Honey to help: how to stay young and beautiful, without using expensive beauty tools
Honey is known not only for its healing properties, but also anti -aging.

Honey is known not only for its healing properties, but also anti -aging. It is a valuable source of vitamins, various sugars, useful macro- and trace elements. It is not surprising that it is so actively used in cosmetology as an effective skin care products, body and hair. We share secrets how to use this liquid gold at home to preserve youth and beauty for many years.
1. To moisturize and nutrition of the skin of the face
Due to its moisturizing properties, honey actively protects the skin from dryness and premature wrinkles, and also nourishes the skin with useful vitamins and trace elements. With the help of honey, you can get rid of acne. To do this, it is applied with a thin layer to problem areas. Depending on the type of skin, clay, lemon or egg is added to the mask.

2. For hair healing
A healthy shine and density can be returned to the hair, regularly making masks with honey. Being an excellent air conditioner, he also prevents the excision of the tips. Another valuable quality of honey is its powerful antifungal activities. With it, you can forever defeat dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.

3. To care for the lips
Our lips require care and careful moisture, especially in the cold season. The output is simple - regularly make moisturizing masks for lip with liquid gold. Also do not forget about exfoliating scrubs and balms based on this product.

4. To remove unwanted hair
The shugarming procedure is now in great demand in cosmetology. In order to effectively and for a long time to remove unwanted hairs on the body, it is recommended to carry out the removal procedure once every 2 weeks. And yes, shugaring is easy to do at home. Download the desired information on the Internet or watch a teaching video on YouTube.

5. Against cellulite
Honey wraps improve blood circulation and remove toxins from the body, which very positively affects the condition of the skin. Thanks to this procedure, it becomes elastic and tender. Apply a heated honey to problem areas 1-2 times a week, and then wrap it with a special cling film to create a vacuum effect.

6. To soften the cuticle
Dry cutter is another unpleasant problem that ordinary honey can cope with. As we wrote earlier, this product has excellent moisturizing and nutritional properties. Warm honey should be added to a jar with your favorite cuticle cream. An effective moisturizer can be prepared independently at home. To do this, combine a teaspoon of honey with the same amount of olive oil. To treat the cuticle with this mixture, massage the nails twice a week. It is much better to use a natural unprocessed product, which contains pieces of honeycomb and propolis.

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