Home remedies for wrinkles
Beauty that survived the time was formerly a popular topic in the fairy tales when princesses could stop time and stay young forever. Nowadays, with the development of the latest microbiological techniques, it is a reality to stay beautiful, no matter how old you are.

Beauty that survived the time was formerly a popular topic in the fairy tales when princesses could stop time and stay young forever. Nowadays, with the development of the latest microbiological techniques, it is a reality to stay beautiful, no matter how old you are. Plastic surgery is one of the most common means of keeping our body fresh, but also home remedies that aim at the first signs of aging are a good solution.
For our readers, we have selected a few simple home remedies for wrinkles that will help you enjoy your body, no matter how old you are.
Why do we get wrinkles?
To be sure that we create the right home remedies, we have to understand the process that causes them.
The parts of the body where you appear most frequently are the hands, the forearms, the face or neck.
As a rule, they arise between the ages of 40 and 50, since the skin then loses its elasticity and the moisture decreases.
The wrinkles are the result of the natural aging process. Especially when their body was exposed to the sun, the wrinkles are very likely to appear before the fifth decade of life. In addition to the aging process, there are other factors that can influence the development of wrinkles: lack of sleep (beauty sleep is not only a phrase, but is based on reality), pollution, poor nutrition, genetic predisposition and smoking.
According to the beauty experts, there are two different types of wrinkles: the so -called static static, which arise from the natural loss of elasticity of the body, and the dynamic that arise from repeated facial movements - for example when pulling the lips together.

Natural home remedies that work
There are a number of home remedies that are cheap and easy to manufacture and can help your body effectively combat wrinkles. The advantage of these methods is that they do not require any special cosmetic knowledge and you don't have to pay a high price to buy them.
- - Aloe vera gel -According to studies, regular use of aloe vera gel can significantly reduce the spread of wrinkles within three months. Applied regularly to the skin, increases the moisture content and supplies the skin with collagen, which is so important to maintain a youthful appearance of the skin.

- - Banana mask - In general, bananas are highly valued due to their high content of natural oils and vitamins for keeping skin and hair healthy. To prepare the mask, you only have to crush a quarter of a banana, apply a thin layer to the skin, wait 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water

- - The consumption of superfoods - Many of the superfoods that we normally use to strengthen our body are also very efficient when preventing wrinkles. On the other hand, a meat -rich diet and every kind of processed food increases the risk of wrinkling. The recommended superfoods for a wrinkle -free life are: avocado, chia seeds, artichokes, protein, cinnamon, salmon and walnuts.

- - Essential oils -They are usually not only recommended to improve the youthful appearance of their face, but also for the prevention and healing of various skin allergies and irritation. All you have to do is to apply it to your skin in combination with a carrier oil such as argan oil, almond oil, coconut oil, etc.

- - massage - One of the most practical home remedies for wrinkles is the massage. All you have to do is learn some techniques and use them regularly. In addition, there are many devices for the face massage today that make work easier and have a profound effect on blood circulation, which alleviates the wrinkles.

- - olive oil - Olive oil from all oils offers good skin protection. Whether consumed or used for massage purposes, it has the same positive effect by increasing the collagen content of the skin and thus increasing the youthful appearance.

- - vitamin C - In general, this vitamin is highly valued due to its contribution to collagen formation in the skin. You can use it directly from the fruits and vegetables that contain plenty. The most valued natural products that are rich in such ingredients include rose hips, guaves, kale or chili peppers. For intensive treatment, however, you can also apply a topical gel that can not only help your skin to fight wrinkles successfully, but also reduce other harmful effects of the sun on the skin.

What do you think? Do you have a special home remedy against wrinkles that you want to tell us about? We can't wait to read your feedback!

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