If you notice this while you eat, it could be a sign of cancer, say doctors

Early detection increases survival rates, so do not ignore this warning sign.

These days, it seems that everyone's life has been touched by cancer in one way or another. Most people could make a list of friends and family members who have suffered from breast cancer, melanoma orColon Cancer-Or maybe you are a cancer survivor yourself. A type of cancer less common, but which can be incredibly deadly, isesophagus cancer.

Early diagnosis is crucial when it comes to surviving this particular disease, and fortunately, there are key warning signs to monitor. Read the rest to learn more about one of the most common signs, which you may notice during meal times.

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Esophagus cancer can affect anyone, but some people are more at risk than others.

an older woman talking to her doctor while in the office

While anyone can develop this particular type of cancer, certain factors predispose some people to obtain it. For example, men are onFour times more likely be diagnosed with esophagus cancer that women, andAs you get older, you are more at risk, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS), which estimates that people under 55 represent less than 15% of the total of cases. The American Cancer Society (ACS) also lists severalLifestyle choice This could contribute to your risk factor, such as tobacco consumption, alcohol consumption or the diet lacking in fruits and vegetables.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Some other medical diseases or conditions may also predispose you to a higher risk, explains ACS. Some of them include the Barrett esophagus (caused by persistent acid reflux), dysplasia (precancerous tufts of abnormal cells), acquisition (a condition in which the muscles of your lower esophageal sphincter do not relax correctly ) and tysosis (a rare hereditary hereditary rare disorder that affects the skin on your palms and the soles of your feet).

Especially if you have one of these demographic, lifestyle or medical factors, be sure to keep an eye on Esophagus cancer of revealing signs.

You will notice this warning panel when you eat.

Older Man Having Trouble Swallowing
Mapo_japan / Shutterstock

Very few cases of esophagus cancer are diagnosed without any symptoms, because there is no routine screening which is effective and accepted, therefore pay attention to the way your throat is crucial in order to take a case cancer as soon as possible.

One of the most common symptoms listed by ACS isProblem swallowed. It is from time to time struggled to descend a piece of food from time to time - rather, you will want to monitor "persistent dysphagia", a painful or uncomfortable permanent feeling that has the impression that food is stuck in your throat or trunk for a long period.

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The difficulty in swallowing could lead to other serious health risks.

Young Woman Choking on Food

Dysphagia can also be a huge factor contributing toChute incidents, according to the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom. In their overview of dysphagia, they explain that frequent coughing or suffocation of food "can cause chest infections, such as suction pneumonia, which require urgent medical treatment".

If you are tempted to avoid certain foods or if you rely on soft foods and liquids to avoid stifling incidents, do not forget that avoidance will not solve the root problem. It is important to speak with your health care provider to help you go to the bottom of these symptoms.

Pay attention to these additional symptoms of esophagus cancer.

Middle Aged Man Coughing

According to ACS, a handful ofOther symptoms Can also indicate esophagus cancer. Some of them include chest pain (in particular "pressure or burn" in the center of the chest), weight loss (often caused by the avoidance of foods that trigger painful swallowing), a hoarseness in the Gorge, a chronic cough that does not disappear and vomiting.

More serious symptoms can also include bone pain (indicating that cancer has spread to your bones) and bleeding in the esophagus (which can cause anemia and fatigue).

Painful swallowing can have other causes.

Young Woman Suffering From a Cold
Fizkes / Shutterstock

Difficulty swallowing (and one of the symptoms listed above)could Being an esophagus cancer, but could just as easily point to other ailments. According to the University of California San Francisco Health,Problem swallowed For more than two weeks could also be a sign oflung cancer (which affects almost a quarter of a millionnew patients every year in the United States) orstomach cancer (which represents approximately one percent and a half of all new cancers diagnosed in the United States each year).

However, it is also true that painful swallowing could indicate less deadly problems than cancer. As indicated by webmd, thisunpleasant feeling Could potentially indicate the Streptococcal throat, mono or gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) - or this could simply be a side effect of a cold, flu or sinus infection.

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It is important to take this symptom seriously.

Older Man Clutching at Throat
Aslysun / Shutterstock

"It is very rare, it is only about one percent of all cancers in the United States", "Shanda Blackmon, MD, MPH of the Mayo Clinic understanding Cancer Center, says inA video of questions / answers Mayo clinic. But, she continues, "it is one of the deadliest cancers we know."

Sixteen thousand Americans die every year from esophagus cancer. TheMayo clinic reports that it is "the sixth most common cause of cancer death in the world". His death is due in part to the frequency of the first stages of cancer, without being detected, with more obvious symptoms occurring at subsequent stages after the progression of cancer (and become more difficult to treat).

Regarding the difficulty of swallowing, or any other sign of this rare cancer, make sure to report any persistent and disturbing symptom with your health care provider. It is advantageous to be particularly vigilant if you have an officialThe diagnosis of the Barrett esophagus, which puts you more at risk.

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