Sleeping with this naturally stimulates melatonin and improves rest, says a new study

A new study has revealed that putting this thing in bed could help you sleep better.

Insomnia. It is disruptive, scary anddangerous for your health. It is also very common, sleep disorders affecting up to 70 million Americans per year, according to the Cleveland Clinic. ""Insomnia symptoms occur in approximately 33% to 50 percent of the adult population while the disorder of chronic insomnia associated with distress or deficiency is estimated from 10 to 15% ", explains the site.

Many people associate symptoms such as fatigue, lack of concentration and irritability with insufficient sleep, but the health ramifications of insomnia are also increasingYour risk of dementia To reverse your chances of cardiovascular problems. And as sleep disorders can be so harmful to our well-being, it is not surprising that insomniacs are always looking for solutions that can help them get this coveted sleep night. This is why, for people who cannot sleep, a surprising and potential solution is something that must be excited. Read the rest to discover what a new study said could help you produce more melatonin and finally get a much necessary rest.

Read this then:If you take this common medication to sleep, stop now, says a new study.

Quality sleep is an essential element of your well-being.

Man sitting on his bed with his head in his hands.
Tommaso79 / Istock

Sleep may seem quite simple when your head hits the pillow and you immediately derive in the country of dreams, but if you have already had a sleep disorder, you know that it is more complex - a complicated biological process, in Made, as explained by Medlineplus. "While you sleep, you are unconscious, butYour brain and body The functions are always active [and] make a number of important jobs that help you stay healthy and work at best, "said the site. This can affect your physiqueand mental health, think and operate daily. ""

Medlineplus advises that "the amount of sleep you need depends on several factors, including your age, your lifestyle, your health and if you have slept enough recently. Most adults need around seven to eight hours per night." But it can be difficult to do if one or more sleep disorders interfere with the process.

Various disorders can disturb your sleep.

Woman sitting on a bed rubbing her eyes.

Insomnia is perhaps the best known reason for a restless night and is defined by Mayo Clinic as "a common sleep disorder that can do itDifficult to fall asleep, Difficult to stay asleep, or make yourself wake up too early and not be able to fall asleep. "We all have nights where we throw and we turn from time to time, and Mayo Clinic recognizes that many adults will experience short -term - although it can last days or even weeks." But some people have long -term (chronic) insomnia that lasts a month or more "associated withOther medical conditions or drugs. ""

OtherSleep disorders Include resting legs syndrome (RLS), narcolepsy andSleep Apneaexplains the Mayo clinic.

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Insomnia has a number of different possible solutions.

Woman meditating and listening to headphones on a bed.
Antonio_diaz / Istock

Insomniacs are always looking for a magic solution that will allow them to make this period elusive, precious and prolonged with sufficient sleep. ForJennifer Aniston, after having fought for years, attacking his insomnia meant to create a relaxing andCoherent routine at bedtime. Some people have changedTheir morning routine WhereCut drinks at bedtime Like herbal tea, and found that their sleep had improved. And for the actorTaye Diggs, the correction came under the formof sleep assistance.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

But a study published this month in theJournal of Sleep Disorders point towards an unexpected and simple possible solution to insomnia: usingWeighted blanket. Weighted blankets "were first introduced by occupational therapists as treatment of behavioral disorders, but are now more common for anyoneWho wants to relax," reportsGood Housekeeping.

Weighted covers can actually increase your melatonin levels.

Woman sleeping under a weighted blanket.
Katelin Kinney / Istock

Weighted blanket is not only a large comfortable duvet. "Weighted coversare therapeutic covers which weighs between five and 30 pounds, "explains Healthline." Additional weight pressure imitates a therapeutic technique called deep pressure stimulation or pressure therapy. "It is also remarkably increasing the production of melatonin of your body.

"Melatonin is a hormone of your body that plays a role in sleep," said Mayo Clinic. "Melatonin is alsoAvailable in addition, generally as a tablet or oral capsule "to treat sleep disorders. Medscape reported on a recent study which revealed that" weighted coverage of approximately 12% body weight used at bedtime caused the release higher concentrations of melatonin, as measured in saliva, compared to a lighter coverage of around 2.4% of body weight. ""

While researchers are still working to understand why it is so, Medscape notes that a reason could be that the pressure of the coverage and its subsequent activation of the neurons "promote calm and well-being and well-being and well-being and well-being and well-being and well-being and well-being and well-being and well-being and well-being and well-being and well-being and well-being and well-being and well-being and well-beingReduce fear, stress, and the pain "as well as" connect to the pineal gland to influence the release of melatonin ", could be the key.

If you still have trouble sleeping, talk to your health care provider of deep causes possible and what could help you.

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