A new study says that your glass of night wine may not be good for you after all
Here is what we were wrong about alcohol consumption in moderation.

If your evening routine includes a glass of night wine, it may be time to think about your last drink twice. Increasingly, research now suggests that any amount of alcohol consumption can harm your health, causing an increased incidence of cancer, heart disease, etc.
Although the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption Are well known, some studies now highlight the dangers of even moderate alcohol consumption. Read more to find out why even a glass of wine could actually be a serious danger to health.
Read this then: Drinking this popular drink can cause liver disease - and no, it's not alcohol .
Drinking any amount of alcohol can harm your health, suggest new research.

While researchers are more closely examining the health effects of our alcohol consumption habits, many seem alarm on its potential dangers. In fact, a study of November 2022 concluded that 140,000 deaths are attributable to excessive alcohol consumption each year. While some of these deaths were due to car accidents caused by alcohol and other acute incidents, 60% were caused by chronic health problems such as cancer, heart disease , liver disease, and more.
Experts say alcohol can trigger these serious health problems by damaging DNA and causing oxidative stress, which prevents our cells from healing. In the end, the balance sheet is high: the study authors wrote that "one in eight deaths in adults aged 20 to 64 was attributable to excessive alcohol consumption".
Read this then: The real reason why Kelly Ripa has stopped drinking alcohol .
Here's how alcohol compares to tobacco consumption.

A 2019 study analyzed the Risk of absolute cancer Associated with smoking cigarettes compared to those associated with the consumption of a single bottle of wine per week. The team behind the study revealed that the consumption of a weekly wine bottle is linked to a risk of an increased absolute life cancer for non-smokers of 1.0% in men and 1.4% in the women. In other words, the increase in the risk of absolute cancer for those who drink a bottle of wine per week were equal to smoking five cigarettes per week for men and ten cigarettes per week for women. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
Of course, if you drink more than the equivalent of a 750 ml wine bottle per week, your risk can increase considerably. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that women Limit their alcohol consumption At a portion more than one portion of alcohol per day, and that men do not drink more than two portions of alcohol per day on days when they drink.
Experts question the supposed benefits of wine.

Since the 1970s, the practice of drinking wine in moderation has appreciated the reputation for being healthy . However, some scientists now say that the Association between wine and heart health is a correlation, not causality. According to Mariann piano , PhD, RN, FAAN, professor of nursing at Vanderbilt University who recently spoke with The New York Times On the subject, those who moderately drink red wine are simply more likely to have other good cardiac health habits, such as eating well and exercising.
Alcohol itself seems to provide no additional protection and undermines the advantages of these other health habits, according to new research. In effect The New York Times reports.
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Drinking less can offer additional advantages, even if you don't leave completely.

As research happens, it seems to suggest that from the health point of view, the optimal number of weekly drinks is zero. However, if the thought of Stop drinking This seems completely too intimidating, the reduction can also offer additional advantages (and can be a more sustainable change for some people).
According to Harvard Health Publishing , there are many simple steps that you can take to Reduce your overall alcohol consumption . These include set drinking goals, keep track of your triggers, avoid alcohol at home, choose alcohol -free days, drink slowly, etc.
If you think you can suffer from alcohol or dependence consumption disorders, the search for professional aid can be a crucial step in your recovery. You can reach the Administration of drug addiction services and mental health (Samhsa) National hidepline at 1-800-662-4357 to obtain help.

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