Bruce Willis' family has just gave a heartbreaking update on his state and prognosis

The beloved actor has received a new diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia.

Almost a year after announced that he was Aphasia suffering - a cognitive condition which deprives its victims of their ability to speak and understand clearly - Bruce Willis' The family shares an important update with their fans. THE TV movies star , father of five, and sometimes musician (he still plays a nasty harmonica, as demonstrated by This Instagram coil shared by his wife Emma Heming Willis ) was diagnosed with a common form of dementia, according to a declaration signed by Emma, the former wife of Bruce Half moore , and his daughters: Rumor ,, Scout ,, Tallulah ,, My beauty , And Evelyn .

"As a family, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for the outpouring of love and compassion for Bruce in the past ten months," they wrote. "Your generosity of mind has been overwhelming, and we are extremely grateful. For your kindness, and because we know that you love Bruce as much as we were, we wanted to give you an update."

Read the rest to discover the new diagnosis of Willis, what are the symptoms and what is his prognosis.

Read this then: Bruce Willis' wife has just given a heartbreaking update on life after her diagnosis of aphasia .

Willis' family says he has now received a diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia.

Emma Heming Willis and Bruce Willis at the premiere of
Debby Wong / Shutterstock

"Since we announced the diagnosis of aphasia by Bruce in spring 2022, the state of Bruce has progressed and we now have a more specific diagnosis: frontotemporal dementia (known as FTD)", indicates the declaration of The Willis family. "Although it is painful, it is a relief to finally have a clear diagnosis."

Dementia is largely associated with Alzheimer's disease, but in fact, Alzheimer's disease is simply The most common cause Dementia, known as the Alzheimer's association, representing 60 to 80% of dementia cases. The organization explains that rather than being a disease in itself, dementia is a term that includes a range of different conditions that have an impact on cognitive function.

Among these, the FTD is more frequent in young people, according to the Mayo clinic, often hitting people Between 40 and 65 years old . (Willis is now 67 years old)

"The FTD is a cruel disease that many of us have never heard of and can strike anyone," said Willis' declaration. "For people under the age of 60, the FTD is the most common form of dementia, and because obtaining diagnosis can take years, the FTD is probably much more widespread than we know."

The evil to speak is "just a symptom" of the FTD.

Bruce Willis at the Cannes Film Festival in 2012
Pan photo agency / Shutterstock

While the previous diagnosis of Willis of Aphasia has focused on the ability to speak and understand the words of others, this new diagnosis is more important. "Unfortunately, the challenges of communication are only a symptom of the disease that Bruce is confronted," said his family. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Although his family did not offer details on Willis' difficulties, the Mayo clinic says that FTP can cause "Dramatic" personality changes, and that suffering can behave inappropriately, seem indifferent to the emotions of others, act with impulse and lose their "ability to use language correctly".

People with FTP often have multiple symptoms, which worsens over time. Other symptoms may include lack of judgment, changes in eating habits (generally overeating), compulsive behavior such as lips or applause, more and more bad hygiene , and lack of inhibition, notes the clinic.

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The FTD has no treatment or healing.

Bruce Willis at the Jazz Foundation of America benefit concert Great Night in Harlem in 2019
Radin / Shutterstock

Unfortunately, Willis' prognosis is not encouraging. Most forms of dementia do not forget , said the Alzheimer's association, and this includes FTP. And unfortunately, no effective treatment has been found to slow down the progression of the disease.

"Today, there is no treatments for the disease, a reality that we hope can change in the years to come," said the Willis family declaration. "As the state of Bruce progresses, we hope that any attention from the media can be focused on the light on this disease which requires much more conscience and research."

The Mayo Clinic also notes that in addition to having family history of dementia, there is No known risk factor For FTP.

His family says that this is how Willis would react if he could.

bruce willis and emma heming
Featureflash photo agency / shutterstock

"Bruce has always believed in the use of his voice in the world to help others and aware of important questions that are both publicly and private," wrote his family. "We know in our hearts that - if he could today - he would like to react by attracting global attention and in connection with those who are also dealing with this debilitating disease and how it affects so many people and their families . "

The actor, who has been known for a long time for his charm and his mind, "has always found joy in life - and has helped all those he knows how to do the same," said the declaration, noting that he has been significant for them "care dates back to him and all of us."

They put an end to the update by asking for "compassion, understanding and continuous respect", so that they can "help Bruce to live as fully as possible".

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