5 warnings to buyers of ex-workmen to the Amazon delivery

What really happens when your package does not happen on time.

It's no secret that Order with Amazon is one of the simplest and fastest ways to get what you need. But even if the opening of one of these brown and black packages can be a bright point in your day (it's like a gift for you whenever the doorbell sounds!), Bringing them to your door is Not always as transparent as possible. The packages are often delayed, and sometimes even broken or lost, so we wanted to obtain the spoon behind the scenes of the Amazon drivers themselves. Read the rest for five warnings from ex-workmen from delivery.

Read this then: 5 warnings to buyers of former employees .

The flight is common.

Amazon Packages on Front Porch
Jeramey Lend / Shutterstock

Amazon deliveries are left outside their delivery location. Although it is great not to have to sign for the package or to worry about being at home when delivered, this practice makes them more likely to be stolen - and this happens quite often.

"Thieves easily identify delivery vehicles and follow their brand and decide who Houses to steal packages , [No matter how intelligent you think you are or how hidden this package is, "an old delivery man, David Scott, Shared in a quora forum.

Fortunately, Amazon is good again to return the items or publish a refund, but Scott suggests a more proactive solution if you worry about taking your packages. "If [you] are concerned about the flight, do not make any packages sent to your home and leave unattended. Instead, rent a box in a mailbox service Storefront and use it as a postal address", did he declare.

Drivers may not follow your special instructions.

Phone Screen with Amazon Delivery Instructions
Tyreke Seaton via quora

List special instructions for your deliveries can go in two ways: the driver will follow them, or they will not. The best way to make them do it is to be concise and kind , an old driver named S. Elj said on quora. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

He explained that the drivers are busy delivering hundreds of packages. So some instructions will probably not be followed. If the instructions detail a frivolous request, it will probably be ignored. But if you have simple written deposit instructions in a kind way, the pilots will be more likely to read and follow them.

Drivers are forced to use a low quality GPS system.

Phone Charging in Car
Vizanty / Shutterstock

If your packages are late, the Amazon driver may not be to blame. Each driver uses the Amazon Flex application to deliver packages. If they work independently as an entrepreneur, they can download it on their own phone, but if they drive a real Amazon truck, they must use an Android phone that has the application on it - whose people are not too satisfied.

In a Tiktok video, Amazon Driver Alex Reyes Obs , who calls the phone "the rabbit", says that the battery dies extremely quickly and "the network signal disappears all the time". But the main problem seems to be the GPS, which, according to Reyes Obs, leads it on roads longer than necessary.

In addition to all the information for packages, the Flex application provides a defined delivery path that Drivers should follow , former driver KAREEM CALDWELL Explained in a quora forum.

"Sometimes the GPS on Amazon Flex will be out of wilstick and will have the ping in a different place when we are in the exact location it gave us," said Caldwell. "We must repair it ourselves or contact people at the station to repair it."

You may not get your packages exactly when Amazon says because of its losing connection of its delivery application or because of its complex reissue system.

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Drivers can call you if they cannot find your address.

Amazon Worker Delivering Package
Qualityhd / Shutterstock

"Whenever we deliver packages, we follow the route on which the GPS is crazy," said Caldwell on the forum. "What we are doing normally is sending an SMS or calling the customer if we do not find the exact address and when he does not answer, we ignore them."

The drivers want you to receive your items, so they will do their best to find your correct location. But Caldwell says that customers often list the bad delivery address in their Amazon account, which will certainly be delayed. He advised customers to check their account and ensure that all the information is up to date before buying something.

Complaining to drivers will not take you anywhere.

Amazon Customer Service Screen
Dennizn / Shutterstock

In a perfect world, all your packages would come without damage and without damage. But things happen, and generally, there is nothing that the Amazon driver can do about it. Most of them do not even report directly to Amazon, but work for a third -party delivery service provider where everything they are responsible is to scan and deliver.

"Unless we do something wrong, Don't complain about us Because it doesn't help anyone and if you have a problem, you can report it directly to Amazon, "an Amazon driver passing Gryzbowski On Tiktok said in a video. "If you have a question that is not linked to your pack what is the answer either. We simply deliver your packages."

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