Eat salad every day: what effects on our body?

Often recommended in slimming diets for its low calorie content, is eating salad daily really good for our body?

Salad is one of the flagship foods of summer. There are no less than 250 varieties around the world. Often recommended in slimming diets for its low calorie content, is eating salad daily really good for our body?

Answer all your questions in this article.

A thirsty food

Composed at 95 % water, the salad is very quenchurning. It is a major ally against constipation and promotes the maintenance of a good transit. Its water content also makes it the ideal food for summer, especially during heat waves.

A slimming ally

Very low in calories, the salad is an ally of choice to keep the line. Indeed, it allows us to regulate our appetite and increase our feeling of satiety.


The salad is also very rich in vitamins. Thanks to its vitamin C content, folic acid and beta-carotene, this vegetable contributes to the renewal of cells. The salad also contributes to maintaining the immune system, the renewal of the skin and the good health of the eyes.

Real asset for our health

Spinach, lettuce, lamb's lettuce, as well as arugula, have antioxidant properties. According to some studies, salad in all its forms could prevent cancer. In addition, thanks to the amount of polyphenols it contains, salad facilitates the absorption of cholesterol and participates in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Higher energy consumption

The salad is a vegetable full of benefits. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that raw foods require more energy to be assimilated. This is why, if you consume too many raw foods, your digestive system will be weakened and you could suffer from bloating.


As we have seen, the salad is rich in vitamins. However, it should not be overlooked that only consuming salad can cause iron, calcium and vitamin B12 deficiencies. These deficiencies would weaken your bones and could cause anemia, with all the symptoms that result from it. Your muscles, especially those on the back and legs, could also frequently suffer from cramps. Finally, you could quickly suffer from depression, memory disorders and hypertension. The latter can quickly and irreversibly weaken your heart.

The presence of pesticides

Also pay attention to pesticides. The salad, especially the heart of lettuce, has recently been the subject of a public health problem. A study by the ecological NGO future generations revealed that the heart of lettuce, normally rich in vitamins B and C, as well as in beta-carotene, would not ultimately have the expected nutrient content.

Furthermore, after having screened many salads such as batavias, oak leaves and other salads present in our supermarkets, the organization has found traces of DDT, a carcinogenic pesticide however prohibited in France since 1971. This pesticides would be present in almost 6.5 % of salads. The scandal does not stop there: 9.67 % of the rockets and scaroles would contain prohibited products, including imidacloprid.

The accumulation of these pesticides in the body and the reactions caused by the meeting between different substances can be toxic to the body.

Your body needs all kinds of foods to be healthy. You should not ignore starchy foods, proteins, legumes and other foods that are part of a healthy and varied diet.

You can therefore consume it daily without moderation, provided that it serves you as a basic or accompaniment, and not as a dish strictly speaking.

Categories: Beauty
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