6 texts you should never send your partner during an argument, say the experts

Take a minute before sending something that you will regret later.

We all said things we didn't want to say to our loved ones before. But these days, thanks to our phones, these salt statements can be frozen in time as a text reminder of past errors. Studies have in fact shown that SMS can be useful way of working through a disagreement , but it was after the two parties took the time to cool off and really formulate what they want to say. Having a real argument via text is a whole different story. If you are in a spit on the text, it is important to really think about how the person at the other end will feel before answering. Read the rest to see the six experts in relation texts say that you should never send your partner in the heat of the moment.

Read this then: 8 "small but toxic" things to stop telling your partner, according to the therapists .

"You are crazy"

woman in a pink blazer texting on her phone.
Wove Love / Shutterstock

Let's eliminate this: this is not something you should tell anyone, sms or not. But for any reason, it may seem that we have all been at the other end of an aggressive text like this.

"Sending a text to your partner that he is crazy during a stormy argument is inappropriate and disabled, especially if they have mental difficulties," said Chris full , an expert in relation to Datingscout . "Life sometimes becomes overwhelming, but hearing these words from another significant, especially during a breakdown or combat, certainly hurts."

The sending of this SMS will not make your partner feel ugly, but he will also exacerbate the fight and create bitterness.

"You do not understand me"

Man texting on his phone in a blue shirt.
Panitanphoto / Shutterstock

Aditya Kashyap Mishra , an expert in certified and co-founder of Moodfresher.com , said that even if you feel like you are totally heard in an argument, you should never Say it to your partner Let them not understand you.

"No one likes to feel as if they are not listened to, but the sending of this text can make your partner attack and can put them on the defensive," she said.

This is a general declaration that is generalization of who is your partner, when your feelings towards them are probably more nuanced. If you feel misunderstood, it is better to sit down and talk about it in person so that you can help you understand where you come instead of just accusing them not to get it.

"It is easy to get carried away in an argument and make accusations towards your partner," said Kalley Hartman , LMFT, the clinical director of Ocean recovery . "But the sending of an accusing text will only serve as fuel for the fire and aggravates the situation. Instead, try to express what their actions make you feel to achieve an understanding instead of blaming."

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"I do not care"

Woman upset looking at her texts.
Fizkes / Shutterstock

Telling your partner that you don't care about something can create a toxic environment quickly. It is not something that someone wants to hear, especially by SMS. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"This text can be hurtful and disdainful," explains Mishra. "This gives the impression that you do not appreciate the opinion or the feelings of your partner. Instead of sending this text, it is better to let them know that you understand where they come from and that you appreciate their feelings."

Relations require efforts and great communication, especially during difficult times. "Avoid texts like this to ensure that your relationship is healthy and strong," explains Mishra. "If you are attentive and respectful, you can keep your relationship on the right track."

"We need to talk"

Upset woman sitting on her couch looking at her text messages.
Flotsam / Shutterstock

Get a text that says "Can we talk" is a recipe for immediate anxiety. Our brains go to the worst case: are they break with me ?

"It's vague and can make your partner uncomfortable," said Misha. "Instead of sending a text like this, it is best to approach your partner in person."

It's all about context when it comes to launching such a conversation.

"It is good that you recognize that you need a need to talk to you, and with the right tone of voice, it might even seem a nice, sweet and compassionate invitation to discuss your problems to overcome them," said Raffaello Antonino , LPC to Central therapy . "However, when your partner can only read it in a text, it can make him uncomfortable."

"You are too emotional"

Man upset looking at his phone.
Pheelings / Shutterstock media

Amid a disagreement Many people will throw sentences like this, but it can be "incredibly destructive for your relationship," explains Mishra. "This text implies that your partner's feelings are bad or invalid and can give them the impression that they cannot be opened with you."

If your partner is upset by something, even if you do not agree, it is important to recognize their feelings and not to reject them.

"No matter how much you may want, do not send messages that could be interpreted as being judged or critical," explains Mishra. "You both have to support each other, and any form of criticism must be discussed in person."

Read this then: Having this in common makes you "more sexually satisfied" by a partner, says a new study .

"Everything is your fault"

Sad looking woman who is looking at her phone at her desk.
Fizkes / Shutterstock

To tell your partner that he is alone to blame for the argument you have is not only rude is incorrect.

"It is important to remember that the two parties contributed to the argument in one way or another, and there is no one in fault," explains Hartman. "The sending of blame text messages will only make more injured feelings and resentment between you two," she adds.

"Your partner is not a punch bag," explains Mishra. "No property will be sent from angry messages. If you feel frustrated, take the time to refresh yourself before deciding to reach out."

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