The most dishonest zodiac sign, according to astrologers

They will be misleading on the most insignificant things, sometimes for no reason at all.

Although we would all like to believe that all those with whom we come into contact are honest and decent, this is not always the case. The defect of some people is to lie, whether it is something small like where they bought their jacket or something more important, as with whom they spent the night. But it doesn't matter if they are small white or downright deception, these indiscretionsMake these people who are not trustworthy. This could however be their horoscope which is partly to blame. Read the rest to discover what signs of the zodiac say that astrologers say they are the most dishonest, slightly shaded with excessively misleading.

Read this then:The most emotionally unavailable zodiac sign, according to astrologers.


headshot of anxious woman

This water panel does not mean being dishonest, but in their constant quest forMake sure they don't offend anyone, they could let a white bed. Ask a fish to spend time when they feel exhausted, and they will pretend to have to work late and pray so that you do not find them lying on their sofa.

These people-plates cannot manage responsibility either when they spoil. "While fish may seem soft and sincere, they can reside in their close relationships to hide infidelity and attract attention," saidPsychic and astrologer Stina Garbis. The intention is not necessarily bad, but it makes them difficult to trust.


A lawyer signing papers on his desk
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Libras are all about balance and justice. They are not sneaky, but they will not hesitate to be a little devious if it benefits the greatest good. This is why they make lawyers so impeccable. "Their lies will flow like a river to avoid hurting someone or simply to keep the world in harmony," saidastrologer, clairvoyant and spiritual coachTara Bennet.

Sometimes, however, they can get carried away a little. "If the listener is engaged, Balance will add a cherry manufacturing on the top," explainsMrs. IGEE, a spirituality expert and astrologer atHigher online vibes. And because they are so clear, they will keep their lies straight and will not be taken like other signs.

Read this then:The most whin-zodiac sign, according to astrologers.


four women laughing and eating at a dinner party

Leoslikes to be the center of attention, and when they are not, they will use unscrupulous means to bring them back the spotlight. "These lions are for attention and often do not know that they do it," explains Bennet. This will usually raise their heads in the wild stories they tell you about their getaways.

Valerie Evans, aTrue crime astrologer and host ofLegalist astrologer On Youtube, explains that this behavior is also because they are the lion sign. "Leos must innovate to be sneaky, cunning and smooth before leaping." So, the next time you meet a lion during a party, take their story to hang out with a celebrity with a grain of salt.


bad friend

You may be wondering how a sign of land like the Virgin made on this list, but it istheir perfectionist trends It makes them dishonest. They prefer to tell you how they spent hours preparing this delicious meal than admitting that they lacked time and ordered take -out dishes.

But if a virgin tells you a lie, you might even not notice it. Bennet says that they were "born with an attentive eye for the details, making their lies and dishonesty difficult to spot". And because they are so analytical, everything about what they say, you will align yourself and make sense.

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Bored man listening to friend talking
Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock

Geminis do not want to lie, but sometimes they get carried away when they are in their element and who socialize. They will be so taken in the euphoria that they feel when everyone listens to their stories that they start to embellish. "Lies and deception easily come to these twins, whose vision of reality is generally vague," explains Bennet. Since they do not have self -awareness of other signs, she notes that the gemines "often find it difficult to distinguish the fact of fiction".AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Evans also notes that Gemini is governed by Mercury, which is the planet of communication, but also "the Filou du Zodiac". And it is for this reason that they are able to justify all dishonest actions for themselves. WhetherThis talkative sign is not prudent, they will begin to believe their own relief.


liar crossing fingers

Scorpions are known to be intense and mysterious, and therefore they are themost lonely sign of the zodiac . Several times, this is fueled by cunning behavior and deceptions. "Regular by Pluto, the Scorpios have a deep link with their dark side and are dishonest," warns Bennet. And when they act in a misleading way, she says that they will not feel guilty if the lie "serves their own program".

Part of the mystery of Scorpion is how secret they are. So sometimes their dishonesty also prevents omission. According Aimi Davis , an astrologer at Online mediums , Scorpion is "one of the most turbulent and erratic signs of the zodiac as well as one of the worst liars". They generally retain information or extend the truth to protect their deep vulnerabilities, but at least you can say when this happens.

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