The former star child says early fame has caused serious health problems

"I lost six inches of my intestines to that," said the actor.

It is undeniable thatTyler James Williams made a successful transition from the star child to the adult actor. The 30 -year -old was the head of the sitcomEveryone hates Chris From 2005 to 2009, when he was a young teenager, and now he plays on the winning series of an EmmyAbbott Elementary As a Gregory Eddie public school teacher. (He was nominated for the actor of exceptional support in a series of comedy this year for his role.) But, in time between his best known concerts, Williams has dealt with a health problem which, according to him, in a New interview was exacerbated by its early reputation. Read the rest to see what the actor had to say and how he is going now.

Read this then:The former star child reveals why she stopped acting right after the successful show.

Williams acts for most of his life.

Tyler James Williams at the premiere of
S_BUKLEY / Shutterstock

In an interview with Bustle published on November 2,Williams explained that he first expressed an interest in acting when he was only four years old. Shortly after, he started to get out of the auditions and finally won a Dimetapi advertisement. He then spent several yearsSesame Street.

Williams started playingEveryone hates Chris, play a young version ofChris Rock, when he was 12 years old. He continued to have a recurring role inThe dead who walk In 2014 and 2015 and appeared in a number of other television and films shows, including 2017Detroit and 2021The United States against Billie Holiday-beforeAbbott ElementaryCreated last year.

He fought against a chronic disease.

Tyler James Williams at the SAG-AFTRA Foundation's Patron of the Artists Awards in 2017
FEATUREFLASH Photo Agency / Shutterstock

Williams was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. According to Mayo Clinic,Crohn's disease "is a type of inflammatory intestine disease (MII). It causes swelling of the tissues (inflammation) in your digestive tract, which can cause abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and a malnutrition."

Stress can worsenmake symptoms of the condition more severe. The Mayo clinic explains that even if "[this] does not cause Crohn's disease, it can worsen your signs and symptoms and can trigger thrusts".

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The stress of being a young actor has worsened his illness.

Tyler James Williams at the premiere of
Joe Seer / Shutterstock

The agitation profile of Williams notes, when the actor was 23 years old, his Crohn disease led to hospitalizations and surgery. His surgeon has attributed the gravity of his condition, in part, to stress.

Speaking of himself and his young brothers,TyrelandTylen Williams, who are also actors, Williams said: "We are not as chaotic as I think most of the children actors get [reputation to] be, but that does not necessarily mean that we have adjusted ourselves. We had Many things to work, and many therapists have received a lot of money from me. "

He continued: "It was the fight up and what looks like the fight of my career and my life. Because [playing] is the only thing I love like that. I lost six inches of my intestines to that. "

He knew that the transition of children's celebrity would be difficult.

Tyler James Williams at the 2007 Kids' Choice Awards
S_BUKLEY / Shutterstock

Williams explained that he knew what he was trying to avoid when it was a question of successfully leaving the celebrity of children and embarking on a career for adults. But, "he continued:" It's a bit like saying to someone that there is a bunch of terrestrial mines outside, and here is how you avoid them. "

He continued: "Child, it's really weird when your audience tells you that you have done such a good job in something he doesn't want you to do something else. I knew I could fall into this trap of children actors and [be] known for one thing and never work again and just be an artist of nostalgia, and I was hyperware for that. I think I overcompens. I was really calculated in everything that I did. "

"The more I talk about it, the better I feel," added Williams. "For a long time, I tried to overcome it, and it worsened things."

He underwent three surgeries and was "seriously insufficient".

Tyler James Williams at the Emmy Awards in September 2022
Frazer Harrison / Getty Images

In 2018,Williams talked about his experience In a video of Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, explaining in depth what he experienced.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"From 19 to 23 years old, I moved away on a weekly basis. From 22 to 23 years old, it was daily, without keeping it in check in any way that could," said he explained that he had Given several doctors before being finally diagnosed properly.

After undergoing surgery to have part of his intestine withdrawn, he said: "They kept me at [the hospital] because I was seriously insufficient. At this point, I had around 105 pounds. "" Then, due to a complication of this operation, he had to transform himself again and stay in hospital for a month. "Three surgeries in three months and have lost 40 pounds, and this is the reality of what Crohn's disease can be," said Williams.

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