AInini says that with his own patients, he underlines the power of prevention. "The more time and efforts to brush and treat your teeth, the less dental problems," he exhorts.

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