5 drugs that increase your risk of heart disease, according to doctors

Whether you have a history of heart problems or not, these drugs may raise problems.

Your heart is an incredibly complex organ and, as we know, an extremely vital organ. Given its complexity, it goes without saying that all kindsActivities and habits Can have an effect on the heart and that cardiovascular problems can manifest themselves in a very different way.Heart disease signs Go from bad breath to excessive sweating, and types of activities, habits and lifestyle choices affect your heart health are just as varied. Sitting too much canrisk Cardiac diseases - just like work at night and spend too much time alone.

Medicines can also affectYour heart health, and it is important to know which drugs could increase your risks and keep an open dialogue on this subject with your doctor. "Several drugs can increase the risk of heart damage or exacerbate existing heart damage," warnsLlamas Michelle, BCPA, aDrugwatch defender patient Who recommends talking to your doctor about all the drugs you take and if you - or a family member - have heart disease. "Depending on the risk compared to these drugs for your specific health needs, your medical supplier can always recommend that you take or recommend alternatives," she said. Read on to find out more.

Read this then:Drinking one of this popular drink hurts your heart, discovers a new study.

Nasal decongestants

Woman opening a bottle of nasal spray outdoors.
Mykola Sosiukin / Istock

"Often,Nasal decongestants contain ingredients that tighten your blood vessels, "saidSony Sherpa, Md, whoSpecialized in holistic medicine. "Chronic use of these drugs can cause blood pressure and heart problems."

An ingredient in question is pseudoephedrine, which is in nasal decongestants such as Sudafed. "Over the years there have been reports of heart attacks, strokes, disturbed heart rhythms and heart rhythmsOther cardiovascular problems Linked to the use of pseudoephedrine, "explains Harvard Health." If you have high blood pressure and you need to take the pseudoephedrine, you should have your blood pressure checked more often. ""

Diabetes drugs

Various treatments and tools for diabetes.
Richcano / Istock

A way in which type 2 diabetes drug drugs work by increasing "the quantities of certain natural substances that lower blood sugar levelsWhen it is high"Said Medlineplus, who notes that Sitagliptin is not used to treat type 1 diabetes 1, however, lamas warn that sitagliptin - as well as other type 2 diabetes drugs, including metformin, saxagliptin and rosiglitazone, also known as Avandia, "may increase your risk of cardiovascular problems." Avandia, in particular, could increase the risk of heart attackand heart failureSaid Llamas.

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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Aspirin and Advil pill bottles and pills.
Payphoto / Istock

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), better known as Aspirin, Advil and Motrin, among others, are extremely popular. "These drugs are commonSoulavers of pain and fever, "Explains the Cleveland Clinic." Each day, millions of people choose an NSAID to help them relieve headaches, body pain, swelling, stiffness and fever. "F

ButNSAIDS ONL OR ONVEWED (OTC) can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. "NSAIDs promote water and sodium retention, hampering a good blood flow and stressing the heart," explains Sherpa. "Due to this mechanism, NSAIDs also decrease the effectiveness of blood pressure drugs, especially diuretic drugs."

Antipsychotic drugs

Capsule pills on a white background.
Fahroni / Istock

The functioning of antipsychotic drugs is a question of debate, according to different researchers. "Some scientists believe that certain psychotic experiences are caused by your brainproduce too much From a chemical called dopamine, "explains the mind:" Most antipsychotics are known to block some of the dopamine receptors in the brain [and] this reduces the flow of these messages, which can help reduce your Psychotic symptoms. "Other possible ways These drugs can also work by affecting other brain chemicals." Antipsychotics can lead to a stroke, cardiac arrest or abnormal cardiac rhythms ", explains lamas." Risperidone, haloperidol And chlorpromazine are on this list. "AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Certain cancer drugs

Doctor sitting with a cancer patient.
Fatcamera / Istock

"Cardiotoxicity is a serious unfavorable effect of manyconventional chemotherapy agents, "Sonia Amin Thomas, Pharmd, bcop wrote in an article published byAmerican pharmacist. She explains that cardiotoxicity refers when there is damage to the heart muscle caused by drugs; It is "a known side effect of many conventional chemotherapeutic agents". One of these agents, the taxane, works byCell Division stop, thus blocking the cell growth that occurs with cancer.

"Taxanes such as docetaxel and paclitaxel can also cause heart failure," warns lamas, which note that "cancer drugs in anthracycline class can [also] damage heart muscle, leading to insufficiency Heart. These drugs include doxorubicin and epirubicin. "

If you areStart cancer treatment With drugs that can have an unfavorable effect on your heart, "you can undergo cardiac function testsBefore you start treatment, "Advises the Mayo Clinic". If you have pre -existing heart disease, such as cardiomyopathy, your doctor may suggest a different type of chemotherapy. "The Mayo Clinic also notes that another option is to undergo heart surveillance during treatment", depending on the type of chemotherapy you receive. Surveillance could also continue after treatment, "notes the site.

Best Life offers the most recent information from high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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