10 things you should keep in your refrigerator that is not food

Experts say you want to keep certain care and plant products in the refrigerator.

You may have heard that putting some clothes in the freezer can kill bacteria, but did you know that there are a lot of household hacks Also involve your refrigerator? Articles from your medical office For those of your garbage drawer, you would be surprised at the number of common things that can benefit from the move at cooler temperatures. To get a full list, we talked about experts in cleaning and lifestyle. Continue to read to find out which 10 non -food items you should keep in your refrigerator.

Read this then: 10 errors you make that keep your house cold, say the experts .

Teeth whitening gels

woman using tooth whitening strip, ways you're damaging teeth
Shutterstock / Antoniodiaz

In an overview of the strangest things, stars of the food network have in their refrigerations, famous chef Giada de Laurentiis said it is " Whitener of the teeth . "It turns out that it is not so bizarre.

According to Crest, which makes popular whitetrips, "most manufacturers recommend storing laundering kits in a cool place … For some, under the bathroom cabinet or in a linen cupboard is suitable. Others who live in extremely hot climates may want to store dental whitening kits in the refrigerator. ""


Camera Film Rolls, 3D rendering isolated on white background
Alexlmx / Shutterstock

If you are a fan of filming photography with an old -fashioned film, you know that it can be expensive. To preserve the life of your film, stick it in the refrigerator.

"We recommend that you store our film dish inside a refrigerator At a constant temperature between 4 and 18 ° C / 41 - 65 ° F, "explains Polaroid on his website. Any temperature colder than it can ruin the film, and you will want to let it come back to room temperature before putting it on your camera.


aloe vera houseplant
Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock

Aloe vera gel purchased in store generally has a decent conservation time, but an advantage to keep it in the refrigerator is that the cool temperature is more soothing on sunburns or other burns.

Fresh aloe of a plant, however, can go wrong fairly quickly. If you cut a sheet and use it right away, everything is fine. But if you want Keep it longer ,, Erin James , Certified sports nutritionist and founder of Welfare , said well + good to put it in the refrigerator in a tightened container.

Read this then: 4 convincing reasons to start washing your clothes in cold water, according to experts .

Skin care products

Hydration Cream
New Africa / Shutterstock

One of the most common answers we have received from experts is to keep care products in the refrigerator.

"The concept of conservative care products calls on many people. But bacteria are also more likely to grow on these goods," said Gretchen Boyd , president of NYC House Cleaners . "Similar to the way it affects food, the refrigerator can prolong its" shelf life "."

Retinol or vitamin C products must be specifically kept in the refrigerator. "Cold temperatures slow down Of the two ingredients, "explains Birch Box of the beauty subscription company.

According to Carly Campbell , founder of On purpose , an additional advantage is that the cool temperature "can help soothe and reduce inflammation and can also help tighten and firm the skin." This is particularly true with the eyes for the eyes.

Grace Baena , brand director at Kaiyo furniture company , recommends keeping a sunscreen in the refrigerator for these same reasons.

To put on makeup

makeup for older women beauty products

Most of us would probably be horrified to see when our make -up products expired. But keeping certain items in the refrigerator will extend their lives. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Boyd notes that cosmetics based on cream or water (such as mascara and liquid foundations) are particularly sensitive to "bacterial growth, oxidation and discoloration of colors". Another Boyd advantage underlines is that if products such as Eyeliner are cool, their application will be more precise.

Many people will say to keep the lipstick in the refrigerator, but as Birch Box explains, it should only be a temporary solution if it has started to melt: "Glue it in the refrigerator until it strengthens , then remove it when you are ready to apply. (Do not forever store lipstick in the refrigerator: the oil and wax separated over time) "

Nail polish

woman polishing nails

"The nail polish can become thick, Gloopy and difficult to apply if it is not stored correctly," explains Campbell. "Keeping it in the refrigerator can help extend its shelf life and prevent it from becoming too thick or lumpy." Just make sure you shake well when you are ready to paint your nails.

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pink flowers in glass vase
Shutterstock / Africa Studio

Do you want to preserve fresh flowers to your dinner in a few days? Keep them in the water in a cool place, like the refrigerator, "will slow their metabolic processes and Keep them in advance A little longer, "according to The Washington Post .

However, avoid placing them next to the fruits, which exudes ethylene. As the Post Explain, just like these gases cause other fruits and vegetables to mature it, they also accelerate the lifespan of your flowers.

Campbell says "remove any foliage under water pipe, as it can contaminate water and shorten the lifespan of flowers".

Baking powder and baking soda

A box of Arm & Hammer baking soda.
Images Tada / Shutterstock

Yes, these items are in the food category, but the reason to keep them in the refrigerator has nothing to do with cooking or cooking.

"Soda bicarbonate absorbs food odors such as onions, garlic and fish that can be transferred to other food stored nearby if they are not correctly contained," explains Louis Ryan ,, Director of Food Guard , which manufactures automated HACCP systems. "Chemical baking eliminates the undesirable odors of these same articles, but also adds a certain freshness with its chemical reaction when it is mixed with water; this process helps to eliminate unpleasant odors while replacing them with a fresh aroma and similar to pastry "

A thermometer

Refrigerator thermometer inside the top shelf of a cool food storage fridge to make sure perishables are kept safe and cold enough.

In many refrigerators, the temperature button only gives one beach, let's say the cold to the coldest. In these cases, Ryan recommends keeping a thermometer inside. "It helps me keep track of the temperature, which is important to keep food safe to eat. The FDA recommends that you keep your refrigerator at 38 degrees or less and your freezer at 0 degrees or below."

Read this then: Never put meat in the refrigerator without doing this first, CDC warns .

Some drugs

Woman going through fridge

Your doctor or pharmacist should tell you if one of your prescription drugs requires refrigeration. According to Robert Johnson , principal director of merchandising at Coastal devices , some examples include "eye drops, insulins, hormone injections, antipyretic drugs, antibiotic liquids and chemotherapy tablets".

In addition to ensuring that these are stored at the appropriate temperature (which your thermometer can help you), Johnson advises to keep them far from ventilation vents "to avoid the formation of ice crystal" and not Put in the door, because the temperature fluctuates more.

Of course, always consult your health care provider on the storage of drugs.

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