Bank of America slammed after the money suddenly disappears from the accounts

The problem was linked to Zelle transactions that disappeared.

We usually trust our bank or Financial institution To keep our money hard earning safe. With technology, the bank feels even simpler and more secure, as you can monitor your sales, deposit checks and transfer funds directly from your phone or computer. But if you worry about the safety of your money when you use banking or online transfer services, you may not want to hear about the recent experiences of certain customers of Bank of America, who woke up with a surprise Particularly unpleasant on Wednesday - silver missing. Read the rest to know why the funds have disappeared and how Bank of America and the Zelle transfer service responded.

Read this then: Lowe's is under fire from buyers who say they are due to reimbursements for defective products .

Bank of America's customers said Zelle payments had disappeared.

woman looking shocked at computer
Fizkes / Shutterstock

On the morning of January 18, Bank of America's customers connected to their accounts and were shocked to find that their Zelle payments were not there or had disappeared entirely. Consequently, some customers found themselves with a minimum of funds and other were uncovered , them New York Daily News reported. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Customers could not go to the customer service of Bank of America, many of whom then heading to Twitter to file their complaints. "So, I woke up to find Hella Zelle deposits missing in my Bank of America account", reads a Tweet of January 18 of @GinaCorda. "When I Called customer service They said "due to extenuating circumstances, we cannot take your call" and the phone hung up. ""

Some customers lacked thousands of dollars - and some did not even know until their debit cards were refused, including a person who said they couldn't even buy milk . "Bank of America IM disappointed," wrote the user @Therealketuraah. "Where is my money . Because I miss all my Zelle payments. ""

The problem has been resolved, but none of the companies assume full responsibility.

zelle app on phone
Diego Thomazini / Shutterstock

Peak in Breakdown reports For Bank of America and Zelle were reported yesterday morning on the website, by Time . But while the situation was still settled, Zelle pointed out on Bank of America, saying to New York Daily news That Zelle transactions outside of Bank of America have not been affected.

On Twitter, the Zelle support said they were aware of the problem , noting that the Zelle application and the network were operational. The assistance account has recommended customers to contact the Bank of America's customer support team instead. Bank of America, however, blamed one " PEPIN TECHNICAL "At the end of Zelle," reported ABC News.

Yesterday afternoon, Bank of America said Time that the problem was solved and they confirmed that the money would have returned. Customers received an opinion when connecting online banking services, which said that Zelle payments made between January 14 and 17 have been delayed In contrast to missing , by WTSP affiliated with CBS.

"Transfers will be completed and will appear in the activity and balance of your account as soon as possible," said the opinion. "We apologize for any drawback."

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Zelle is firm.

bank of america branch
Hrach Hovhannisyan / Shutterstock

The next day, Zelle sticks to her story, declaring that society was not at fault.

"We understand that a financial institution of Zelle Network may have experienced problems of treatment of some of the Zelle transactions of their customers, which has now been resolved," said a spokesperson Better life January 19. "This question is not the result of problems with the Zelle network."

Better life contacted Bank of America, but the company had no immediate declaration on the issue.

Zelle and Bank of America have obtained strong criticism.

someone logging onto twitter app

The technical problem can be solved, but there are still no unresolved questions. In addition to outcry on social networks, the senator Elizabeth Warren - A long -standing critic of these money transfers - called both parties on Twitter.

"Bank of America and Zelle fail again to customers, with money in a way go from accounts "She tweeted on January 18, before Bank of America, announced that the problem was addressed." This should be corrected immediately and that customers should be compensated. I called serious problems of fraud on Zelle, and that is their last failure. ""

Zelle quickly transfers money directly from one bank account to another, eliminating the costs and waiting times associated with the transitions from the credit card. But the company has faced its fair share of criticism from government representatives due to fraud problems and its lack of payment protections, Time reported. If something is wrong, Zelle has nothing in place to protect customer transactions.

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