Cheese against cholesterol

Can you eat cheese to defeat cholesterol or is it just a utopia?

One of the most common health problems for us Westerners is to have a high level of cholesterol in the blood, especially after periods of strong conviviality, as in the holidays just passed. Finding this type of problem can be a very dangerous condition for health since a high level of cholesterol in the blood is the cause of poor circulation, which in turn slows the metabolism, gives sensations of strong fatigue and causes intense headache, cramps, confusion and oppression to the chest. For all these sensations of malaise, the solution is often one (and always the same): a healthier lifestyle, a more balanced diet accompanied by a lot of physical activity. And guess which is one of the first foods that are often eliminated from the diet of those with high cholesterol: cheese, especially the aged one. Some studies, however, seem to demonstrate that it is not always necessary to ban it. Curious news that could make fans of this delicious food rejoice.


Cholesterol is an important fatty substance for our body. It is normally present in the blood and performs several indispensable functions: it is an integral part of the cell membranes, participates in cellular metabolism, is involved in the synthesis processes of various hormones such as cortisol.

It is so important that much of the cholesterol present in our body is self -produced by our body, while a secondary part, about 30 % of the total, is taken through food.

When it becomes a problem

As often happens, it is the too That stroppy When the levels of cholesterol in the blood become too high, this begins to settle on the walls of the blood vessels, making them thicker and more rigid. Over time, these deposits become real plates that narrow the scope of the vessels, decreasing the flow of blood. In the most serious cases, they can even completely interrupt the flow with very serious consequences, such as stroke or heart attacks.

The alarm bell

Fortunately, if the situation is not serious, it is almost impossible to realize that you have high cholesterol without a blood test. From here, however, it is possible to verify the values of total cholesterol, which must never exceed the limit value of 200 mg/dl. If the value is higher than necessary, but less than 240 mg/dl we speak of moderately high cholesterol, after which we speak of high cholesterol and we must intervene promptly.

Good and bad cholesterol

To better understand what the value of total cholesterol composes, it is necessary to know that there are two types of cholesterol, depending on the type of protein to which it binds. There is a Good cholesterol (HDL - which also has a protective function on the heart) and a bad cholesterol (LDL - the type of cholesterol that can cause obstructions). The optimal value of LDL cholesterol is around 100 mg/dl, while the HDL should be between 40 and 50 mg/dl depending on the patient's sex.

The importance of the diet

If it is important to observe a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet when you are in good health, it is even more so if the level of cholesterol (total and in particular the LDL) has not been normal from the latest checks. In this case it becomes urgent to change your diet, increase daily physical activity and return to your own weight, especially if you are overweight.

What does cheese have to do with it?

Eating cheeses, those very aged or particularly rich in saturated fats, contributes to increasing blood cholesterol levels. But there are some who, while suffering from high cholesterol, are unable to give up this delicacy. The good news is that even in low -calorie and low cholesterol diets, cheese is contemplated.

Source of vitamins

Cheeses are an excellent source of vitamins and other important components for our health. Do you want examples? They are an insured source of calcium, indispensable for the health of the bones. They are very rich in proteins which, depending on the type of cheese, may vary in quantities. Ricotta has almost 10% of it while in Parmigiano Reggiano there are quantities that are around 30%. In addition, they are a source of vitamins, especially of vitamin A, which helps to protect views and epidermis.

Zinc, phosphorus, potassium

In addition to giving us some explosions of flavor and consistencies to say the least unique, cheeses are a fantastic source of phosphorus, potassium and zinc. All elements that our body requires for the proper functioning of our skeletal and muscle system.

Can cholesterol be defeated by eating cheese?

The answer is yes, but paying attention to the quantities. You can vary in the type, fresh or seasoned cheeses, soft or hard pasta, the important thing is never overdoing the quantities.

Categories: Food and travel
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