The FDA says that these bathroom soaps expose you to "unnecessary chemicals"

The agency advises consumers to use it to wash their hands.

The most ofOur bathrooms are overwhelmed with products that we consider essential. Toiletries such as toothpaste with shower necessities such as shampoo, we tend to keep a plethora of supplies in this one area of ​​the house. But an article that you probably keep in your bathroom can do more harm than good. The Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDA) warns that certain popular soaps can expose you to "unnecessary chemicals". Read the rest to find out what you may want to abandon your hygiene routine.

Read this then:If you use one of these "dangerous" cleaning products, stop the FDA now warns.

In the United States, many people do not practice the best bathroom hygiene.

Smiling woman brushing her teeth and text messaging on cell phone in the bathroom.

We spend a lot of time in the bathroom to be clean, but that does not mean that we adhere to best practices in this space.

In 2021, Apartment Guideconducted an online survey Of 3,000 adults in the United States to discover how much hygienic people are really. The dirty truth is that many of us have coarse bathroom habits. According to the survey, 35% of respondents admitted having reused a disposable razor, 33% said they had used a towel for more than a week and 22% had jumped hand washing.

These bad bathroom practices are not only a concern for cleanliness or superficial appearance. "Many diseases and conditions can be prevented or controlledAppropriate personal hygiene"According to centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

And ultimately, you could also put yourself at risk of harmful hygiene through the bathroom products that you assume safe, including the soap you use.

The FDA advises people to use these types of soaps.

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Washing your hands is important for your health and that of those around you: the CDC says it is estimated thatOne million dead A year could be avoided if everyone was washing their hands regularly.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Following simple hand washing practices isone of the most effective Ways to prevent the spread of many types of infection and home disease, at school and elsewhere, "Theresa M. Michele, MD, director of the FDA -free prescription drug product division, said in a statement. "We cannot advise it enough. It's simple, and it works."

But when it comes to improving the habits of your bathroom with regard to hand washing, the FDA advises to launch a product completely: antibacterial soap. According to the agency, there is not "enough science to show that the over -the -counter antibacterial soaps are better to prevent the disease" than simple old soap and water.

"There is no data showing that these drugs provide additional protection against disease and infections," said Michele. "The use of these products could give people a false feeling of security."

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Antibacterial soaps contain chemicals that are not found in ordinary hand soap.

Close Up Of Boy Washing Hands With Soap At Home To Prevent Infection

The biggest problem, however, is not a false feeling of protection. According to the FDA, the main concern is that antibacterial soaps contain many chemicals, which have "raised the question of the potential negative effects on your health" due to the common use of these soaps over time.

"Antibacterial soaps (sometimes called antimicrobial or antiseptic soaps) contain certain chemicals not found in simple soaps. These ingredients are added to many consumer products in order to reduce or prevent bacterial infection," said the FDA. According to the agency, "manufacturers have not proven that these ingredients are sure for daily use over a long period."

David Seitz, MD, acertified doctor and the medical director of ascending detoxification, saysBetter life That many antibacterial soaps contain two concerning chemicals: triclosan and triclocarban.

"These chemicals are known to be endocrine disruptors," says Seitz. "When these chemicals enter the body, they can disturb the endocrine system.

Experts advise to stick to ordinary soaps to stay safe.

Coronavirus. Proper washing and handling of hands. Liquid antibacterial soap. Self-isolation and hygiene

In 2017, the FDA judged that companies could not market over -the -counter antibacterial soapsthat contain triclosan Consumers without prior examination of the agency "due to insufficient data concerning their safety and efficiency". But approved products containing this chemical can still be harmful thanks to prolonged use, and antibacterial soaps can also contain other chemicals.

"If you use these products because you think they protect you more than soap and water, it's not correct," said Michele. "If you use them because of what they feel, there are many other products that have similar formulations but will not expose your family to unnecessary chemicals. And some manufacturers have started to revise these products to eliminate these ingredients."

Seitz also recommends that consumers "stick to simple soaps" instead of trying their luck with potentially harmful antibacterial soaps, especially since there is no proof that they are more effective for Prevent disease or infection. "In fact, there is evidence that they can be less effective," he warns. "So, in my opinion, there is no reason to use antibacterial soaps."

But how do you know if your soap is antibacterial or not? According to the FDA, over -the -counter antibacterial products generally include the word "antibacterial" on the label. If your soap has a drug label, it is generally a sign that it contains antibacterial ingredients. "If an over -the -counter medication contains triclosan, it should be listed as an ingredient on the label, in the field of drugs," said the agency.

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