The thing 1 that you should add to your treatment routine after 50

Keep your skin healthy and young for the years to come.

Sometimes it can be discouraging by looking in the mirror when you are welcomed with a new wrinkle or a new dark spot, but part of aging consists in adopting the process and seeing all the positive points which also come to age. (These laughter lines show how fun you, right?) But that is not to say that it does not take a little job-above allWhen it comes to your skin. We always want to be our best, so it is important to find a routine that takes into account what our skin needs as we reach 50 years and beyond.

You can have a beauty routine that you have under oath for years, but our SParents are constantly changing and we have to adapt over the years. If this means to exchange products thatDon't make us favors Or by adding a good TLC beauty, we consulted dermatologists and plastic surgeons to discover the first thing on which your skin care diet should focus after 50 years.

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Read this then:Sandra Bullock swears by this $ 7 pharmacy product for young skin at 57 years old.

After 50 years, this is what your skin care diet should focus on.

Woman splashing water on face
Josep Suria / Shutterstock

After 50 years, certainly, our skin loses a little of its radiance. The main culprit? Lack of humidity. Thus, instead of the constant research of a single miracle product, it is preferable to focus on the hydration of your skin from all angles.

As we get older, our skin is gradually losing its ability to hold moisture. This ultimately causes drought which is not only uncomfortable, but can make the skin look crazy and brittle, and even exacerbate and highlight the fine lines and wrinkles that can age you.

Fortunately, there are many ways to keep your skin hydrated. Of course, drinking water is a must, but it may not always be enough.Dendy Engelman, MD, FACMS, FAAD, certified and certified cosmetic dermatologist andMohs surgeon recountBetter lifeThis "implementation of moisturizing ingredients in order to compensate for the natural loss of humidity will help keep the hydration locked in the skin".

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Use products that will not dry your skin any more.

Hydration Cream
New Africa / Shutterstock

When you think of the products that will be hydrated, your moisturizer most likely comes to mind. Yes, it is important to have an ultra-hydrating cream, but you need to think about everything you use in your care routine, even your face washing and your makeup remover.

Getting rid of all dirt and accumulating on our skin is necessary at any age, but when you are older, it is even more crucial to choose products with ingredients that do not remove any humidity when you help remove all this grip .

"I likeHumphreys Witch Hazel Toner; This brand is soft on all skin types, and its toners contain additional ingredients such as aloe, lavender and increase to nourish while cleaning and balancing the skin, "explains Engelman.

If you have not already done so, it is also time to add a moisturizing serum to your routine to apply after cleaning and toning and before hydration. She recommends theElizabeth Arden Hyaluronic Acid Ceramid Capsules Hydra-Pumping Serum Who "strengthens the skin barrier and locks humidity while visibly reducing the appearance of drought and minor aging signs". The serum is full of hyaluronic acid, an ingredient that is naturally found in the skin and ceramids, it will therefore hydrate without causing irritation.

Also try adding a supplement.

Skincare Items
Triocean / Shutterstock

Beyond the amount of water we drink, we all know that what we put in our body can have a great effect on our skin, especially after 50. Collagen production, the protein that keeps the skin flexible , decreases as you age, soIt is essential to incorporate foods into your diet that can help strengthen it.Brand, Md,CEO of Changewell Inc. says that theVitamin C, iron and omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines can do exactly.

"These EFAS (essential fatty acids) helpProtect the skin barrier and allow the body to keep more humidity, "he says. It is also important to minimize simple refined sugars because they can cause collagen that you produce fragile.

If you don't get enough of these vitamins with your diet, Taler advises, including a special supplement formulated for the skin in your diet. You may already take vitamins, but it is important to use one that will help lock humidity in your skin. He recommendsSkin Qualia,,Aethern, andNutrafol Because "the ingredients are perfect for the general appearance of the skin".

If you decide to take something to give your skin this additional WOW factor, look for ingredients like collagen or hyaluronic acid to obtain maximum hydration. Other nutrients such as magnesium or vitamin E can also help improve the overall appearance of the skin.

Read this then:How to embrace the maintenance of your hair long after 50.

Invest in a humidifier.

Humidifier in Someone's Home
Dimaberlin / Shutterstock

In addition to what you put on your skin and in your body, there is something you can add to your home to make sure your skin remains hydrated. A humidifier will release water vapor or steam in the air to maintain humidity levels at a record level.

"When our environment is at a level of healthy humidity of 40 to 60%, we do not lose humidity through the skin via a loss of transversal water," explains Engelman. It suggests managing a humidifier all year round because it will keep your home at an optimal humidity level and leave your skin radiant and hydrated.

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