6 current drugs that increase your risk of heart failure, according to a pharmacist

Be careful by taking these drugs, especially if you have a history of heart problems.

Your heart is one of the most central organs in your body, the main center controlling the blood flow which affects all other organs and systems. Full ofLifestyle choice can help keep your heartGood operating condition, including eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Some people can also take certain drugs,like statins Or anti-cocket agents, to help their hearts to function as it is supposed to do.

Many factors can contribute to potential heart failure, including certain drugs commonly used to deal with other diseases and diseases - and this is particularly true if you have a history of heart problems.Christine Cadiz, Pharmd, saysBetter life What drugs could increase yourRisk of heart failure. Read the rest to discover what they are.

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Advil Tablets
Marc Bruxelle / Shutterstock

People with heart failure should avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), sold under brands such as Advil, Aleve and Motrin, explains Cadiz. "All NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and naproxene, can increase the risk of exacerbations of heart failure (or acute worsening of heart failure) and hospitalizations."

NSAIDs can also lead to an increase in blood pressure, due to the constraints and tightening of blood vessels in your body. Without forgetting that "when combined with other drugs commonly used to treat heart failure, NSAIDs also increase the risk of kidney toxicity", explains Cadiz.


Two Aspirin Tabs
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Aspirin is another NSAID thatcan also be used Like a blood thinness and to treat inflammation, headache, pain and fevers. According to Cadiz, this medication "should be avoided at high doses used to treat pain and inflammation, although low -dose aspirin used for cardiovascular protection is generally correct".

Heart failure can occur because high doses of aspirin can cause sodium retention, which then causes excess water in the body. "Too much liquid in the body leads to symptoms such as swelling of the legs, bloating in the belly, congestion in the lungs which causes breathless worsening, and also makes more difficult for your heart to pump enough blood towards the body, "she explains.

Read this then:Drinking this daily life can reduce your risk of heart failure, says a new study.


Sudafed Box
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"Pseudoephedrine [the active ingredient in Sudafed] restricts blood vessels in the nose and sinuses," said Harvard Health. "This narrows the swelling and drains the liquids, allowing you to breathe again more easily. Unfortunately, the drug does not only affect the head - ittightens blood vessels through the body. "

Cadiz says that this tightening "can cause toxicity for the heart, in particular with higher doses or prolonged use". This means that Sudafed and other decongestants can increase the risk of hospitalization and heart failure in people with existing heart problems. These drugs "should be avoided in patients with heart failure or any cardiovascular disease," she warns.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E Foods
New Africa / Shutterstock

While humans need healthy doses of vitamins and minerals to survive, it is a well -known fact that it can beRisk to take too much of any supplement. CADIZ says nutritional supplements can lead to involuntary results in patients with underlying conditions or who take other drugs.

"A study recently published in theEuropean Heart Insufficient Journalnoted that vitamin E supplementation is associated with a modest, but significant increase, of hospital insufficiency hospitalizations, although the reason for this is not clear, "she said." Based on the results, the study authors concluded that vitamin E could worsen results in patients with pre -existing heart failure, "but fortunately, did not increase the risk of developing heart failure.

"As with any other medication, an assessment of the risk and advantages of therapy is recommended before starting the supplements," she said. "In addition, it is important not to take more than the recommended daily allowance."

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Some diabetes drugs

Diabetes Medication
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About one in 10 Americansuffers from diabetes, according to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This disease is a chronic state of health that affects how your body converts food into energy. For people with diabetes, the body is struggling to do andregulate insulin, which causes an increase in blood sugar and leads to a multitude of other health problems.

Cadiz explains that several diabetes drugs should not be used by patients with a history of heart failure. "These are called thiazolidinediones (TZD) such as pioglitazone (Actos) and rosiglitazone (Avandia, now abandoned in the United States). These agents can cause liquid retention and can worsen heart failure."

Fortunately, there are good news when it comes to these drugs and your heart. "All diabetes drugs are not harmful to heart failure," notes Cadiz. "There are in fact specific drugs for diabetes which have proven to be very beneficial in heart failure, which are inhibitors of SGLT2 (empagliflozine known as jardiance and dapagliflozine known as farxiga)."

Some cancer drugs

Cancer Treatment Drugs
ESB Professional / Shutterstock

"There has been many progress in cancer treatment in recent decades," said Cadiz. "Unfortunately, some of the most effective cancer drugs may be associated with serious heart complications. Some classes of drugs to treat cancer are known to have a higher risk of cardiotoxicity induced by chemotherapy, leading to symptoms of Heart insufficiency due to a decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction, or the decrease in the capacity of the heart to press effectively to pump blood towards the body. "

The drugs most often associated with cardiotoxicity are anthracyclines, including doxorubicin, idarubicin and daunorubicin. The more you take these drugs, the higher your risk of developing heart failure. "Because anthracyclines and other chemotherapy agents increase the risk of heart failure and other cardiovascular complications, a field of research and practice called cardio-oncology has increased in recent years aimed at treating and preventing cardiotoxicity with the Therapy against cancer, "explains Cadiz.

Best Life offers the most recent information from high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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