The 5 most confident personality types in Myers-Briggs

You can count on these people to be sure of themselves in any situation.

Confidence is acoveted quality, but some people remain effortlessly. It is friends or colleagues who are sure of themselves and never doubt their capacities or decisions - all without any air of arrogance. There are a multitude of factors that contribute to the faith you have in yourself, but according to experts, certain personality types of Myers-Briggs which tend to be more confident than others.

"It is clear that certain personality types are more naturally lent to leadership and high confidence", "Carissa Coulston,,clinical psychologist and an expert in relation to pink eternity, saysBetter life. "While some still wonder and find it difficult to make independent decisions, others have a complete conviction that they have taken the best line of conduct in the circumstances."

The typical Myers-Briggs (MBTI) indicator is first of all a self-declared questionnairePosted in 1943 byIsabel Briggs Myers And his mother,Katherine Briggs. The personality test determines whether you look more at extraversion (e) or introversion (i); Prefer to use detection or intuition (N) during the interpretation of information; make decisions by thinking (t) or feeling (f); And are more judged (J) or perceiving (p) in front of the outside world. These dichotomies are then organized to manufacture 16 distinct combinations which identify different types of personality.

If you have already taken the time to discover yourMyers-Briggs type, you know it can tell you a little about yourself and reveal things that you may not even realize. It is not a perfect science, but according to Coulston and his expert colleagues, certain types are indeed more assured than others. Reading the rest to find out what MYERS-BRIGGS personality types are the most confident.

Read this then:The 5 most reliable personality types in Myers-Briggs, say the experts.


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People who are extroverted, intuitive, thoughts and judgments are among the most confident, according to Coulston. "ENTJs are very confident and have excellent leadership skills because their dominant extroverted thought lines make them oriented towards efficiency," she said. "This type of personality is also the safest of all types of personality, because they are suppliers of natural solutions that are automatically decisive."

Their ability to stay on earth and see the situation as a whole improves the decision -making process adept at Entjs, says Coulston.Sameera Sullivan,,expert expert And Matchmaker agrees, noting that these people are both "decisive and avant-garde".

"It is unlikely that they allow the opinions of others to influence them personally, and consequently, it is also unlikely that they lose confidence in their own judgment," said Sullivan. "As they are frequently self-assured visionaries and have high levels of extraversion, Entjs are able to adapt to their environment."

However, where this confidence can cause a problem, it is when an ENTJ has a management position. "The decisions they make must reflect their own ethics and values, which may not align with those of the collective," explains Coulston. "Nevertheless, they can easily justify their actions and their decisions, and the arguments they give them make them unbeatable."


calm and confident woman
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Like their extraverted counterparts, Intj are also known for their insurance - and it is in fact this introverted intuition that contributes to their confidence.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"They focus on what is happening in their own head rather than worrying about what others surround them think or do," explains Coulston. "Although this can make it an improbable choice with regard to leadership, this does not mean that they do not trust. There is a false common idea that introverts cannot be confident, but in fact, In the case of Intj, their confidence comes from their internal strength and not from what is happening outside. "

During decision-making, Intj does not vacillate, she adds, because they have already treated their thoughts before concluding. "Essentially, although the intj may not be as confident outside as the entjs, they give off a calm and confident force because they do not need to display their confidence as a badge - they simply know that 'They trust before talking, "said Coulston.

Emma Williams, certifiedForce and career coach And the director of research at High5, adds that the component thought of entjs and intj also adds to their levels of confidence, because they are logical, analytical and have a "feeling of certainty and control that others can miss".

Read this then:The 7 most kind personality types Myers-Briggs say the experts.


confident man multitasking
Artie Medvedev / Shutterstock

Those who tend to do more thinking when making decisions are not the only personality types of Myers-Briggs which give off confidence-the types that are also up there. COULSTON calls "natural jugglers", which can assume a variety of tasks thanks to their "great confidence in their own capacities".

"They know that they will do everything who must be accomplished and they are unwavering in their belief in themselves," she explains. "They are also confident to embrace new tasks and challenges and know that they have what it takes to achieve any objective that they set themselves."

This confidence also serves ENPJ in a crisis, which means that they are the type of person to whom you can turn when things take a worse turn. "They are convinced that they can manage everything without collapsing or decompose," explains Coulston.


man and woman having conversation
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People extremes, intuitives, feelings and perceived are known for their bravery and their ability to meet the challenges, tells CoulstonBetter life.

"This type of personality is not afraid of their unknown-it is rather excited by what happens," she said, adding that like the Entjs, they are sure of themselves, their capacities and their skills. "They know what they can do well and are happy to do everything that presents these capacities."

Their extroverted nature also serves them well in terms of confidence, because they are capable of interacting effortlessly with others and "overflowing a conversation" with foreigners. "Extremely charming and large communicators, ENFPs will please join someone they have never met and find ways to learn without fear of what could happen," explains Coulston.

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confident teacher
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The only type of detection to make the list is also extroverted, thinking and judging. These people are natural leaders and tend to concentrate (in the right direction), according to experts.

"With their incredible ability to order a room and draw attention to everything they want, the Estjs give natural confidence in a very obvious and catchy way," explains Coulston. "They have skills to educate others and are often exceptional teachers."

The complement of their confidence is efficiency, which allows them to see areas for improvement and to correct them "effortlessly", she adds.

Williams also quoted is Jais of another type of confident reflection judgment, although "to a lesser extent" than other types of intuitive judgment like Intjs and Entjs. Estjs, as well as for ISTJs, "are known for their organizational skills and their ability to remain calm under pressure, which can contribute to confidence," she explains.

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