Jenna Bush Hager says that Barbara Bush's body ashamed her in adolescence

The grandmother’s grandmother made a comment that has stuck her for years.

The judgments you hear in your youth can continue to have an impact on adulthood. On a recent episode of Today with Hoda and Jenna ,, Jenna Bush Hager open such a remark. Her grandmother, former first lady Barbara Bush , said something to her when she was a teenager who had a lasting effect. The host of the morning show recalled that the bush had made a comment on his body which refused Hager to wear a bikini again for years.

Hager said that she "loved" her grandmother, who died in 2018, and that Bush then apologized for the hurtful remark. Read on to find out more

Read this then: Baywatch Star slams critics who say that she is "too old" for Bikini's photos .

Bush body shame a haager teenager when she wore a bikini.

On the January 6 episode of Today , Hager co-hosts and HODA KOTB discussed a recent interview singer Billie Eilish gave Vogue in which she spoke of learning to be comfortable with her body. Kotb said that many people have complicated relationships with their bodies, then Hager shared his own story .

"It's so interesting, because I even feel like little things that have been said," started Hager. "I mean, I remember being a teenager. I remember the color of the bikini that I was wearing. A yellow bikini color. I was next to my sister. And my grandmother - that I loved , but I had a sort of biting personality - something like: "Oh, Jenna, the chubby look." And I remember having the impression of wanting to hide. "

This made her aware for years.

Jenna Bush Hager at the 2017 Golden Globes
FEATUREFLASH Photo Agency / Shutterstock

Bush's comment had a lasting impact on his granddaughter.

"I did not wear a bikini for years," said Hager, explaining that "last year, after having three children, three cesareans", she wore one again. The host said she was inspired by Kotb, who had herself arrived in a place where she was comfortable with her body.

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Bush later explained to Hager why she said what she had done.

Barbara Bush, sisters Jenna and Barbara Bush, and Jenna Welch at the 2000 Republican National Convention
Photo / Liaison of swimming pool via getty images

Hager said that her grandmother had recognized why she thought it was acceptable to give an unsolicited opinion on the body of her granddaughter.

"She said later that her mother told her that kind of thing," said Hager. "Her mother has always thought of her sister as the very beautiful and would say." Martha The pretty, you are funny, you are intelligent. Martha is this one, you are this one. ""

She continued: "Late in life, she said," You know, when I told you these things, I was talking to myself. "" Kotb said it was "deep" that Bush really recognized this.

Hager has struggled with his body image since childhood.

Sisters Jenna and Barbara Bush at the Hudson River Park Friends Playground Committee Luncheon in 2019
Images Jamie McCarthy / Getty for the Hudson River Park Friends Playground Committee

Hager spoke of His relationship with his body during Today Show episode in 2019. She shared with co-host Meredith Vieira That when she was in the first year, she wrote in her newspaper that her New Year's resolution had to lose weight. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"I opened my first year newspaper, so I must have been seven or eight years old. I could barely write, I certainly couldn't spell, and my New Year resolution was to lose four pounds. And I have in Made the seven and wrote four, "said Hager.

His twin sister, also named Barbara Bush , he was the one who read the newspaper first. "Barbara read it actually," said Hager. "And then cried for her twin little sister - or a larger twin sister. And then decided not to show me because she didn't want it to break my heart, then I found it."

Hager, who has two daughters and a son, spoke of wanting to protect his children from the same insecurity. "I see my perfect little girls right now," she said. "And they look at each other in the mirror and they are so proud, and I say to myself:" How can I leave that? How can it stay? " I do not know the answer. "

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