6 symptoms of early dementia that you can ignore, according to experts

It is crucial for cognitive management of the first stages.

It is not always easy to discern between the normal signs of aging andpotential warning signals cognitive decline. But as there is no cure for diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia of Lewy's body and vascular dementia, catching them early is essential. ""Early diagnosis… Can improve the quality of care and quality of life and can reduce the financial and emotional impact of the disease, "explains the Alzheimer's association.

Dementia is also increasing. “The death rates of Alzheimer's disease increased by more than 50% between 1999 and 2014 [and] Alzheimer's disease is the sixth cause of deathAmong all adults, "Reports Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Read the rest to discover about six early symptoms of cognitive decline which are easy to ignore or reject, but which are important to take seriously.

Read this then:If you don't remember these 4 things, it could be a sign of early Alzheimer.

Difficulty performing daily tasks

Hands touching the controls of a washer or dryer machine.
Ziga Plahutar / Istock

"Most of us in our previous years - before declining cognitive - automatically go on our daily routine with little reflection", explainsBill Cohen, aCertified Senior Advisor (THAT'S IT).

These tasks, their races and these habits may include activities such as laundry, dress or cook. But "a common symptom, especially Alzheimer's, is the inability to perform daily tasks," explains Cohen. And sometimes it is a combination of physical challengesand memory loss Confusion that can make daily tasks "difficult or dangerous", reports Healthgrades.

Difficulty remembering things

Confused senior man talking and pointing to his smartphone.
SDI Productions / Istock

A certain memory loss is typical as people age. "Almost 40% of us will experienceA certain form of memory loss After being 65, "explains Alzheimer's company." For the most part, our memory loss is soft enough so that we can always live our daily life without interruption. ""

The Alzheimer's association lists some examples of memory loss thatcould report dementia, including "forgetting important dates or events, asking the same questions over and over, and more and more need to rely on memory aid (for example, recall notes or electronic devices) or Family members for the things they managed for themselves. "


Senior woman sitting on a chair looking out the window.
Shapecharge / Istock

A July 2019 study published by ScienceDaily showed that 45% of Alzheimer's patients presented aSubtle early symptom: Apathy.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"If a person has a apathy, she will haveLittle or no motivation To do things that they would generally find significant and valid, "said Alzheimer's company, which notes that apathy in dementia patients is often due to damage in the frontal lobes of the brain."brain Controls our motivation, planning and sequencing tasks. ""

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Changes in financial habits

Senior couple sitting at a table going through documents.
Kali9 / Istock

Although subtle, the way a personmanages their finances Perhaps a sign of early alert of diseases which cause a cognitive decline.

The coexying symptoms of dementia such as memory loss and cognitive problems "can lead people with dementiaHandling money And pay bills, "explains the National Institute of Aging (NIA)." Repeated financial errors can be an early sign of the disease.

Changes in hygiene habits

Hand holding a toothbrush over a cup with other toothbrushes in it.
Cyano66 / ISTOCK

A common early sign of dementia is a change in habits such as oral hygiene, bath or hair comb. "Over time, dementia patients are starting to neglect simple aspectspersonal hygiene, do not swim or brush your teeth regularly, "says Keystone Health, adding that they can also" stop cleaning the house and start to accumulate footprint ".

This can have many negative consequences. "If [patients] do not remember brushing their teeth, oral hygiene would be affected negatively and could cause gingivitis or other periodontal problems," warns Cohen. "If they do not use appropriate toilet methods, they are sensitive to urinary tract infections ... which can exacerbate dementia problems."

Difficulty in driving

Hands on the steering wheel of a car.
Byryo / Istock

Driving problems Can also be an early sign of dementia, says Cohen - and this can also be dangerous for others.

A driver with dementia may not be ableTo react quickly Faced with a surprise on the road, "warns Nia." Someone could injure or kill. If the person's reaction time or the ability to concentrate slows down, you should prevent the person from driving. ""

NIA warns that the warning signs that it is time to stop driving understands "take a long time to do a simple race and not be able to explain why, which may indicate that the person has lost; confusing the brake and gas pedals; and comments from friends and neighbors on driving. "

Categories: Health
Tags: / News / Symptoms / Your Brain
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