General dollar stores have been closed for major violations
Stores will remain closed until all the problems are solved, officials said.

Dollar General is recognized for its low prices, but recently, the reduction chain is also known for more questionable reasons. The company found itself under fire tocustomers surface In dozens of stores, displaying different prices on the shelf and in the register. Due to its price differences, Dollar General faces asubsidy by the state of Ohio. But this is not the extent of his problems. Now, major violations have led to the closure of the general locations of the dollar. Read more to find out which stores have been forced to close.
Read this then:Dollar General and Family Dollar are closing stores, from December 3.
Several general dollar stores were closed in 2022.

Dollar General is actively increasing its store footprint in the United States, but the chain has also closed several locations this year.
On October 18, the retailer confirmed that aLocation to Indianapolis, Indiana, would make you close for good, reported WRTV Abc-Affiliate. In a statement, a company manager told WRTV that the decision had been taken "after a careful exam".
"Dollar General continuously assess our stores and how to best serve our customers," said the company. The surrounding residents, however, indicated crime as a possible reason for the closure. According to files from the Indianapolis metropolitan police service, there were at least 99 flights and / or flights reported to the General Indianapolis Dollar store in the past five years, according to WRTV.
During the summer, Dollar General also had to close locations in Euclid, Ohio, due todangerous conditions. The two locations had "Critical security problems"According to CBS-Affilié Cleveland 19 News, specifically blocked the aisles, lack of access to electrical panels and inaccessible fire extinguishers.
From now on, more general dollars stores end, once again following dangerous violations.
A store is in violation of the International Fire Code.

A general dollar store inGranite Shoals, Texas, was closed to buyers on November 28, reported. According to Granite Shoals Fire MarshalChris Cowan, the store on Ranch to Market Road 1431 was in violation of the International Fire Code, and it will not be authorized to reopen until it is in compliance.
Cowan inspected the store on November 23, where he found "cluttered alleys, obstructed outings, expired fire extinguishers and unmarked chemicals", by
After the Thanksgiving weekend, Cowan returned to reset the location, but the violations had not yet been treated. The congested alleys were his main concern, none of which was up to standards, he told The aisles must have 44 inches wide without obstructions to be considered as an "outing means", according to the code of fire.
"It is a problem of congestion, but the size creates a vital security problem throughout the store that will prevent people from panicking from going out," Cowan said at the point of sale. "The citizens of the granite highlands deserve better and deserve more safe."
Read this then:Dollar General will allow buyers to do this in 19,000 stores until December 31.
Dollar General was called for its crowded alleys.

Crowded are not a new complaint at Dollar General, associal media users Recently called the retailer for jam full stores on a national scale. At the general location of the dollar in Granite Shoals, directorSarahWilliamstold that problems were the result of personnel and overstocking problems, but the store employees "will be settled". said local police had received frequent complaints concerning the aisles in recent years; However, no accusation has been made against the Dollar General to date. If the current problems persist, fines can be engaged and the store could revoke its occupation certificate.
"My principal is compliance," Cowan told, explaining that he is working with the store to put it back into service. "I want to see them succeed. I want to see the store open and do good deals and be there for the inhabitants of Shoals in granite, but he must be sure for everyone."
A local health service has closed another general dollar.

On November 21, the Warrick County Health Department in Boonville, Indiana, closed a general store different from dollar dollar, according to aFacebook publication. The location is on the Indiana State Road 662 (SR 662)in Newburgh, by 44News, now displaying a panel on the door to inform the buyers of the closure.
"In order of the County Health Department of Warrick, this retail food sale was sentenced to temporary closure until the violations are corrected," said the Facebook message of November 23. The Ministry of Health noted that there were "repeated violations" at the Dollar General Store, which constitute "a danger to personal security or which have been found in violation of applicable provisions or orders".
The store will remain closed in the foreseeable future, and the opinion will remain displayed until the health service reinstates the property. "The staff strives to correct the violations and the establishment will reopen once it is the fact of passing a follow -up inspection," said the post.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
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The county closed another general dollar earlier in November.

Another general dollar in Newburgh was closed by the Warrick County Health Department on November 1, with officials citing "insanitary conditions. "The store was to remain closed with the displayed opinion while waiting for a re -peppection.
An update published on November 4 confirmed that the follow -up inspection had been carried out "to verify that the imminent health risk was completely and safe" and the store has received the green light to reopen. In the postal comments section, many residents noted that other general dollars stores should also be inspected, including the store that had been closed a few weeks later on SR 662.
Better lifeContacted Dollar General to comment, but has not yet heard.

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