8 warnings to buyers of former Sephora employees
All to know before your next beauty transport.

If you are made of makeup, there may beNowhere better to shop that Sephora. Of course, some say that their prices are higher than the competitor Ulta, but entering the store is the dream of a beauty lover. They offer everything, from your favorite celebrity brands to their own range of affordable bases. You can buy new pallets, the perfect lip shiny, the best brands of hair products and a memorable perfume in a single shopping trip. And let's not forgetThese birthday gifts. If you are devoted to the beauty chain, you might think that you know everything about the store, but those who have been behind the scenes say the opposite. Read the rest to discover important warnings from the former Sephora employee. You can never take a tester again.
Read this then:5 warnings to buyers of former employees of Bath & Body Works.
1 Do not use store samples, especially LIP products.

It can be tempting to enter a Sephora and literally test everything. But you may want to think twice before ringing a beauty product that has been used by lots of other people, especially lip products.
"I saw people with cold buttons, people with really nasty chapped lips and visibly sick peopleUsing lipsticks and gloss On their mouths, "wrote the former expert in color and perfume Garnetstar28 in a Reddit asks me anything (AMA).
The ex-employee explains that they generally clean the samples with alcohol and cut the ends of the lipsticks so that people use separate baguettes, but there is always the risk of germs. "I would never use, never the testers of mascara on my eyes, many of my colleagues actors have obtained Pinkeye and Styes by doing this."
2 Avoid using makeup moves and cotton towers.

The sanitation station is where you can get make -up derogations and cotton towers to test the items or clean the product you have just tried. But according to ex-employee @sarahpalmyra, it is best to avoid making a stop there. "My work consisted in filling the dissolvant with makeup ... and we have neverClean the container actually The cotton rounds entered… There was simply no time for that. ""AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
The Tiktok beauty guru urges followers of "thinking of bacteria". You can rather ask an employee to make your own sample, then try it completely disinfected at home.
3 Do not buy a product without testing it outside the store.

You can certainly match the color during shopping, and you probably want. In this way, you can guarantee that you have chosen the right corrector or the right foundation for your complexion. But be sure to wear the new shade in natural light before making a purchase.
"I do not know what it is about the fluorescent lighting in Sephora. I will no longer buy a foundation as soon as I was in store in store without going out first and check that the match actually works under Natural light "," Shares @Sarahpalmyra.
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4 Think twice before buying a mini product impulsively.

Admit it - You have picked up one of the many miniature items surrounding the line for the boxes. These small versions of your favorite products are perfect for traveling or keeping in your handbag, but @sarahpalmyra says you may want to give up the purchase of impulse. "I will no longer buy any of the minis they sell by the cash register. These are really cute for aesthetics, but they are terrible and are generally not worth money."
5 Do not bring an almost empty container for store credit.

Like the most popular retail chains, Sephora facilitates yields. But do not try to overcome them by bringing an empty or almost empty product back.
"We are taking things back if it was less halfway, but not if it was used more than that," notes Garnetstar28 in the AMA Reddit. They add that their manager would often present themselves to the arguments with customers on this subject, but in the end, they would not accept the product used for a return.
6 Stop making so much feedback.

If you are of the type that makes a lot of feedback, you could find yourself in hot water in Sephora. "Your account can be reported forgo back, resulting in a declining yield, "explains the ex-employee @sereenaoc in a tiktok video. If you are a passionate buyer (say that you work in the makeup field) or that you return some items, you do not have Not to worry about it; "The falling back is that if they thought that the system was mistreated by a serial turner-up," she explains.
Read this then:5 warnings to buyers of the former T.J. Employees Maxx.
7 Know that men may find it difficult to get help.

Men also like beauty products, but some non -female buyers have expressed that it is difficult to draw attention. Often, however, the employees of Sephora do not deliberately ignore you. "It could also be that the store you frequent generally only sees guys because they are with their friends," said Garnetstar28 in the AMA Reddit.
8 Do not buy anything without comparing prices.
It can be so easy to buy the first thing you see in Sephora (whether you need it or not). But before leaving, if you are looking for something in particular, be sure to check the online price. You will also want to see when the big sales are, although you can always get a price adjustment.
Former employeeMolly Burford Explained at the catalog thought that even if you get a late coupon or buy something before it is sold, "if you come back within two weeks of purchase, they will do itpricing. "Keep these receipts!

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