Madonna accused Lady Gaga of the "heartbreaking"

The two stars have been exchanging words in the press for years.

Each influential artist opens the way to those who come to them, and no one can claim only with more confidence than Madonna . Not only does she have the world record Guinness to be the Successful female artist From all time, but she also had an indelible impact on pop culture with her performances, clips, style and generally being Madonna. Since the material girl has been in the company for decades, it is not surprising only when Lady Gaga entered the scene with her own successes and her provocative public character, she was instantly compared to the OG. What is a surprise is that the two powers have in fact discreet for years, including Madonna saying that Gaga "tore in a blatant way" one of his particular songs. Read the rest to find out more about their beef, from the times when they tried to play at times that they subtly called.

Read this then: Michael Jackson said Prince was "mean and nasty" for him .

A success by Lady Gaga 2011 made comparisons with a Madonna classic.

Lady Gaga performing in 2011
Brian Friedman / Shutterstock

It didn't take long since Lady Gaga struck the scene so that comparisons with Madonna start. However, the conversation warmed in 2011 when the first released His single "Born This Way" - One that some listeners thought they had a lot in common with Madonna's single in 1989, "Express Yourself". Mash-ups of the two tracks appeared online and the merits of each song were debated. Rolling stone even went to Pit the Singles Pop One against each other, determine that "born in this way" is "actually much better".

Lady Gaga responded to a backlash during a Tonight show appearing that year, saying that she had received an email from Madonna giving him a blessing to "born in this way", according to The Hollywood Reporter . Thanks to a representative, however, Madonna denied having sent such communication.

Madonna shaded Lady Gaga in a 20/20 Interview.

Madonna in 2012

The silent quarrel ended, until 2012, when Madonna appeared on 20/20 And addressed the similarities of the songs more directly.

Asked if she felt that Lady Gaga was lowering her catalog, the singer "like a prayer" said: "I certainly think that she makes me a lot in her work. And sometimes I think it's funny And flattering and well done. "

As for "Born This Way", commented Madonna, "when I heard her on the radio ... I said that it seems very familiar."

She also said that the single of Lady Gaga "felt reducing", although she made sure to praise the other woman as "a very talented artist".

She denied that her problems with Gaga went further than a song.

Lady Gaga in 2015
Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

Madonna addressed the perceptions of a Rivalry with Lady Gaga In a 2015 interview with Rolling stone .

"The only time I criticized Lady Gaga, it was when I felt like she was blazing one of my songs. It has nothing to do with" She takes my crown "or `` She is in a space of me '', said the star. "She has her thing. I think she is a very talented singer and composer. It was just this problem."

But the same year, Gaga insinuated that she was a more accomplished and rounded artist than the queen of pop. "Madonna and I are very different. Say just:" We are very different "," she said in a Beats 1 radio interview, As indicated by Page Six . "I wouldn't do this comparison at all and I don't want to disrespect Madonna, she's a nice lady, and she has had a great fantastic career, the biggest pop star of all time. But I play a lot of instruments. I write all my own music. I spend hours a day in the studio. I am a producer. I am a writer. What I do is different. " AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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Lady Gaga criticized Madonna so as not to have come to her directly.

Lady Gaga in 2017
Trina Stewart / Shutterstock

Star Younger has once again talked about tension in its 2017 documentary, Gaga: Five feet two.

"So the thing with as Me and Madonna , for example, it is that I always admired her, and I always admire her, no matter what she might think of me, "she said of a friend of the film, as Insider." The only thing that really bothers me about it is that I am Italian and New York, you know. So, as if I have a problem with someone I am going to [explain] tell you about your face. But, no matter what respect I have for her as a interpreter, I could never wrap my head because she wouldn't look at me in the eyes and would tell me that I was a reductive or something else. ""

She says: "I saw her on the [Expletive] television. To tell me that you think that I am a song [explained] through the media, it's like a guy who exceeds a note by her friend. My my friend. My friend. My friend. My friend. buddy thinks you are hot. "

They seem to be more sympathetic now.

Madonna and Lady Gaga at a 2019 Oscars afterparty
© JR / Instagram

Fortunately, the beef seems to have been settled. Gaga spent a big evening at the 2019 Oscars, winning the best original song for "Shallow" and being nominated for the best actress for her performance in A star is born . After the ceremony, she struck an after -party organized by her former Madonna rival, and Both have grown in the embrace .

Talk to British Vogue A few months later, Madonna said that the conflict between the two was mainly manufactured by the press. "People have been very excited by [the idea of Lady Gaga and myself as an enemis, when we have never been enemies," she said.

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