The FDA says that eye makeup can cause lead poisoning - here is how to stay safe

The agency warns consumers to be looking for an ingredient.

From mascaras to correctors, there are a number of different makeup You probably use around your eyes every day. But there is always a risk when it comes to putting anything near such a sensitive area - and this means that you will want to pay very attention to the products you use. In this spirit, it is important to be aware of a new alert of the Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDA) directed against any person who uses cosmetics, warning that eye makeup could cause poisoning lead. Read the rest to discover what the agency recommends you to do to protect yourself.

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The FDA says consumers should check the ingredients for their eye makeup.

Image of a young brunette woman, browsing through the shelves of a Bangkok shopping mall, looking for natural cosmetics.

You could put yourself in danger if you do not carefully check your makeup.

In a October 28 Consumer update , the FDA said that one of the most important steps to prevent the risk of infection or injury from eye cosmetics is to make sure you do not use products containing unprecedented colors additives. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"In the United States, the use of colored additives is strictly regulated," said the agency. "Some colored additives approved for aesthetic use in general are not approved to be used in areas near the eyes."

According to the FDA, avoiding these additives requires looking closely. "Cosmetic products sold to consumers, including eye cosmetics, are required to have a declaration of ingredients on the label," said the agency.

When you look at the label, the FDA warns you to keep an eye on a specific ingredient that could cause lead poisoning.

A particular color additive was linked to lead poisoning.

Just a touch of mascara to complete her look

There is a Number of color additives The FDA allowed use in cosmetics - but Kohl is not part of it.

"Say" no "to Kohl! Also known as al-Kahl, Kajal or Surma, Kohl is used in certain parts of the world to improve the appearance of the eyes," said the agency in its update consumers.

According to the FDA, Kohl has been prohibited for use in all cosmetic products in the United States, including those of the eyes because it was linked to lead poisoning.

"Kohl is not a colored additive approved for cosmetic use in the United States, check the declaration of the ingredients to ensure that Kohl is not present," said the agency.

But don't be too worried if you see the word "Kohl" on your product packaging if it is not in the ingredient list. "Some cosmetics in the eye zone can be labeled with the word" kohl "only to indicate the shadow, not because they contain real kohl," said the FDA.

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The FDA says Kohl often contains high levels of lead.

close-up of powdery eyebrow pencil on a black background

This is not the first time that the FDA has offered an alert on the potential danger of Kohl as a cosmetic ingredient.

"Using Cosmetics of traditional eyes Known under the name of Kohl, Kajal, Al-Kahal, Surma, Tiro, Tozali or Kwalli can put you in danger of lead poisoning, "wrote the agency in an article in 2020 on its official FDA Twitter page Cosmetics. In a Previous alert of 2022 From February, the FDA also said that many people were probably "ignorant of the risk of lead intoxication" in Kohl.

According to the agency, Kohl generally contains heavy metal salts such as lead - and often in high quantities as well. "For example, lead, generally in the form of lead sulfide, sometimes represents more than half of the weight of Kohl products," said the FDA.

Based on the Federal Food, Drugs and Cosmetics law - which was adopted by Congress and is the FDA to regulate cosmetics - lead for color additives Used in cosmetics is generally limited to only 10 to 20 parts per million.

"Kohl and similar ingredients have been linked to lead poisoning, especially in children, and are not allowed to be sold in the United States," said FDA. "Nevertheless, these products sometimes make their way on the markets specialized in this country. The FDA has an import alert advising import inspectors to be on the lookout for the expeditions of these products, and we have published some Information to alert consumers to the dangers of their use. "

Lead poisoning can be fatal.

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Lead poisoning is dangerous for adults and children, but the risks of exposure to this element are "particularly serious for children", according to the FDA. The agency said that there are a number of health problems that may result from high levels of lead exposure, in particular anemia, kidney problems and neurological damage that could involve convulsions, coma and even death.

"The FDA is aware of the cases of lead poisoning linked to Kohl in children in the United States," noted the agency. "A number of studies have shown that children exposed to Kohl and similar products have increased lead levels in their blood."

According to the FDA, children can be exposed to directing Kohl in various ways. For example, parents use kohl-based products on the eyes of infants and children in certain crops, and some people rub the kohl powder on the umbilical stump of their newborn.

The agency stressed that it is important to keep Kohl far from children Due to reports binding it to lead poisoning. "Unlike certain sources of exposure to lead, it is easily avoidable by not using Kohl and similar products on your children or yourself, and keeping them out of your home," said the FDA.

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