This is how much the Moderna booster protects you from the new variants cocovated

A new study highlighted the effectiveness of the last blow against the last versions of the virus.

In many ways, the public seems ready to completely overcome the cocovable pandemic and to come back to life as before the disease begins to spread. But the virus still weighs a consecutive serious by circulating through the population, posingA serious health problem to many of those he infects. The pathogen itself has also kept the medical community on its guard, each new subvariant creating new challenges for immunity against the disease-without mentioning the fact that it is much more than a year since the release of Very effective vaccines that helped brake part of the worst results of the disease. Additional blows are now deployed to continue the fight and ensure public security. And now new research shows how much Moderna's latest booster can protect against the new cocovio variants. Read the rest to see what the new snapshot can do for you.

Read this then:This dreaded side effects "increases", says a new study.

Covid still spreads to a considerable rate in the United States

A young woman swabbing her nose for an at-home COVID test in front of her tablet

The last two and a half years of life under the pandemic have had the most eager to go beyond the virus. However, there are still many evidence that suggests that it always has a serious effect on the population. Even if the numbers have decreased from a summer wave, the United States still reports an average of54,239 new coated infections per day to September 25, according to data fromThe New York Times. And while hospitalization and mortality rates of the virus are much lower than at the height of the pandemic, the national daily averages are still respectively at 29,835 and 432.

Much of this was exacerbated by the evolution of the virus to a new high transmissible form. Research shows that new BA.4 or BA subv. 5. areFour times as a resistantat the antibodies of vaccines that the BA.2 previously dominant, even if the shots always help significantly to protect against diseases and serious death, according to a study published in July in the journalScience. Fortunately, the vaccines remitt their additional shots to make them more effective against the latest ramifications. And now new data show what type of protection these boosters can offer.

A new study has highlighted the quantity of Moderna's latest booster can protect you from the cocovan.

A scientist completing a study in a lab looking into a microscope while wearing full protective gear

In a new study published on September 16The New England Journal of Medicine, the researchers examined the health data of 374 patients who had a second photo of theOriginal modern booster Mrna-1273 and 435 which received the latest version, MRNA-1273.214, at least three months after their last booster. The team emphasizes that the new "Bivalent" shot contains two flaps of mRNA, one of which is for the original strain of the virus and another which specifically targets the omicron ba.1 variant, while the mRNA-1273 is concentrated Only on the original strain.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

During the study, the results revealed that 11 participants who received the updated booster - or 2.5% - contracted the virus, while nine - or 2.4% - of patients who had received the Original plan tested positive for the virus. The study notes that no participating has been hospitalized or visited the emergency room due to the virus.

The team concluded that the updated shooting "aroused responses to neutralize antibodies against omicron which were superior to those who have mRNA-1273, without obvious concern" 28 days after its reception. They added that "the extent of the difference in the responses exceeded the recommended superiority criteria".

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Previous studies have revealed that new modern strokes were relatively effective against the latest subvariants.

General practitioner vaccinating old patient at home with copy space. Doctor giving injection to senior woman at home. Nurse holding syringe and using cotton before make Covid-19 or coronavirus vaccine.

This is not the first research on the effectiveness of the fourth blow. In June, Moderna ran initialBooster tests updated Before receiving the approval of the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), with data noting that it produced "sustainable protection against the whole family of omicron variants", reports Reuters. The update photo was finally approved for use earlier this month.

"This is a strong and powerful antibody response,"Paul Burtonsaid Moderna's head doctor at a press conference. "It is probably durable, and I think that the conclusions are that strengthening or primary vaccination with (the updated vaccine) could really be a turning point in our fight against the Sars-Cov-2 virus."

Health managersechoed the study results. "It is reasonable to expect that we know about the immunology and the science of this virus that these new vaccines will offer better protection against infection, better protection against transmission and better continuous protection and better against serious illnesses ","Ashish Jha, MD, the co-19 coordinator of the White House, said at a press conference earlier this month.

The researchers also underlined theSecurity of the latest version of the vaccine, even if the new bivalent offer includes a new formula. "The officials explained in a press conference that they have a wide experience of tension changes for annual flu vaccines, which do not require clinical trials", "eitherH. Dirk Sostman, MD, university director of the Houston methodist hospital, in an interview. "In fact, the ability to adapt a vaccine to the viral variant currently in circulation is one of the great advantages of mRNA vaccine technology."

However, few people have chosen to get their additional blows.

Photo of doctor update information about patient before vaccination.

Although research argues that the latest boosters can offer great protection against the variants, deployment is slow to start. The data show thatonly 4.4 million Americans have chosen to receive additional shot so far, reports Market Watch. But officials said it would probably be just a matter of time before more and more people appear to the new JAB.

"I expect it to come back in the coming weeks," said Jha recently by Market Watch. “We thought and talked about it as an annual vaccine like the flu vaccine. That it was a strong start, we actually expect that it increases stronger. ""

And even if the last modern booster will provide increased protection against the last variants, experts point out that we will probably have to get used to a reasonably regular update at the moment. "It is not yet clear how much boosters will be necessary, but many experts say that it is reasonable to expect this - at least for the next few years while we continue to build the" wall of Immunity "against COVID -19 - The shots for 19 given an annual calendar like the flu vaccine, a vaccine to whom we are already used to changing each year," said Sostman.

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