This is the only time you should give your cat a bath, veterinarians say
Cats generally hate to get wet, but there are a few cases where it is necessary.

There is a reasonSome veterinarians recommend Use a water spray bottle to form cats: they hate getting wet. So, of course, the bathtub is not a place they appreciate. But is it acceptable to completely give up your feline? The simple answer is yes; This is not something that you should do regularly as you would with a dog. However, there are a few very specific cases in which it may be necessary to bathe a cat. To find out when and why, we talked to veterinarians, who also shared how to do this act that could afflict your kitty. Read the rest for their expert advice.
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Cats "bathe" themselves.

You have probably noticed that your cat's language is rough like sandpaper, and there is a good reason for that.
Mark Freeman, DVM, DABVP and clinical assistant teacher atVirginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, explained to PETMD that "cat languages arecovered with tiny beards, called taste buds [which] are all covered with a very strong keratin sheath. ""
Keratin makes the taste buds very strong, allowing the language to help hunt for food (in the wild), drinking water (since cats do not do so in a traditional way) and prepare. When cats lick, taste buds on their tongue smooth not only their fur, but remove all dirt.
Matthew McCarthy, DVM, founder ofJuniper Valley animal hospital, recountBetter life That he calls it as "language baths". He notes that, according to observation studies, the average cat spends about 15% of their day grooming - it is therefore sure to say that they become fairly clean.
So don't bother with the wipes.

Despite the frequency to which cats were treated themselves, some owners could still think that it is not enough. Many parents of animals will turn to cat wipes like an alternative without water, but McCarthy says that it is not necessary too. “Cats are kept clean and wipe them with certain products, many of which are fragrant, is more often made for us humans than for our kittens. Maybe we think they look dirty, smell, or we are only clean monsters. "He also explains that it could simply upset your cat and make them feel the need to prepare even more.
However, there are a few cases where you may have no choice but to use the bathtub.
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Sometimes cats are too dirty to clean themselves.

Interior cats are generally not dirty, so their normal cleaning routine is very good. But cats that come out also can certainly come so muddy that their own grooming will not cut it. In these cases, a good first attempt is to use a damp towel to clean up dirt, rather than overwhelm than in water. It will be less drying for their skin. However, if the dirt is serious, a bath could be necessary.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
Or sometimes they cannot reach their whole body.

When cats age, their mobility and flexibility can decrease, which makes them difficult to reach certain places on their bodies with their tongue, explainsSimmi Jones, owner of the blogPower point for cats. Likewise, obese cats could also find difficult grooming.
In these cases, "the bath can be a good option as long as it is not more frequently than every 4 to 6 weeks", according toDanny Jackson, co-founder, CEO and editor-in-chief ofCompany lover. "Bathing cats can cause a traumatic response and this is often manifested by behavioral changes."
McCarthy also says that the simple fact of brushing your cat can be effective enough for places that are difficult to reach. And if you have more than one cat, they will get married very often.
This is the only time you should draw a bath.

If your cat has picked up the chips, you may want to put them in the bathtub. "Bathing a cat will kill the fleas, because they will be drowning, it is the most effective way to get rid of it," explainsJacquelyn Kennedy, CEO andFounder of Petdt. But according toRover Compagnie Guardian website, many treatments with topical fleas do not require bathing, so check first with your veterinarian.
McCarthy also highlights ringworm as a skin condition that may require a bath. In such cases,VCA animal hospitals Explains that a treatment that your veterinarian could recommend is "a chlorhexidine + miconazole shampoo or a lime sulfur dip".
In these two cases, McCarthy notes that veterinarians "will recommend a specific shampoo and a bath interval depending on the condition". So do not turn on the water until you talked to your veterinarian.
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Here's how to approach the bath time.

For one of the instances explained above, if you decide that a bath is necessary, make sure you go in the way that will make your cat and you, the most comfortable.
First, cut their nails. Cats can be very upset when wet, which can trigger them to type or scratch you. Then, Kennedy advises cat owners "make sure you do not immerse them entirely and that you do not pour water on their head (you can clean the head and faces with a damp cloth). Use products For cats and hot water. Make sure you have a beautiful, soft towel awaiting them at the end! "
But Kennedy always says that "giving them a bath can disturb their own cleanliness, and the use of certain products can even be harmful to their coat and health". It is always better to consult your veterinarian before making decisions.

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