Chocolates sold in Target Nationwide recalled due to health problems, the FDA warns

You may want to take note if you have the treats on the theme of the holidays.

Valentine's Day may have already passed, but there is a chance that you still appreciate some of the gifts you have exchanged with your significant other. Even if he culminates in a single day, the love and the affection he generates can still be felt each time you pass this beautiful bouquet of flowers in the kitchen or see a new jewel that you have received. But if you always make it graze treat You have recovered for your lover this year, you may want to take a moment to check your packaging. Indeed, the chocolates sold in Target stores had just recalled serious health problems. Read the rest to see why candies have a potential health risk.

Read this then: Thyroid drugs recalled, the FDA said in a new warning .

The FDA announced a recall for Valentine's Day chocolates sold at Target.

Woman eating piece of chocolate

On February 16, Food & Drug Administration (FDA) announced that Illinois Silvestri Sweets Inc. had voluntarily recalled his favorite day of milk chocolate caramel from Valentine's Day with non-children. The holidays on the theme of the holidays were distributed and sold in Target stores nationwide.

The affected items have been sold in pink and cream -colored pocket bags. The elements can be identified by checking the number of Lot 33822 and the date of the best of December 8, 2023, printed at the rear of the packaging under its UPC code.

Counts could contain a potentially dangerous ingredient for some people.

man touching his neck in pain

According to the agency's opinion, the company published the recall after having discovered that it could contain an undeclared tree nuts as an ingredient. The known food allergen - which includes chestnuts, Brazil nuts, nuts, hazelnuts, pacans, pines and cashews - could cause a "serious or deadly" reaction if someone who is allergic or sensitive to articles consumes them. The FDA says that "temporary ventilation of the business production and packaging process" may be to blame for the problem.

Trees nuts are one of the types of ingredients covered in the Security, Treatment, Education and Research on Food Safety (faster), which entered into force on January 1 This year. The new law requires that product labels declare potentially sensitive ingredients On their packaging, including crustaceans, milk, fish, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soy and sesame.

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Here is what you need to do if you have bought the recalled Valentine's Day chocolates.


Until now, the FDA says that there has been no reported disease or other medical problems related to recalled chocolates. However, the agency urges customers who bought the product to call the hotline of relations with Target customers at any time. There, they can request a full refund for the item. Customers can also contact Silverstri Sweets with questions by calling the number indicated in the agency's reminder notice.

Other recent reminders of food and drinks on potential health and safety problems have taken place.

shopper using phone at grocery store
Mini-series / Istock

Even if the last recall of chocolates could potentially affect customers from one ocean to another, it is far from being the only recent example of articles taken from the shelves due to serious concerns concerning public security. In a similar case at the end of January, the FDA announced that Snack Innocations Inc. had voluntarily recalled a few lots of his Arrogant brand The mini-rice cake mini and the drunk popcorn sold on a national scale due to "unconceived peanut residues". The agency advised customers who bought the items concerned to avoid eating them if they had an allergy or sensitivity and to contact the company to obtain information on a full refund. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Nor is it the first involvement of chocolate in a major reminder. On February 13, the agency said that Daiso California, LLC had drawn two dozen snacks sold in its stores in six states, including chocolate, crackers, cookies, teas and ramen. Products also contained not declared allergens in this case, including milk, soy, wheat and trees. This decision occurred only a few weeks after the store published a previous reminder on another dozen of its snacks on unconvolved allergens, including various popcorn flavors, cookies, potato rings and crackers.

And it’s not just food products that have dealt with recent security problems. The agency also recently announced that Pepsico Inc. had recalled the Starbucks Frappuccino Vanilla Brinks He produced for the iconic chain of cafes, Food Safety News reported. This decision was part of an in progress reminder which was initially launched on January 28, finally affecting 25,200 cases which were shipped nationally. The FDA said that the product had been drawn after the company discovered that the bottles could contain glass pieces , creating a serious risk to health for consumers.

Categories: Health
Tags: food / News / / Safety
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