The Amedes department store says it is a return in 2023 - but some say that it is a hoax

The retailer made an advertisement on his website, but with very little information.

Experienced buyers will remember the name Ames, a department store chain this Wall Street's journal Formerly called "the folk centerpiece of shopping centers" in small cities through the northeast, midwest and mid-Atlantic regions. The regional channel was a pillar since 1958, when its first store opened its doors in Southbridge, Massachusetts. But in 2002, the department store declared its last farewell after 44 years of activity. According to the Ames website, however, he plans to return in 2023, but not everyone is convinced. Read the rest to discover what we know about the very debated return of the department store.

Read this then: Big Lots has just announced "an accelerated number of closures".

All the alms stores were closed 20 years ago.

store closing and going out of business signs
Carolyn Franks / Shutterstock

In 2002, Ames made a new national when she announced that she would officially do her activities, a victim of competition from other national channels, Wall Street's journal reported. The company confirmed that it would permanently close its remaining 327 stores, having already filed a bankruptcy file in chapter 11 in 2001.

"It was a heartbreaking decision, but the right way to follow", " Joseph E. Attore , Said at the time the president and chief executive officer of Ames.

Ames was tarnished to be a retailer at a reduced price, but the 1990s proved to be difficult when stores like Walmart and Target began to settle nearby. The company has tried to take into account the new competition by considerably reducing prices, Wall Street's journal Reported, but analysts also cited previous acquisitions as contributors to the fall of Ames. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In 1998, Ames bought Zayres stores for $ 800 million, but a constant display flight found drained profits and forced souls to deposit bankruptcy (for the first time) in 1990. After emerging from the Bankruptcy in 1992, Ames acquired Hills department stores in 1998, taking almost the bankruptcy in 1992 200 million dollars in expensive renovation and renovation responsibilities. Things went from bad to worse, and store closings abounded between 1999 and 2002. On August 14, 2002, official liquidation and closure plans were announced.

But if you missed this department store at a reduced price, you may soon be lucky.

The store website has announced its imminent return.

grand opening cutting ribbon
Africa Studio / Shutterstock

During the visit Ames website , the home page shows the Familiar Ames logo, with an encouraging ad below.

"Ames Department Stores, included in spring 2023," said the text. "Please keep an eye on this website for ads on the locations that open first!"

At the bottom of the page, there is a link to a large shops Linkedin profile , which lists 25 employees and also declares that stores will open next year, such as "a project of Molyneux Group, The Owners of Bradlees Department Stores Plc". Interesting fact, Bradlees was one of the main regional competitors Before he closes for good in 2001, The New York Times reported.

Before bringing out the giant scissors for a great reopening, however, there are additional things to consider.

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Some are not convinced that Ame really comes back.

woman looking skeptical at computer
VK Studio / Shutterstock

In addition to the fact that I have not yet made an official announcement, the retailer's website also notes that it is "not secure", indicated by the padlock opened in the URL bar. The latter is not considered a positive indicator that a site is legitimate.

WRV goes so far as to suggest that the the totality is a "hoax", noting that the Molyneous group Do not have contact details - and when you click on the link on their LinkedIn page, a notice "site cannot be attached" appears. As for Bradlees, His LinkedIn has a link to an archived web page.

Ames and Bradles do not have a presence on other social media platforms, WRV reported. The point of sale asked why an ad would not be made on Facebook, but conceded that it is not clear what someone should win by doing this news.

Social media users are full of hope but skeptical.

logging in to facebook on laptop and cellphone
PK Studio / Shutterstock

The news also circulated social media , with many expressed and worrying excitations - on potential yield.

"I loved Ames!" A Facebook user written in response to Scioto Post cover. "Hope and pray for a high return!" Another wrote that it was perhaps not the same, while others questioned his ability to succeed with Walmart and Amazon as competition.

An article on the page of the old alumni stores has also drawn attention to the potential revival. According to the group "About" section, it is made " Friends and ex-celers Who worked in any store, shops, stores, distribution center or head office, "and it is also open to" honorary members "who" just miss ".

Even these devout fans do not know if the news is legitimate. "I saw so many people share this this evening and everyone seems so excited," reads an article on December 6 with the Link of the Ames website. "I hope it is not a Weird pranche . ""

Whether you are inclined to believe that I am coming back or not, we will all have to wait and see if advertisements or more formal plans for a new store are revealed.

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