6 items that you should never use in the shower, according to experts

You will want to avoid these products and tools when cleaning.

We all have our preferences with regard to the way we take a shower. Some of us like to get out of bed in the morning and use thecleaning ritual Like a way to wake up and take the day. Others choose toWait until night, when they can rinse before going to bed. But no matter how you approach the process, there are still some habits that should be avoided and the products you should not use. Read the rest to find out which items say you should never use in the shower.

Read this then:Never start shower if you didn't do it first, CDC said.

Soap dishes

Soap in Dish

No matter how careful you are, a slippery soap bar should be maintained somewhere where it will not slip on the ground when it is not used. But according to experts, the way you store your foam can also create some health risk.

"Soap dishes can prevent your bar from moving around, but they are often not drained properly, making it a reproductive ground for bacteria,"Kristina Hendija,,medical advisor in Bardoholic, tellsBetter life. "What is worse is that microorganisms will even start growing on the soap that is in the dish. Consequently, this makes you vulnerable to bacterial skin infections."


Soap bar and foam on marble plate

No matter how you currently store your soap, this is probably one of the few products that most people will use each time they enter the shower. After all, the goal of swimming is to clean you. But if you are stuck to use the type of soap on which you can hang on, it could create a problem entirely different from that when it remains with a stew in a dish.

"In general, bar soaps are very hard for the skin because of their high content of pH and sulfate of sodium lauryl", "Sony Sherpa, MD, a holistic doctor withThe ascent of nature, recountBetter life. "This detergent strips natural oils of the body, leaving it clean but extremely dry. People with dry and sensitive skin should especially think twice before using them."

There is also a question of their unhealthy, even in the best storage conditions. "In addition to dehydration of the skin, bar soaps can also host bacteria, viruses, fungi and other germs of illness," adds Sherpa. "And at the very least, they are a security risk when they are involuntarily left on the bathroom floor and can cause accidents."

Read this then:If you do this in the shower, stop immediately, the doctor says.

Electric razors

electric razor

The shower time involves much more than the simple soap and rinse. It can also include significant grooming practices, such as skin care routines or shaving. But experts say that if you plan to touch your facial hair, it may be better to stick to a simple blade rather than a sophisticated device.

"The electric razors work much better when shaving dry hair, which is firmer and more resistant to the power of a rotary blade", explainsJennie Miller, online co-founderMids.org health and well-being publication. "It is best to just buzz your beard quickly before jumping in the shower. It offers easy cleaning because the hair cuts that will always be around your neck and chest will be swept when you rinse."

Oily bathing products

Shampoo and conditioner in shower

Just like each person's shower routine is different, the number and type of product they use during cleaning. Some opt for certain types of exfoliating scrubs, while others make follies on special shampoos and revitalizers. But if you want to avoid a risk of hygiene, experts say that you should avoid certain elements that could create dangerous conditions.

"I can seem obvious, but it is best to avoid using oily products in the shower," advises Hendija. “The product can accidentally manage on the shower floor or your bathroom tiles, which makes them slippery and obviously increase your chances of slipping. Even if you consider yourself a prudent person, is it worth creating a risk of autumn potentially and breaking a bone? Better to be safe than sorry and opt for a different element. ""

Shower gels

Cropped shot of a handsome young man having a refreshing shower at home

Even if bar soap can have its just part of problems, alternatives can also create a disorderly situation. In fact, an expert warns that you may want to do some research before engaging in a new body cleaning product.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Shower gels can create dangers in showers with hard water,"Nancy Mitchell, an authorized nurse with 37 years of experience and a contributory writer toLife help, recountBetter life. "It is because they generally do not foam in hard water, which is why you may notice that your skin is so viscous after use."

And even if you avoid visibly slippery slippery shower products, you might not realize how dangerous some shower gels can be. "Most of these products also contain oil as a lubricant, which in itself is quite slippery. If these gels are overturning on the floor of your shower, this could also create a slippery risk both for yourself and the No one who shower, "she said. "This is particularly dangerous for the elderly who live alone because a fall could leave them seriously injured - not to mention the fact that they would be unattended for hours."

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When it comes to feeling really clean, it is difficult to exceed a Luffa. Surprised exhaustors facilitate the end of your skin, leaving it smoothly. Unfortunately, however, they can also quickly become a prettyraw part of your shower experience.

"Moping can house in foofahs and sponges, as well as on germs, dead skin cells and the remains of dirt, oil and dirt that we rub our body,"Gretchen W. Frieling, MD, a certified cardDermatopathologist in Boston, ToldReally simple. "This can cause an infection if the washing of an open cut, trapping bacteria inside your pores and prevent you from really cleaning germs."

Regarding furniture, Frieling noted that it is better to take the question in hand - literally. "Our hands are the most accessible tools," she said. "They are easy to clean and, if they are washed properly before your body with your favorite bath product, you are less at risk than if you are using sponges or foofahs."

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