3 IRS deductions that you cannot take this year, warn the experts

You will want to keep them in mind before depositing this season.

Whether you like it or not, tax season is here. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) began to accept deposits on January 23 for any early bird. For the rest of us, the deadline is April 18, but before depositing, you will want to be aware of the changes for the 2023 tax season. Experts warn that there are some key deductions that you cannot Take this year, which could affect what your tax refund is added. Read more to discover the latest tax updates.

Read this then: Never use automatically for these 6 invoices, according to financial experts .


making clothing donation pile
Goffkein.Pro / Shutterstock

The first deduction to obtain start -up is charity donations, Andy Kalmon , CEO of Employee share plan (ESPP) Benny website, tells Better life .

During the Pandemic COVID-19, the IRS authorized a standard deduction of gross income for donations to qualified charities, without obliging taxpayers to detail the donations. The flat amount, also known as the "deduction greater than the line", was set at $ 300 per individual and $ 600 per married couple jointly. However, this is not an option on your return 2022.

Now you have to detach your donations to love them, but as Forbes notes, the majority of Americans do not Detach their donations . This means that your refund could be smaller, even if you have given clothes to a good cause.

Moving expenses

Shot of young family of three carrying moving boxes into their new home

Another deduction eliminated is linked to moving expenses - which you cannot claim even if you were to move for reasons related to employment, according to Dana Ronald , president of Tax Crite Institute . Only active members Armed forces moving due to military order are authorized to take this deduction, according to IRS.

This policy is not new this year - the deduction has not been available since 2018, Janet Patterson ,, loans and finance expert To loans on the title of the highway, says. But you will want to get used to this change, because it should not expire before December 2025, at least for the moment.

"These modifications were made within the framework of the tax on tax reductions and jobs (TCJA)," explains Patterson. "The bill [adopted in 2017] aimed to simplify the tax deposit, reduce tax rates and increase the standard deduction. However, changes to the tax code have been controversial and the availability of certain deductions could change in the future. "

Patterson adds that without this deduction, your taxable income can be higher, thus increasing your tax responsibility. "However, the effect on your overall income declaration will depend on your specific circumstances," she notes.

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woman receiving alimony payment
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The IRS also moved from alimony as a deduction under TCJA. According to the IRS website, Payment payments For divorce or separation agreements dated after December 31, 2018, cannot be deducted. This means that they are not deductible for the payer and do not count as a taxable income for the beneficiary.

As travel expenses, the experts said that this change had been made to facilitate the tax declaration process.

"The IRS has mainly eliminated these deductions to simplify the tax declaration process and reduce confusion as to the deductions that people can make their declarations," said Ronald. "The IRS also believes that the elimination of these deductions will increase compliance with the tax code and reduce the probability of errors during the tax deposit."

There is also a significant change for tax credits.

mother reading book to children
Fizkes / Shutterstock

Not as many modifications have been made to deductions for the 2022 taxation year, but there are some updates to tax credits , which deserve to be mentioned. The credits differ from deductions: according to the IRS, the deductions reduce your taxable income before calculating what you need, while the credits reduce the amount of the taxes you need or increase your refund. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

This year, the IRS has reduced the care tax credit to dependent on $ 8,000 to $ 2,100, Spencer Reese , CEO of Military money manual , recount Better life . This complies with the maximum quantity before the pandemic.

"The increase in tax credit came from the American Rescue Plan Act," he said, citing law 2021, also known as COVVI-19 recovery package. "But now that we are out of the pandemic and in a labor economy, there is no need. So IRS has reduced credit to pre-pale amounts."

THE Children's tax credit (CTC) is also smaller, according to the IRS, now at a maximum of $ 2,000 for each child. For 2021, the amount of the credit for those under six was $ 3,600 and for those under 18, it was $ 3,000.

Finally, the income tax credit won (EITC) obtains a makeover, after being extended in 2021 to help the Americans at low income who have no children. This year, the Maximum credit amount For those who have no children, it's $ 560, against $ 1,502 for 2021.

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