6 warnings to buyers of IKEA employees

These facts do not know how to change your next trip to the DIY furniture store.

If you had todecorate a house Or the apartment at some point in your life, there is a good chance that you used Ikea to do the work. The Swedish company has 474 locations on 64 markets, making it a really global icon with regard to furniture. IKEA pieces are able to everything, from university dormitories to chic residences. Many buyers return for relatively low prices on well -designed parts - even if some claim that experience can put aexercise a relationship. But there are still a few things about the construction furniture company that you may want to know before your next visit. Read the rest to see what warnings of the IKEA employees have for buyers.

Read this then:7 Kohl secrets does not want you to know.

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Stores use tips to make you buy certain items.

Portland, Oregon, United States - Dec 20, 2017 : Interior of large IKEA store with a wide range of products in Malmo, Sweden. Ikea was founded in Sweden in 1943, Ikea is the world's largest furniture retailer.

It is not a news that all forms of marketing imply at least one form of manipulation. But while some companies use jingles to stay at the top of your mind or convince you that your life will not be complete without their products, Ikea uses a different type of tactics.

While these large heaps or bins overflowing with spaced products sporadically through the exhibition hall may seem an organizational necessity, employees point out that this display method is actually a ploy in unconsciouslyconvince you to buy them. In an interview of 2011 withThe New Yorker, store managerMartin Albrecht said it is based on a concept known as "bulla bulla", which is the theory that products placed in huge batteries will give buyers the idea that they are available in excess and will be So much more affordable - no matter how much it really costs. Just make sure youreally Need these tea lights before checking.

You could leave the store not prepared.

Woman Shopping at Ikea Surprising Facts about Ikea

The only more scary thing than to fight to assemble an IKEA piece of furniture is to approach the end of a long construction process and to find that you are missing an essential screw. But although you cannot count each room before leaving the store, you can prepare for success by stopping an additional stop when leaving.

"One thing to keep in mind is that we always have extras that you can pick up", "Ikea Steveunicorn employee Said in an AMA discussion on Reddit. "Almost any equipment can be found near returns."

Read this then:5 warnings to buyers of former LOWE employees.

Some items will always be more expensive.


Part of the undeniable look of IKEA is the fact that it offers fantastic furniture options that can adapt both to large budgets and small budgets. Unfortunately, however, there are a few products that never seem to be a good deal, in particular with regard to the means to extend a specific room of your home.

"[Kitchen splashes] are the only products from the whole store that are made to measure by a third -party factory", "IKEA employee Throwawikeathrowaway explained in an Ama Reddit discussing the company's secrets. "Everything else is produced in series, so the price difference can be quite important."

There are items that you certainly cannot come back.

Woman Scanning Barcode at Ikea, relationship white lies
Shutterstock / L i g h t p o e t

Some buyers may be surprised to discover that you are not necessarily stuck with all the IKEA products that you manage to go home. This can even be true for the articles youI started to assemble, as long as it is within a specific time. However, employees warn customers cannot exchange products once they have left the store.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Ikea is quite lax on their return policy like that.IKEA employee Thaiangel9008 explained in an Ama Reddit.

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You miss an important step when assembling furniture.

Portland, Oregon - Aug 29, 2018 : IKEA Home Furnishings Store. Located in Cascades Pkwy.

IKEA furniture can have a way to ensure that even the most qualified carpenters feel helpless with their sometimes complicated instructions. But it doesn't matter how follower you are in the construction of furniture, employees warn that there is probably an essential step that you miss when you open the boxes and start swinging your hammer.

"A great tip is to build [furniture] on the carpet. It shows that in directions but in all honesty, it helps,"IKEA employee Naussnac113 explained in an Ama Reddit. "All of our fed construction tables have stapled carpets."

You shop for bad products.

A young woman shopping for chairs in a furniture store

Anyone who has spent hours browsing the apparently endless exhibition halls in Ikea knows that there are several versions of most of the furniture items available for purchase. But experts point out that it may be worth doing some research at home or using your phone in the store to make sure you get a high -end option.

In a Tiktok video published on October 7, the Diywithkb user says you can Avoid more flims items By omitting certain products from your potential purchase pool. "Look for the website according to materials. Solid wood items tend to be much more durable," she said. "They are also painable, so they a lot facilitating your DIY projects."

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