10 things to do before sleep to lose weight!

The idea of weakening healthy is a challenge for many of us.

The idea of weakening healthy is a challenge for many of us. New options are always presented about what we can do with the calories we burn or what types of exercises we should do at what time. But how many of you know that we can lose weight and if we have a healthy routine before bedtime.

It's true! We will look at 10 things to do before sleep to lose weight and how we can adapt them to our lifestyle. It does not matter what weight you have at the moment, how many kilometers you run, how many calories do you consume if you do not have a quality sleep.

There are several studies done that show that a lifestyle that does not have a healthy sleep routine can hinder up to 55% the weight loss process. So what are the 10 things to do?

1. understands the importance of sleep

If you want to turn something that helps you lose weight it is important that you can first know that you can do that. First of all, a good sleep will help you balance all the functions of your body. Here we refer especially to weight gain hormones.

Leptin helps us to balance the energy level we have and at the same time keep our appetite at a lower level.

2. Drink tea

Before sleep, a cup of tea will help you burn the fat around the stomach. Of course, there are several types of tea from which we can choose, but most of them help us with this.

3. Eat turkey breast

According to a study, the turkey breast has few calories and if consumed before bed will help you have a quick and easy digestion. Of course, it is important to keep a balance here and not to abuse the "portion" we have every evening.

4. Try cow's cheese

If you completely avoid food before sleep, it can be even a negative thing for your weight. First of all, if you are hungry and you have a hectic stomach, it will be difficult to fall asleep. Secondly, people who wake up hungry have a higher chance of eating more for breakfast.

5. Create a routine

If you do the same thing every evening, for at least one hour before bed, you schedule your sleep triggers. These triggers can be an idea to write in the journal, to have a small snack or any other activity. This is how you will know that you are going to sleep and it will be easier for you to maintain this habit every evening.

6. Avoid the kitchen

Diet during the night is important if you want to lose weight. You can play with different intervals of hours when this "prohibition" from food takes place and you will see what suits you and more importantly what your benefits will be.

7. Make a hard workout

If you train before sleep, this will help you adjust with the weight you lose.

8. Relax

There is nothing more frustrating than when you look at the clock all night and see that you can't fall asleep. It doesn't help you at all! Try to relax and do breathing exercises that can help you enter a quiet area from which you can fall asleep.

9. Rule of 20 minutes

If you fail to fall asleep after 20 minutes of sitting in bed, get down, leave the bedroom and do something in peace that does not stimulate you. Try to read a book or browse a catalog.

10. "Shake Things"

If you have a protein shake before sleep, you will stimulate your metabolism. According to a study, men who consume in the evening before bedtime 30 grams of protein have a more slow metabolism in the next morning compared to not eating anything.

In conclusion, these were the 10 things to do before sleep to sleep that you can try today. What will you choose to do?

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