USPS suspends service in these places due to safety problems

The agency temporarily closes more installations on similar reasons.

We count on the American postal service (USPS) to send and Receive our mail In an effective way, but we all know that it is sometimes easier to say than to do. On the one hand, the agency is not willing to sacrifice security. The postal service has withdrawn delivery services and closed facilities for many different reasons in the past year, but often for the sake of the well-being of employees and customers. Now the agency suspends service in more areas for security reasons. Read more to find out where the USPS closes the post offices.

Read this then: USPS gets rid of this service, from January .

The postal service says that he is committed to ensuring security.

People waiting in line at a United States Post Office in Orlando, Florida where people are wearing face masks and social distancing,

Providing mail services to people in the United States is not the sole responsibility of USPS: he is also responsible for the safety of workers and customers. "The postal service is committed to providing Its employees and customers with a safe and healthy environment and complying with applicable safety laws and regulations, "said the agency.

According to the USPS, deliveries can be suspended and post offices can be temporarily closed for safety problems which have the possibility of having an impact on messaging operators, other workers and anyone sends and receiving mail . These security problems include Dangerous conditions and natural disasters . However, the postal service clarifies that it only does the services "after a careful examination" and as "last resort".

"We appreciate your understanding of our responsibility for the safety of our employees, as well as our customers," said the agency.

Now the USPS has announced new suspensions (and necessary).

The agency suspends services in two different post offices.


The postal service has just temporarily closed two different installations in the United States

In a local press release of December 9, the agency revealed that it was Hang the retail operations at the South Chattanooga station station station in Chattanooga, Tennessee, "actually immediately". According to the USPS, the P.O. Box Lobby is always available for customers. But for the retail window services, they will have to visit another post office, such as the neighboring station of Chattanooga East. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Then, on December 13, the postal service published another local press release, alerting Washington customers on a closure. According to the alert, the agency temporarily suspended Operations at the Long Beach post office, Washington. "From December 14, 2022, Long Beach customers can recover their mail at the Ilwaco post office," said the USPS. Installation in Ilwaco, Washington, is less than five kilometers from the long Beach post office.

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The two installations were closed for safety problems.

USPS Post Office Location. The USPS is Responsible for Providing Mail Delivery VI

Security is at the origin of the two closures. In its first version, the USPS said that the South Chattanooga station station closed its retail area "for safety reasons". WTVC Local ABC-Affiliate reported on December 9 that the The installation had a panel Published at the front which expressed the same feeling. But the postal service would not develop what the question implies, according to the media.

"We apologize for any disadvantage that customers can live, but the safety of customers and employees is our greatest priority," the USPS said in a statement.

The Long Beach post office was also closed "due to security problems", according to the second press release from the postal service. As with the closure of Tennessee, the agency did not extend these concerns in its advertisement.

But on December 13, The Chinese observer Start the situation: the installation of Long Beach has been registered , as planned to undergo a survey of a specialist in dangerous materials, according to the local newspaper.

"The Long Beach post office was temporarily closed due to a leak of public services", " Lecia Hall , a specialist in USPS strategic communications, told the The Chinese observer . "Currently, there is no information on an hour or a date of reopening, but the operations will resume as soon as it is sure to do."

Other post offices are still closed for similar concerns.


The postal service firm and regularly reopens the installations. There are currently several post offices which are temporarily closed to the public thinking about security.

In October and November, the USPS suspended the services due to security problems in the post offices in Pemberton, Ohio; Stanley, New York; And Riverside, California. The three installations are still closed at the moment.

In a press release in October, the agency said that the Stanley post office would be "closed until further notice Due to unforeseen roof repairs. ""

On the other hand, Pemberton's post office and the post office of the Magnolia Center in Riverside were closed after the fires of the facilities. A postal service spokesman told Dayton Radio Station Whio that the damage caused by fire had forced mail services Be moved from Pemberton "until further notice". And in a November press release , the USPS said that the installation of Magnolia was closed due to fire damage, and "would run over as soon as it is sure to do it".

More recently, postal service Closed a post office in Arcadia, Wisconsin. An alert of the agency's December 9 said that "all retail operations are suspended due to security problems" in this establishment. The USPS has not developed the specific concerns that afflict the Arcadia post office, but have directed P.O. customers to recover their mail at the independence post office, and everyone to use one of the many retail locations near the agency.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: / News / Safety
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