Suzanne Somers says hormone therapy is the secret to "stay ageless", but not all doctors agree
The actor is frank on his use of treatment. These doctors say it's dangerous.

Menopause brings big changes For many women, thanks to hormonal fluctuations. "" Hormone levels vary considerably During this transition period, and women can experience a range of unpleasant symptoms, such as hot flashes and sleep problems, "explains the National Institute on Aging (NIA)." This transition is a major event in the forties in the lives of women, generally starting between ages 45 and 55 and lasts about seven years. ""
To counter the Effects of menopause , some women turn to Bio-identical hormones - caused and vegetable hormones designed to imitate the natural hormones of your body. According to the Cleveland Clinic, some people with "weak or unbalanced hormone symptoms" can benefit from taking these hormones, or more traditional hormone therapy (HT). However, they note that it is important to carefully weigh the risks and advantages of such treatment with your doctors.
Actor and author Suzanne Somers said she personally benefited from taking bio-identical hormones during menopause, going so far as to call them " secret to stay without age "However, not all doctors approve of treatment - and some even warn that it can cause serious side effects.
Read the rest to know why two doctors take a stand against this particular health trend, which they think can do more harm than good.
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Somers claims that bio-identical hormones are the key to "staying ageless".

In a 2009 issue of The Women's Health Activist Newsletter, published by the National Women's Health Network (NWHN), two doctors postponed on the claims of Somers That bio-identical hormones can help menopausal women stay healthy and "age without".
"Certainly, we all want to stay healthy as long as possible," Charlea T. Massion , MD, doctor in Santa Cruz, California and Adriane Fugh-Berman , MD, a former chairman of the Board of Directors of Nwhn, wrote in the newsletter. "Many practices contribute to healthy aging, including exercise , do not smoke and avoid a high consumption of alcohol. Pleasant activities also help, such as socializing, sleeping enough, relaxing and having fun. But, alas, there is no magic pill (or cream) and the promotion of hormonal drugs by Ms. Somers harms the health of women. The truth is that post-menopausal use of hormones has well-known dangers. ""
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The hormone will not extend longevity, according to doctors.

Somers wrote several books on the subject of anti-aging, regularly praising the advantages of hormone therapy. In an interview of 2009 with The Baltimore sun , the actor said these hormones were actually a Longevity key .
"Our bodies did not intend to live beyond our years of reproduction. Women died regularly at 40 or 45, and now they live at 90 or 100," she told The Outlet . “We understood with technology how to keep it alive twice as long as the body wants to be. When we remain our body at these optimal hormonal levels to which we reproduce, we keep our bowels in good health because our brains are deceived in reflection we can still reproduce and keep us alive to perpetuate the species. ""
Massion and Fugh-Berman described these statements as "simply false", adding that "hormones are more likely to shorten your life, not to lengthen it". Doctors continued: "Life expectancy is calculated on average; if half of the population dies at 100 years and half dies before the age of 1 mainly due to the high levels of infant mortality and women who die in Childbirth. In the past, women who have survived both young and childbirth had an excellent chance of reaching mature old age. "
Hormonotherapy can cause side effects and increase your risk of certain diseases.

Although some medical suppliers consider bio-identical hormone therapy as a safer alternative to traditional hormone therapy, Cleveland Clinic stresses that there have been no major research studies on bio-identical hormones to show them proofs. ""
The known side effects of bio-identical hormones include weight gain, bloating, blurred vision, increase in facial hair, headache, cramps, mood swings, etc., says the health authority. Treatment can be particularly dangerous for women with personal or family history of blood disorders, heart disease, breast cancer or stroke.
"Alarming, Somers thinks that these hormones are safe, despite the fact that she has developed breast cancer while taking them," wrote Massion and Fugh-Berman in the newsletter, attacking possible side effects. "After continuing to take hormones against the advice of her doctor, she has developed endometrial hyperplasia (abnormal uterine cell growth which is a risk factor for cancer). Breast cancer and endometrial hyperplasia are known risks HT ", underline the doctors.
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Here is what doctors recommend.

Although the two doctors continue to advise hormone therapy for all patients, they urge that menopause is cautious when exploring hormonal treatments. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"Hormonal use of all kinds, bio-identical or not, should only be used for relief of symptoms (severe heat puffs and / or annoying vaginal drought) and only at the lowest doses for the shortest possible delays . If you take hormones after menopause, do not take progestations every day (a popular diet). You can take two weeks of progesterone every three months; which will protect you from the risk of endometrial cancer estrogen and will reduce your exposure to progestations. If you treat vaginal dryness, use a vaginal preparation - an estrogen cream or an estrogen ring - to reduce your total exposure to estrogens, "they explain.
Talk to your doctor to find out more about the full range of risks and advantages associated with hormone therapy of hormones and bio-identical hormones.