Contrary to everyone: the confused love story Charles and Camille

He was called a vile traitor, and her - shameless with a bog. The love story of Camille and Charles is full of sorrows and drama.

He was called a vile traitor, and her - shameless with a bog. The love story of Camille and Charles is full of sorrows and drama. Fortunately, the lovers managed to resist public opinion and, in the end, to get what they dreamed about for so long.

Camilla was always different from his peers. She was interested in sports and politics, had a sharp mind and an excellent sense of humor. Women shunned her, but men, on the contrary, considered it extremely attractive, despite the lack of bright appearance. In his youth, Camilla was still that condensed. And only acquaintance with the pretty officer of the British army put an end to the cycle of parties in her life.

But a passionate romance with Andrew Parker Bowles gradually came to naught. The young man regularly cheated on his girlfriend. Wanting to annoy the chosen one, Camille spun an affair with Prince Wales. Young Charles did not dull the soul in a witty blonde. The timid and shy prince was extremely impressed by her self -confidence and cheerful disposition. In addition, Camilla was not just a lover for him, but also a faithful adviser. In general, a non -binding romance gradually grew into serious feelings.

In 1972, the prince made his lover a marriage proposal. However, unexpectedly received a refusal. By the way, his beloved mother was against his marriage with Camille, who had long been entrenched in the reputation of a windy woman. Elizabeth sent her son on a military campaign for six months. Abroad, Charles overtook the news about the engagement and the upcoming wedding of Camilla Chand and Andrew Parker Bowles.

It would seem that Camilla received what she always dreamed about - she married Andrew. She gave birth to two children to her husband, and Charles became the godfather of her eldest son. However, family life did not work out, and Camilla resumed a love connection with the prince. Queen Mother again intervened in their relationship. The heir to the throne was not worthless to provoke the yellow press on rumors. He should have married. Oddly enough, Camilla was not against such a decision. According to rumors, it was she who insisted that Charles turn his attention to the young Diana Spencer.

The relationship between the spouses was stretched. Meanwhile, Charles found comfort in the arms of the former lover, because she, like no other, understood him. After the birth of Harry Charles and Diana finally cooled to each other. The prince stopped hiding his relationship with Camille and even settled near her estate.

In 1997, Diana died tragically in a car accident. Charles’s mistress began to be accused of all mortal sins, including the death of princesses. The dead rival was much more dangerous than alive. It took almost 10 years to make the hatred of the British to Camille. In 2005, what lovers went to 30 years. The wedding was unexpectedly modest. But, according to eyewitnesses, Camilla and Charles looked especially happy on this day.

Camille inherited all the titles that once belonged to Diana. With the exception of Princess of Wales: Camille did not want to angry devoted fans of the deceased. On September 8, 2022, Charles, who took the name of Charles III after the death of his mother, became the king of Great Britain A Parker Bowles, respectively, the consort queen.

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