The zodiac sign is most likely to live a secret life, according to astrologers

You may never know what's going on with these sneaky signs.

We all have secrets that we do not want to let out in the world, however, leading a double life is a completely different story. Whether it's a Sustainable love story , work for the CIA, or hide his real me and his desires from the closest people, what makes someone more likely to live a lie? Maybe the stars have something to do with it. Read the continuation to discover which signs of zodiac are the most likely to lead a double life of a slightly devious fraudster with complete fraudster.

Read this then: Why are you most likely to be thrown away, depending on your zodiac sign .


Woman having a secret life.
Jacob Lund / Shutterstock

"Virgo's voracious attention allows them to easily live two lives. Their ability to organize information, to pay particular attention to small clues and breeds, and the compartmentalization of information makes the reality of the duel a possibility" , said Lauren Degolia , an astrologer at Fresh departure register .

These signs of the earth are introverts in the soul and therefore ensure a lot for them. And although they can be incredibly secret, they will not do so to harm anyone else. They are tight in Lippet because they have fun doing their own thing, to be independent , and not wanting anyone else involved.

"If a virgin had to live a secret life, it would not be out of spite or malice, it would probably be more because they could," adds Degolia. "Rége by the planet Mercury, which governs the state of mind and the thought, the energy of the Virgin can enter the psyche of a new role or a new character in their lives with ease and pleasure."


Man with his finger on his mouth, having a secret.
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"Aquarius is another of those signs that can be a slippery fish when it comes to telling the truth," said Stina Garbis , an astrologer at .

Aquarius signs are known for be friendly And incredibly creative, which helps their mysterious on the way out even more. When it comes to living a secret life, this deeply intelligent sign excels in hiding the truth. But, like the hero Clark Kent himself, alias Superman, a Aquarius prefers to use their secrets for good, rather than harm.

"They are really good to hide the things of others and not say exactly the true story," says Garbis. "I would not put beyond a Aquarius to lead a secret life where they one day live Clark Kent and the other days as an exciting superhero."


Secretive woman in yellow.
Casting of thousands / triggers

The Leos are known for their confidence and their love to be the center of interest , but that does not mean that they have nothing or two to hide. However, with their big hearts, they will not use these two different realities to hurt anyone who loves it.

"The Leos lead with their hearts and also an edge of the drama, seeking to live two very different realities to accomplish parts of themselves, they had the impression that they were missing (consciously or unconsciously)", explains Degolia .

The leos are fantastic to play all the character who strikes their fantasy. "These two characters could be a CIA agent with a perfect house in the suburbs or someone who lives an online reality or personality that does not correspond to its current reality," adds Degolia.

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Mana and woman leading a double life.
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"Known as the archetype of" Twins ", the Geminis can manage duality much better than other signs," explains Garbis. "It is common for a Gemini to have two very distinct sides of their personality as a function of their environment. " AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

It will probably not be surprising for many to find Gemini on this list because they are notoriously two -sided And can be found in the process of plotting and plotting during their free time.

"These signs are excellent for lying, hiding the truth and are incredible masters behind Living Dual Lives," said Garbis.


Secretive businessman in a suit,
Lightfield / Shutterstock studios

Scorpions are known to be mysterious , so you may never know what other Continue with them. "Scorpions are intensely private and if it means using an alias, it is therefore difficult for them to be found, too bad," said Constance Stellas , a nyc Expert astrologer . "They are also strategic that can help them plan their secret life."

Even the closest to Scorpios will not be able to monitor their fate. They will often use a secret password cache and many emails so that they are never exposed.


Woman being secretive.
Cookie Studio / Shutterstock

Cancers are unusually silent on good, everything, which puts this sign in second place.

"Cancers are very secret, because crabs only go out at night, they know how to sail and maneuver to lead a life that no one knows much," said Lisa Stardust , an author and Expert astrologer .

Do not be surprised if cancer of your life ends up shocking you when you discover their guilty pleasure Or something more sinister. Cancers are really complex creatures and you should not put them beyond to be sneaky and accomplices.

"For cancers, it can be difficult to know exactly what you think," says Garbis. "They can be really good to hide a secret love life where in a life, they are the adored mother and in the other life, they are a poetic lover."

Read this then: The most frivolous zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


woman telling a lie in glasses.
Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock

At the top of the list are the Capricorns. This sign of earth is known to be silent and tight, but they also have a much darker side when it comes to their secrets and can be quite malicious .

"Due to their successful success, combined with an obsessive and strategic authority, a capricorn could easily be a secret murderer," said Mrs. IGEE of Higher online vibes , an influencer of astrology and an expert in spirituality.

The Capricorns are also fiercely faithful, which explains why "the Capricorns are masters to hide their real feelings and would secretly kill in the name of love, loyalty and protection of the family", explains Mmegee. It's a good idea not to go on the wrong side of a Capricorn - don't say that we have not warned you!

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