7 sneaky health dangers that can ruin your vacation, according to experts
Keep the season happy and shiny by watching them.

Holidays are a moment of celebration: family meetings, scintillating lights , and maybe even Long -distance trip . But with all holiday pleasure, it is disrupted with your routine - a fact that could put you at increased risks of certain health risks.
This is the ideal time to take stock of your holiday plans, eye on your health and safety. By making a few key decisions in advance, you can take advantage of the most magical period of the year without the threat of undergoing a scary episode of health. Read the rest for seven experts on the dangers say to monitor, so that you can make the most of your holidays.
Read this then: Having this common state of health reduces your covid risk, says a new study .
1 Forgotten drugs

You can expect your vacation travel projects all year round, but experts say you should take care to avoid an error on the road: forget your medication.
"Many people forget to pack their medication or just forget to take them during their absence," explains Nathan Fisher , Dc, a chiropractor Based in Illinois. "To avoid this, make a list of your medicines and make sure to pack them when you travel."
Fisher also recommends checking the expiration date of all the drugs you bring with you so that you do not miss in mid-voyage and contact your doctor if you have any questions about potential changes in your routine, including What to do if you miss a dose.
2 Wound

If during the holidays, you find yourself doing exercise in unknown places, experts say you may be an increased risk of exercise injury.
"If you are engaged in your fitness routine and you also travel for the holidays, it is important to take additional precautions by running in a new neighborhood or using new equipment in an unknown gymnasium", " Caroline Graining , an Issa certified personal coach at Fitness trainer certification , recount Better life . "Although this is not a huge danger, there are risks increased to get lost, to be hit by cars or to injure unknown equipment."
3 Lack of exercise

During the holidays, many people completely abandon their exercise routines. Although everything is fine - and sometimes even necessary - to take a break in the work, the experts say that you should be prudent to let it derail your fitness efforts longer than you intend to.
"Many people find themselves too busy during the holiday season to adapt to the regular exercise," said Fisher. "However, physical activity is an important factor to maintain good health. To exercise [during the holidays], plan to walk with friends or family, or put aside every day to do Light stretching or yoga ", he suggests.
4 Gifts that trigger allergies

Holiday food can be an obvious catalyst for allergies, but experts say that some gifts can cause the same involuntary reaction.
"While food is obvious here, other gifts such as lotions, cosmetics, bath bombs and even certain clothes have the potential to trigger allergic reactions," explains Graining. "Always find out about someone's allergies before buying for them, and always check all your gifts - even those that you may not suspect - to make sure they are exempt from allergens."
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5 Food origin
You are probably already aware that training in sweet treats or meals rich in calories can undermine your health if you keep it long enough. However, you may not realize that vacation meals can be a much more acute threat: that of foods of food origin.
"Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that people take additional care when preparing vacation meals, including hand washing and surfaces often, carefully cooking meat and avoid contamination cross ", note Erin Blakely , MSW, an authorized nursing home administrator and gerontology specialist . "As a person working in hospitals and nursing homes, our admission rates also increase during the holidays due to several of these circumstances," she explains Better life .
According to the CDC, it is important to be particularly careful when defrosting meat, preparing raw dough or eating food that has served as a buffet style, because they are common sources for Epidemics of food .
6 Alcohol poison

That the result of stressful family gatherings or a little too much vacation at the office party, Blakely adds that another common risk in terms of health is alcohol poisoning. This is why it is preferable to limit your alcohol consumption during holidays with recommended quantities and avoid excessive alcohol consumption, which can be wreaking havoc on your health.
"Whoever consumes too much alcohol It can be too fast in danger of an alcohol overdose, "said the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (Niaaa)." This is particularly true for people who engage in excessive alcohol consumption, defined as a model of alcohol consumption which provides a concentration of blood alcohol level (tank) at 0.08 percent or more, generally occurring After a woman consumes four glasses or a man consumes five glasses in about two hours, "warns their experts.
7 Sitting too long on a flight

According to Nancy Mitchell , RN, a Authorized nurse and contributory writer At Assist Living, many people neglect a serious threat associated with vacation trips: that of suffering from a blood clot during an extended flight. "Holidays are a high journey season, most people who will visit the family across the country (and abroad)," she explains. "One of the biggest mistakes I see that people are making is to sit throughout their flight, because an extensive session reduces traffic to your ends. That is why you can feel your legs numb during your trip. ""
Mitchell says it can be particularly dangerous for diabetics or people who have a story of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). "Poor circulation can worsen symptoms and encourage blood clots to form - it can be deadly. Ideally, you should take a short walk in the aisle every 30 minutes to keep your blood flowing," said she. Wearing compression socks can also help minimize your risks.

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