Having this blood group increases your risk of kidney stones, say doctors

Are you at increased risk of developing this painful condition?

If you have already hadkidney stones, then you know that even if they are not deadly, they are certainly not a picnic. And even if you are lucky to have never experienced them, you probably know someone who did it. More than half a million people find themselves in the emergency room with kidney stones each year, according to the National Kidney Foundation, who also reports one in ten peopleaura a renal stone at some point in their lives.

Kidney stones are formed when minerals and saltsturn into hard deposits, explains the Mayo Clinic. Painous but not deadly, they can be caused by taking certain drugs and supplements. If you suffer from repeated infections on the urinary tract, you may be subject to the development of kidney stones; Poor diet and chronic dehydration can also put you at high risk. But did you know that your blood group can also have an impact on your chances of having kidney stones? A Swedish study published in April 2021 revealed that your blood group could make you more likely to obtain a kidney stone. Read the rest to find out if your blood group makes you more vulnerable to kidney stones and how to reduce your risk of this unpleasant condition.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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The kidney stones are painful, but not deadly.

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Symptoms of kidney stones includeAcute and severe pain Below your ribs, on your side and on the back, says Mayo Clinic. The pain can come in waves, shine towards your groin and change intensity. You can also feel burns when you urine, nausea and vomiting, and in case of infection, fever and chills. As painful as they are, they generally do not cause any permanent damage-and you may not even need medical assistance to pass them.

"Depending on your situation, you may need nothing more than taking pain medication and drinking a lot of water to pass a kidney stone," said the Mayo clinic website. However, you should consult your health care provider if you have renal stone symptoms - and if the pain is serious, go to the emergency room.

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Your blood group can put you more at risk for certain conditions.

Doctor looking at vial of blood

OurThe blood is classified Depending on what type of antigens present there, according to Penn Medicine. You can have one, B, AB or O of blood, as well as a positive or negative rhesusus factor, or HR. Like hair color and eye color, you can thank your parents for your blood group: it is genetically inherited.

Recently, researchers discovered that people withSome blood groups are more subject to certain diseases and medical conditions. Your risk of heart disease and heart attack, memory loss and certain cancers can all be affected by your blood group, says Penn Medicine.

People with these blood groups can be more sensitive to kidney stones.

Woman getting blood test

A Swedish study, published in Elife in April 2021, examined the data from the health register on more than five million people and looked for bonds between blood groups and more than a thousand different diseases. They found that people with type B blood were at a lower risk of developing kidney stones - which means that those who have any other blood group can be more at risk.

Renal calculations were not the only condition that researchers connected to the blood group. "Our results highlight new and interesting relationships between conditions such as kidney stones and hypertension induced by pregnancy and the blood group or the group," said the doctorGustaf Edgren, the main author of the study and associate professor of epidemiology at the Karolinska Institute. "They set the foundations for future studies in order to identify the mechanisms behind the development of the disease or to study new ways of identifying and treating individuals suffering from certain conditions."

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Your lifestyle choices can help prevent kidney stones.

A senior woman drinking a glass of tap water

Even if you have type B blood, and therefore a potentially lower risk of developing kidney stones, making some lifestyle choices can help you have even less likely to cope with it. Drinking a lot of water is number oneAvoid a kidney stone, said Healthline. Staying well hydrated allows you to make sure you pee frequently and that your urine will be less concentrated, and therefore more able to dilute the salts that can harden in stones. Eating rich calcium foods and reducing your sodium intake also reduces your risk of kidney stones, according to their experts.

If you worry about kidney stones, or if you do not know your blood group and want to discover it, consult your health care provider.

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