The first things that guests notice in your bathroom, say the experts

Leave your visitors with a good impression (and a clean towel to dry your hand).

Our bathrooms can be the Most important spaces In our house: we literally cannot live without them. They are so familiar that we may not think of what customers accelerate when they enter the bath. Beyond the bases to keep the bathroom clean and without germ, what is held to someone who sees space with fresh eyes? The answers could surprise you. In advance, experts in the interior tell us the first things that guests notice in your bathroom.

Read this then: The first things that guests notice when they come to your home, say the experts .


white bathroom, interior design mistakes
Shutterstock / Maker

A detail that you may not notice - but your guests will do it - is how space is on. Decorative sconces with the embedded lighting of the atmosphere, it sets the general tone of the room.

"Light plays a big role in the way guests perceive the house: is it dark and dreary or is it airy and light, giving it a welcoming feeling that makes you want to stay a while?" Remarks Yasmine El Sanyoura, house designer On the Real Estate Opendoor site.

"If natural light is an option for you, make sure that the curtains and the nuances are in place during daytime visits to make the space hot and welcoming (until the guest chooses to change this for Reasons for confidentiality, of course), "adds El Sanyoura. "If natural light is more difficult to find in your space, consider lighting solutions such as damage and bulbs with hot tones so that you can give a tone that is shiny and happy and leaves a positive impression."

The smell.

close up of candle in glass container burning with two candles behind it
Enjoy life / dropout objects

It is, after all, a bathroom. And it's up to you to decide that it smells of a bottle of bleach or a quiet spa. But we can probably all agree that you do not want your guests to remember all the cleaning products you have just used and where you have used them. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Add a diffuser, a candle or something like a Pura air sanitation to make sure that the perfume is welcoming, especially after a cleaning session with a high intensity of the odor," advises El Sanyoura.

Jen Stark , founder of Good DIY , specifically recommends a bamboo candle or chilled to citrus fruits to give the room a clean and refreshing perfume.

Counter clutter.

soap dispenser toothbrush holder and towels in bathroom
S_Photo / Shutterstock

OUT-OF-SIGHT-OUT OF MOUND is a concept that applies definitively to the bathroom. Do you really want your guests to see your razor lying next to your toothbrush alongside your night guard? Not only that, but even if your bathroom is clean, but the size can do it not do it.

"Does the bathroom vanity counter overflow with hair and cotton balls?" asked Christy Biberich , founder and CEO of Christy B. Home . "If customers frequently use your main bathroom when they visit, then invest in good organizational containers to keep the football out is essential. The items that are used every day, such as makeup brushes or cottons -Tiges, can be stored on the counter, but attracting display ships that make them feel like part of the design of the room. "

Read this then: The 5 worst things you do on your toilet, according to the plumbers .

Decorative details.

Bathroom Sink Dirtiest Things in Your Home

Customers will also notice the small details. This includes additions like fresh flowers, interesting mirrors and matching towels that can bring the bathroom to life and make it more welcoming and elegant.

"The bathroom is an ideal place to experiment with home accessories, and a guest will notice if the space has certain presentations," explains El Sanyoura. "Whether it is framed art, dried flowers, false or real in a declaration vase, or a tray with folded hand towels or an assortment of perfumes and sprays of room, a design consistent with memorable decoration items will go far. "

Stark adds that small details such as illustrations or plants can set the tone for the whole room. "The guests note that the tiles are arranged in a creative model and when there is a global feeling of harmony between the different elements."

The whole atmosphere.

bathroom with freestanding tub and green subway tile, bathroom accessories
Shutterstock / Monkey corporate images

Speaking of the tone of the whole room, it is something that Magda Rauscher , director at My modern dom Interiors, said, will leave a lasting impression on your guests. "Is it dark and gloomy with darker walls and deep and rich finishes? Spa, with stone tiles and airy sensation? Fun and fun with interesting tiles and creative lighting?"

Rauscher says that when she works with customers, this is the first thing she asks them - how they want to feel using the bathroom. "From there, I select tiles that will help provide a base for the bathroom and add lighting that will highlight the design of the tiles," she said. "Finally, the lights, which I consider the jewelry from the whole room, this additional touch that will make the room very special."


person wearing gloves cleaning bathroom sink
Shutterstock / Brian A Jackson

Who does not notice a dirty bathroom? Surprisingly, the owner of the room cannot, because it is something you see every day and you become almost immune.

And the biggest place you might miss is the toilet. "The guests will notice if your toilets have dirty spots in it or if the seat of the toilet is strewn with dust and black hair wicks to gag," said Hannah Sanderson , CEO and founder of the product revision site Smart Canadian . "This kind of thing can happen in the bathrooms that have been overlooked for a week or two."

El Sanyoura recommends paying attention to the smallest details that you may not think so much. "Are hand towels and bath mats dirty and humid?" Have guests. The other areas to be considered as cleaning include lighting switches, floors, shower doors and door handles. ""

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