Taking this common long -term medication could lead to Alzheimer's disease, according to studies

It is prescribed all the time, but this drug can be dangerous in more ways than one.

Regarding devastating diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, identificationRisk factors is crucial. Some things, like your age, obviously cannot be changed - the Alzheimer's association reports that most people with Alzheimer'sare 65 and more—But other factors are under our control. Practice good oral hygiene, for example, can go greatly towardsProtect your brain health.

Studies have also discovered a disturbing link between an increased risk of dementiaand some drugs. Read the rest to discoverA particular drug What researchers say can have a negative effect on your cognitive health.

Read this then:Drinking this makes you 3 times more likely to have dementia, the study says.

The elimination of risk factors is a way of countering the rise in dementia.

Medical professional studying brain scans.
Sudok1 / Istock

There is no known remedy for many diseases that cause cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer's disease. And as the number of older Americans increases, the number ofnew and existing cases From Alzheimer, says the Alzheimer's association, which notes that six million people in the United States are currently diagnosed with Alzheimer's, this number planned at nearly 13 million by 2050.

Gill Livingston, a psychiatrist at the University College in London, saidThe New York Times that "it would be great if we hadMedicines that worked [But] they are not the only way to follow. "With ahigh failure rate Drugs aimed at curing or treating cognitive decline, "Public health experts and researchers argue that the time has turned our attention to a different approach - focusing on the elimination of a dozen factors already known risk,like untreated high blood pressure, hearing loss and smoking, rather than a new drug at exorbitant prices, "Timereported.

Some drugs may have an impact on brain health.

Doctor talking about medication to a patient.

Many drugs can potentiallyrisk Diseases such as Alzheimer, reports Aarp. The organization explains that statins - drugs that lower blood cholesterol - can decrease cholesterol levels in the brain. "These lipids are essential to the formation of connections between nerve cells-the links underlying and learning," they explain.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Anti-epepay drugs can alsoCause of memory loss, AARP notes, noting that these drugs are "increasingly prescribed for nervous pain, bipolar disorder, mood disorders and mania". Although these drugs can be effective, "all drugs that depict signage in the SNC can cause memory loss," they warn.

Benzodiazepines affect connections between the nerve cells in the brain.

Neurologist looking at brain scan.
Gorodekoff / Istock

Commonly known by brand names such as Valium, Xanax and Klonopin, benzodiazepines transfer drugs, and "they are among the mostcommonly prescribed drugs In the United States, "Webmd reports". When people without prescriptions get and take these drugs for their sedative effects, use turns into abuse. ""

Benzodiazepines have an impact on the central nervous system (SNC) and are prescribed by doctors for reasons such as insomnia, anxiety and as anesthetic before medical procedures, the site explains.

Report on a recent study onHow benzodiazepines affect brain health,,Neuroscience News Explains that "key role is played by the immune cells of the brain known as microglia". Benzodiazepines "bind to a specific protein, the protein of the translocker (TSPO), on the surface of cellular microglia organelles," said the site. "This link activates microglia, which degrades and then recyclated synapses-that is to say the connections between the nerve cells."

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Benzodiazepines also have other dangers.

Medication spilling out of a container.
Bieshutterb / Istock

Due to the way in which benzodiazepines affect connections between nerve cells, long -term use can cause cognitive problems as well as doping the risk ofdiseases that cause dementia,,Neuroscience News reports. Medicines affect the brain in other waysthat can be harmful In addition, which leads to what the site calls "the development of tolerance and the responsibility of abuses". In other words, the more people take, the more they have to take to feel the effects - and the probability of abuse develops.

American drug addiction centers explain that benzodiazepines increase the levels of gamma-talented amino acid (GABA) in the brain, whichacts like a tranquilizer . They also increase dopamine levels, "the chemical messenger involved in reward and pleasure," said the site. "The brain can learn to expect regular doses of [benzodiazepines] after a few weeks to take them and therefore stop working to produce these chemicals without them." All these factors make benzodiazepines a drug potentially risky to use, especially in the long term.

Best Life offers the most recent information from high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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