A new study says that you may not need a colonoscopy every 10 years, but that all doctors do not agree

A particular group is at a lower risk, but screening is still essential, according to experts.

Each year, around 150,000 Americans are diagnosed colorectal cancer . Although the statistic can be austere, it also marks A significant decrease in global cases Since the 1980s, thanks in large part to the widespread adoption of colonoscopy and other screening tools.

Colonoscopies can help prevent colorectal cancer by detect it in its precancerous stadium , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains. "Colorectal cancer almost always develops from precancerous polyps (abnormal growth) in the colon or rectum. Screen tests can find precancerous polyps, so that they can be removed before they turn into cancer "Note the health authority.

But how often should you get a colonoscopy? Although a new study indicates that selected groups may not need to undergo the procedure every 10 years, not all doctors agree. Read the continuation to find out why colonoscopies are still as important, according to two high -level experts in the field.

Read this then: Men who eat this represent 29% a higher risk of colorectal cancer, discover a new study .

Two -thirds of people who need colonoscopies are up to date on screening.

doctor consulting elderly patient
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Since the mid -1990s, doctors have recommended that adults over 50 have been undergoing regular colonoscopies to detect colon cancer, polyps and other anomalies. Today, centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) recommends to everyone Between 45 and 75 years old Should undergo colorectal cancer screening, which may include stool tests, flexible sigmoidoscopy and CT colonography.

Although many of these tests are administered every five years, most doctors say that colonoscopies should be carried out every 10 years. However, according to a 2018 study published in the journal Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention , only 67% of Americans over 50 were considered up to date with screening .

Read this then: The "controversial" way that Ben Stiller learned that he had cancer .

A new study indicates that you may not need colonoscopy every 10 years.

over 40

Although current guidelines say you should provide for a colonoscopy every 10 years, a January 2023 study published in Internal medicine Jama suggests that some people who have had negative colonoscopy results in the past may be able to extend the time between screening . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In particular, after examining the data of 120,098 German subjects, the authors of the study noted that Advanced neoplasms were at least 40% less likely to be discovered in women than in men. They also found that the prevalence was particularly low in people under the age of 75 who had received negative colonoscopy results in the previous 10 years. This led the research team to conclude that "women at a younger screening age without discovery at the colonoscopy of the index could possibly be examined at prolonged intervals or, alternately, be offered less invasive methods, such as that stool tests, while maintaining the interval at 10 years for men and women at older age. ""

However, not all doctors agree.

doctor consulting patient on phone
Elnur / Shutterstock

Despite the results of the study, some doctors say that it would be premature to make changes in practice and urges older adults to continue to obtain colonoscopies every 10 years.

"The most important information of this great study outside Germany is the effectiveness of a repeated colonoscopy 10 years after the previous one which has shown neither cancer nor polyps", explains Xavier Llor , MD, PHD, medical director of the colorectal cancer prevention program at Yale medical school . "These patients remained at a relatively lower risk of advanced polyps and cancer in 10 years. In this sense, this confirms the current directives approved," he explains Better life .

Some experts argue for even earlier and more frequent screening.

doctor talking and explaining test result and diagnosis to demoralized elderly patient in hospital hallway

In fact, more frequent screening could be largely beneficial, says Gary H. Hoffman MD, FACS, a participating surgeon and chief of staff of Cedars Sinai Medical Center. "A colon exam of a certain type must be carried out every five years", the doctor, who is also main associated with Colon of Los Angeles and rectal surgical associates , recount Better life . "Virtual colonoscopy (computed tomography) and barium enema (an x -ray) are two types of colon exams and are recommended to be carried out every five years."

This type of frequent screening is already considered current in people who have family history of colorectal cancer or colorectal polyps, as well as those with personal history of certain health conditions. These include inflammatory intestine disease such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, genetically hereditary syndrome polypose family adénomatous and Lynch syndrome.

However, Hoffman believes that colonoscopies are underused in individuals at lower risk. "Although a colonoscopy is" recommended "every 10 years, it ignores the basic polyp and tumor biology and a colonoscopy, like the other exams, should be carried out every five years," he said. "The rate of colon cancer has decreased due to our aggressive screening methods. As we say in the industry:" The best way to cure colorectal cancer is to prevent colorectal cancer. ""

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