5 stars that have been left aside the list of "biggest singers of all time of Rolling Stone, including Céline Dion

The offset of the list of 200 elements was rapid when Dion was snubbed.

Any list of the best of anything will be debated, but a recent list on the theme of music has put particularly upset readers. January 1st, Rolling stone published his list of The 200 largest singers of all time . The introduction to the list indicates that the publication does not necessarily believe that the The greatest singers are also the best singers of all time. "Before you start scrolling (and comment), keep in mind that this is the biggest list of singers, not the biggest voice list," Rolling stone Explain. "The talent is impressive; the genius is transcendent. Of course, many people here are born with massive pipes, a perfect height and a limitless range. Others have more rough, strange or more delicate instruments."

But, from the warnings apart, the exclusion of a singer left fans disconcerted and angry. As many people comment online see it, no matter how you cut it, Celine Dion should have been on the list - and near the summit, to that. (As is, Aretha Franklin A claimed place n ° 1.) Read the rest to find out more about the backlash Rolling stone is facing, including four other singers who have not cut.

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Celine Dion

Celine Dion at the premiere of
Tinseltown / Shutterstock

By far, the noisiest complaint regarding the list on social networks concerned the exclusion of Dion. The snob was even Talk about to news And makes the headlines in various publications. In response, many Canadian singer fans have published clips from her shows and have highlighted some of her many achievements. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Rolling Stone omitting the Céline Dion from her list of the greatest singers of all time is a crime against humanity", " wrote a fan . Another tweeted In response to a Rolling stone Tweet on the list, "Oh but she did not cut?!? ! "

Songwriter Diane Warren , who wrote Dion's success "because you loved me", also took action. "Another reason why these stupid [explanatory] lists do not mean [explanive]," Warren tweeted . "Really ??? a list of the biggest singers @Rollingstone and #CineDion is not on this ??"


Cher at the premiere of
Ovidiu Hrubaru / Shutterstock

Another icon of music left from the list is Che , whose career in music has lasted several decades, of his time as half of Sonny & Dear to her solo work.

"Dear has been relevant for 6 decades. Audacie !!" wrote a Twitter user . Another display , "I appreciated the list of the 200 best singers of Rolling Stone and I knew that there was only one choice for # 1, but Dear belongs to this list." Someone else tweeted , "As absolutely crazy as expensive has not made the list of Rolling Stone - easily one of the most recognizable and unique vocal tones of music."

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Judy Garland

Judy Garland performing on stage circa 1960
Images Keystone / Hulton Archive / Getty

The list includes singers of various genres and eras throughout the history of music, so some were also surprised that the actor and the singer Judy Garland has not been presented.

"No Judy Garland, when many of his contemporaries love Frank Sinatra ,, Ella [Fitzgerald] , and Billie [Holidays] rightly made the list? Wow, just wow, " bed a tweet on the list. "How do you guide Judy Garland @Rollingstone in your two hundred singers tops ??? your memory must be wiped or something because it is simply bad. The top 50, 100 or 150 !!!!!!" Read another.

Jennifer Hudson

Jennifer Hudson at the 2022 Tony Awards
Radin / Shutterstock

Singer, Oscar-winning actor and newly created talk-show animator Jennifer Hudson is also visibly absent from the list.

"Hold up ... Out 200 singers, did you miss Céline Dion, Dear and Jennifer Hudson? And Michael Jackson at # 86? Who wrote this list? I would like a word ... " A fan wrote on Twitter.

A HUDSON couple American idol Alums, namely Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood , however, were included. "I am not an expert in the biggest singers of all time '' like the experts of the magazine Rolling Stone, but I am almost sure that Carrie Underwood (# 158) would be suitable that Jennifer Hudson deserves a place on this list in front of her", " Someone tweeted .

Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars at the 2012 Grammys
FEATUREFLASH Photo Agency / Shutterstock

It was not just singer women that people thought they had been snubbed. A number of fans were upset that Bruno Mars has been neglected.

A fan tweeted , "Rolling Stone, without including Bruno Mars, in the biggest singers of all time is a big joke." Another shared , "Rolling Stones [sic] has missed so many great singers on their list of 200 largest singers and among them how they excluded Bruno Mars! Bruno changes the game in the world of music. He can play live! Some some Singers on the list are only recording artists. "

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